Festive Season Opening Hours

Positive Action in Housing is closed to the public during the festive season. We will close on Friday 23 December 2016 and will re-open on Monday 9 January 2017.

Service Information

All our advice surgeries for people from refugees, migrant and BME communities: the Homelessness Service, Lifeline Destitution Service, Money Skills Project, and New Migrants Action Project are now offered mainly by appointment.
These services also operate in additional locations across Glasgow. We will provide more details about this soon.

N.B. OFFICE CLOSED – 23rd Dec to  9th Jan 2017

Contact Information

For all enquiries and referrals, email home@positiveactionh.org . Alternatively, call 0141 353 2220.

Donate from as little as £5 a month


Supporting Positive Action in Housing with a regular gift or donation is the best way you can help us achieve our long term goals. Your help will allow us to keep up the pressure, campaigning for the human rights of refugee communities across the globe.

Annual Report 2016
Download our latest Annual Report

If everyone reading this right now gave £5 a month, our fundraiser would be done. To protect our independence, we are sustained by donations averaging about £25 a year.  Only a tiny portion of our subscribers give. We’re a small charity with costs of developing cutting edge projects such as Room for Refugees, our Lifeline service and digital food bank.  To help us reach those in greatest need, please consider making a regular donation to our charitable and humanitarian work.

You can safely and securely give a regular or single payment online using BT MyDonate – just click here.

Or make a regular or one off payment into our bank account. Click here for more info.

Want to raise free donations for Positive Action in Housing through easy-fundraising? Just shop online for groceries, utilities, car insurance, Broadband /TV and more here .

Alternatively, support us by becoming a member by clicking here

Room for Refugees Refugee Hosting Scheme



With the ongoing refugee crisis, we now have almost 3,500* refugee hosts ready to offer free shelter in their homes. As well as our own casework team , Room for refugees is working in partnership with the British Red Cross, the Refugee Council, and 147 caseworkers from other refugee organisations all over the UK to match potential hosts with refugees who have no recourse to emergency housing, support or funds.

If you are interested and have space to take someone in, whether it’s for a few days, an extended period, or anything in between, please register as a host. It doesn’t matter where you live. Watch out for network meetings in your local area too. You’re not just hosting refugees, your part of  a fast growing movement of people speaking up for refugees fleeing war torn countries trying to gain safe passage to Europe.

We have over 13 years of expertise in safe hosting. Our charity pioneered the UK’s first refugee hosting scheme in 2003 following an increasing number of refugees being made absolutely destitute by the UK government. It has a 100% safety track record, we request full disclosure from hosts, and ensure a risk assessment of each match and safety checks thereafter.

The UK government, in its ‘wisdom’ has rejected any notion of using schemes like ours to resettle Syrian refugees, but ironically we are still sheltering destitute Syrian (and other) refugees.

Click here for more info

Working together to rebuild lives.