• Deaths in the Mediterranean: the European Council’s dishonour

    Brussels, 24 April 2015
    23 April 2015 was a terrible day: the European Council, that was at last to “take action” as regards a “tragic” situation in the Mediterranean, merely attempted to shelter the European Union and its Member States from migrants by toughening border protection.
    The European Union Heads of Government, who met with great ado, had but one message for those thousands of human beings – men, women and children – who risk death and often find it, attempting to reach a place to (...) Read more

  • Messengers

    A documentary of Hélène CROUZILLAT and Laetitia TURA

    “Where are they, all these persons gone but never arrived?”Messengers is on the fragile limit that separate alive migrants and dead ones. This focus on dead people with no tomb questions the ghost part of Europe.
    Charlotte Garson for the « Catalogue du Cinéma du Réel », 2014
    Trailer: https://vimeo.com/107571334
    From the Sahara to Melilla, witnesses talk about how they narrowly escaped death, which took away their companions, literally and symbolically, as migrants drowned at the border. People (...) Read more

  • No respect for Human Rights with Frontex

    As the European Council meets to adopt strategic guidelines that will shape future EU policies in the area of freedom, security and justice, “Incompatibility between Frontex’s activities and the full respect of fundamental rights persists,” reaffirms the Frontexit Campaign. Frontexit is publishing today an overview of the information it has collected about the Agency since the campaign’s launch in March 2013.
    We trust that the new guidelines will take into account the tragic death of 366 (...) Read more

  • 63 Migrants Died in the Mediterranean - The French Army to Finally Explain Itself

    Paris, June 26, 2014 - Pursuant to the disastrous Left-to-die-boat incident which took the life, in March 2011, of 63 people near the coast of Libya, at the height of the the Mediterranean military operations, a few survivors and several organisations filed a complaint on June 14, 2013, accusing the French army of not providing assistance to persons in danger.
    Without the slightest investigation investigating, the presiding judge, on December 6, 2013, announced there was no grounds to (...) Read more

  • The new mandate of Frontex agency The EU obsessed with waging a war against migrants and refugees

    In the past three years, the joint campaign Frontexit has denounced the incompatibility of the Frontex agency with the respect of fundamental rights. The establishment of a new European border guard body to replace Frontex, which the European Parliament approved last 6 July, is yet another step further in the war waged by the European Union (EU) against migrants and refugees.
    Over a year since the announcement that Frontex agency would be reinforced to address the so-called « migration (...) Read more



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