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Inquiry into Rate Capping Policy - Public hearings

On Tuesday 18 October, the Municipal Association of Victoria and the Victorian Local Governance Association will be among several organisations presenting their views to the next public hearing on the Victorian Government’s rate capping policy. The public hearing by... Read more

Inquiry into the Retirement Housing Sector - Public hearings

On Wednesday 19 October, stakeholders in the retirement housing sector will present their views at the next public hearing for the retirement housing inquiry. The public hearing will be held from 10:30 am in the Council Chambers of the Ballarat Town Hall.... Read more

Inquiry into Infrastructure Projects - Public hearings

The Economy and Infrastructure Committee will hold public hearings on Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 October for its inquiry into infrastructure projects. The Committee will hear from Victorian health and transport organisations, including the Victorian Heart Hospital, Bendigo Health, VicRoads and Melbourne Metro... Read more

School and Booked Tours

The Parliament of Victoria offers a range of activities for students at primary, secondary, tertiary and adult education levels. These activities include tours, role plays and metropolitan school visits.

Large groups or organisations of 6 or more people are also encouraged to book one of our tours. To check the availability of for each type of tour please click here.

Parliament House in the 21st Century

Watch as the new addition to Parliament House takes shape

 Parliament Extension

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Latest News & Events

Students debate equal rights

2016schoolsconvention1More than 90 students have participated in the 2016 Secondary Schools’ Parliamentary Convention at Parliament House.

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New portrait for historic collection

Baillieu1The official portrait of Victoria’s 46th Premier, the Hon Ted Baillieu, has been unveiled.

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Parliament Prize awarded

Parliament Prize 2016The Parliament Prize awards have been presented at Parliament House to students from three schools.

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Follow the Assembly live

Assembly Live Assembly Live is a new service that allows you to follow the business of the Legislative Assembly as it happens.

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Hitting the right note for Music Week

MMWMelbourne Music Week is coming to Parliament House this year, with two events scheduled.

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Courageous petitioners celebrated

SuffrageexhibitionthumbnailThe 125th anniversary of the Women’s Suffrage Petition has been celebrated in Melbourne and in Ballarat.

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Community input invited on plastic bag bill

Plastic Bag BillPublic submissions are being invited on legislation to restrict the supply and sale of plastic bags in Victoria.

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On This Day

Monday, 18 October, 1999

Premier Steve Bracks signed the Memorandum of Understanding and delivered this to the Governor, Sir James Gobbo, after three Independent lower house MPs, Russell Savage (Mildura) and Susan Davies (West Gippsland) and Craig Ingram (Gippsland East), agree to support a Labor Government in Victoria.