[ Brisbane Times ]

Gable Tostee trial: NZ tourist Warriena Wright had 80 separate injuries

Date: October 13 2016

New Zealand tourist Warriena Wright's body had so many injuries it almost "folded over itself" from her fall from Gable Tostee's 14th floor balcony, a jury has heard.

Mr Tostee, 30, is on trial in the Brisbane Supreme Court after pleading not guilty to Ms Wright's murder in the early hours of August 8, 2014.

Pathologist Dianne Little told the court on Thursday Ms Wright had 80 separate injuries to her body and had "almost folded over itself" by the time she examined it two days later.

Mr Tostee has pleaded not guilty in the Brisbane Supreme Court to murdering Ms Wright.

It is alleged he intimidated Ms Wright so greatly she felt the only way to escape his apartment was to climb down from the balcony after he had locked her out there.

The pair met on dating app Tinder on August 1 while Ms Wright was in Australia for a two-week vacation to attend a friend's wedding.

In their initial chat, Mr Tostee told Ms Wright "you look delicious. I want to do dirty things to you".

He also asked her whether she was a "freak in the sheets".

"Let's get drunk together, I'm a pornstar after a few drinks!" Mr Tostee said.

The jury has been shown CCTV footage that captured the pair meeting in person for the first time on the Thursday night and Ms Wright's final moments in public as she got into the lift at Mr Tostee's apartment building.

The footage also shows Mr Tostee leaving the building at 2.25am through the basement car park just minutes after Ms Wright fell to her death.

Phone records tendered in court reveal Mr Tostee did not call triple zero but instead tried to contact criminal law firm Potts Lawyers as well as his father Gray Tostee.

He also paced about the Gold Coast entertainment precinct and bought a pizza in the hour after Mr Wright's fall, the jury saw.

Once the evidence in My Tostee's trial has concluded, prosecutor Glen Cash and defence barrister Saul Holt QC will give their closing submissions, followed by Justice John Byrne's directions to the jury.