Tourism, fisheries and environmental groups have pledged to continue to fight plans by oil giant BP to dig two new wells of up to two kilometres deep in waters off the South Australian coastline.

A 35-day delay to ship capping technology to Australia in the event of a major oil spill has prompted warnings the Great Australian Bight could suffer an environmental disaster to rival the 2010 Deepwater Horizon catastrophe.|Di Tom McIlroy

The garbage chute - how it works and the theories about how Ms Handsjuk came to be inside it - make up Episode two of the Fairfax investigative podcast, Phoebe's Fall.

In 30 years in the waste game, Neil Bone had never heard of anybody falling to their death down a garbage chute until Phoebe Handsjuk died.|Di Michael Bachelard

Mr Dutton's department says it has 82 communications staff, 22 of whom are dedicated to its "24/7 media operations", with staff salaries ranging from $60,000 to $115,000.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton's army of spin doctors and communications staff is costing taxpayers more than $8 million a year.|Di Adam Gartrell

It appears Brad Pitt has agreed to random drug and alcohol testing in temporary custody deal, and he would be supervised by a therapist when he first visits his children.

The first legal steps in the Brangelina divorce have produced a temporary deal on child custody.|Di Maria Puente

An "SOS" button is being piloted in cars in Johannesburg, accessible to drivers and linked to the company's central security system.

After a string of alleged attacks on passengers triggered safety concerns, the popular app-based car service is rolling out an "SOS" button in some vehicles.|Di Krista Mahr

Staying put for the long weekend? Take a bar crawl from the Brisbane CBD to the Valley, from the mini-golf course in a church to the Brisbane's newest rooftop bar.

No less than five fabulous new bars have opened in Brisbane over the past week, ready to hit up for the long weekend.

Underdogs to wonderdogs: Bulldogs make history.

The Western Bulldogs defied history and the odds to win a hard-fought AFL grand final over Sydney Swans at the MCG.|Di Rohan Connolly

"I just don't think Australia likes them as much."

Three weeks ago, the media couldn't get enough of Richie Strahan, this year's pretty, blue-eyed sacrificial lamb on the dating slaughterhouse that is Channel Ten's hit show The Bachelor.|Di Andrew Hornery

Over the years the Donald has issued a stream of needlessly cruel and seemingly off-the-cuff insults...

Inside Trump Tower, a restless figure stirred in the pre-dawn darkness, nursing his grievances and grabbing a device that often lands him in hot water.|Di Alan Rappeport

By this time next week, Stewart Harris and his workmates will all be unemployed. They've known this day was coming – for three years now, in fact – since Ford, Holden and Toyota told Australians they were closing their car factories down forever.

By this time next week hundreds of Ford workers will be out of a job.|Di Nick Toscano

Can every dog have its day or will this be their swan song?

Join us for live coverage of the biggest day on the AFL calendar.|Di Larissa Nicholson

When Yuko Takamatsu took to diving, it wasn't to start a new leisure pursuit but part of a tragic response to the tsunami that devastated Japan in 2011... "I'm trying to find my wife in the sea."

More than five years after Japan's devastating tsunami, some are still desperately looking for their loved ones.|Di Jennifer Percy

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has again disparaged former Miss Universe Alicia Machado's character during an early morning tweet storm on Friday, accusing her of having a "sex tape."

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has again disparaged former Miss Universe Alicia Machado's character during a tweet storm on Friday, accusing her of having a "sex tape."|Di Jose A. DelReal

Member for Mt Isa Robbie Katter spent more than $90,000 on travel and $22,140.66 on "air warrant" travel in 2015-16 and says he also paid $8000 out of his own pocket to keep travel costs down.

Highest costs in massive western Queensland electorates.|Di Felicity Caldwell

The appearance of Queensland Rail passenger trains in a Brisbane City Council promotional video for its metro project has prompted the Transport Minister to call for council funding for the state government's trains.

Tit-for-tat funding request after trains star in council video.|Di Cameron Atfield

Why do bosses get big bonuses simply for doing their jobs?

Large listed companies have made an art form out of developing new and sometimes bizarre criteria for awarding executives money.|Di Elizabeth Knight

Sea World hopes to have its Storm Coaster attraction back in action this weekend after it came to a sudden stop on Friday, leaving thrill-seekers stranded.

Sea World hopes to have its Storm Coaster attraction back in action this weekend after it came to a sudden stop on Friday, leaving thrill-seekers stranded.

Doggies or Swans?

Our footy scribes have had to name their winner for the 2016 AFL grand final, the winning margin and their tip for the Norm Smith Medal.

AFL, Cricket Australia, Movember and others may have been defrauded as part of an alleged rort by a collapsed advertising agency.

Leading businesses including the AFL, Cricket Australia and Movember may have been defrauded by Ambient Advertising.|Di Nick McKenzie

Queensland drug labs are on the wane, but police say it is because of cheap illegal drugs pouring in from overseas and flooding the market.

Queensland's criminal drug manufacturers are being run out of business as cheaper, higher quality narcotics flood through the state's borders, police say.|Di Jorge Branco