Green Initiatives

As part of Towson University’s ongoing Go Green Initiative, Parking & Transportation Services offers discounted parking permits and special incentives for owners of EPA certified SmartWay Elite Vehicles.

EPA Certified SmartWay Elite Vehicle

Tigers Go Green

Eligible faculty, staff and students can obtain an Annual Tigers Go Green Parking Permit at a discounted rate.

  • Please note that only SmartWay Elite vehicles may be linked to a Tigers Go Green Permit.
  • Student applications must be renewed annually.
  • See our Regulations (PDF) for more information on Tigers Go Green Permit Program.
  • Find out if your vehicle is SmartWay Elite. (PDF)  Follow the easy steps.
  • Green Visitor Parking Permits:  If your vehicle is certified SmartWay Elite, you can also purchase discounted visitor parking at the yellow paystations located throughout the campus.  Please keep in mind that non-SmartWay Elite visitors using a Green Visitor Permit are subject to a $300 fine.

Tigers Go Green Application (PDF)

More Information on Tigers Go Green (PDF)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations

  • FREE Electric vehicle charging stations are located in all garages and several surface lots on campus.
  • Must have a valid TU parking permit and be charging the vehicle while parked in the EV parking space at all times.
  • Any non-electric vehicles parked in the charging station spaces will be cited and or towed at the owner's expense.
  • Charging stations provided by ChargePoint.  Find out more information and open an account with ChargePoint
  • See our Regulations (PDF) for more information on EV Charging Stations.

Benefits of Fuel Efficient and Electric Vehicles

  • Saves you money, both on parking permits and fuel.
  • Contributes to TU's sustainability commitment and Go Green Initiatives.
  • Reduces the university's greenhouse gas inventory.
  • Reduces the university's costs on fuel for its own vehicle fleet.
  • Supports and encourages the electric vehicle market.
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