Blogging was where we began, and how we built our company so we have preserved this archive to show how our thinking developed over a decade of developing the use of social technology inside organisations


Posts with a intelligence theme

The Social Business Index is open

The Social Business Index launches to the public today. This is the first Dachis Group service based on our Social Business Intelligence as a Service (SBIaaS) platform and we think it is a big step towards providing companies with benchmarking and performance data for their social engagement efforts.

Categories About, Corporate, Customer Participation, Enterprise, Future Trends, Media and Publishing, Platforms Tags , , , , , ,

Moving from Social Media Monitoring to Social Business Intelligence

Sharing and acting on real-time data for business improvement

Categories Best of, Corporate, Customer Participation, Enterprise, Future Trends, Presentations Tags , , , , , , ,

Some practical steps towards collective intelligence in the enterprise

Looking beyond the immediate challenge of the adoption of social tools in the enterprise,
what can we hope to achieve when there is a healthy ‘flow’ of content, traffic and ideas flowing around internal networks? Companies with hundreds or thousands of people have the scale required to achieve some interesting network effects, and through intelligent use of social tools, basic forms of collective intelligence are remarkably achievable.

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SNA tools: what are we measuring?

SNA tools have a certain allure, since they sound logical; but the problem is the data we have to feed them. Email and Document stores are not enough to produce a real picture of organisational networks. We need first to create the myriad of weak signals that can allow online social networks to develop before we can hope to derive actionable intelligence.

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Forms of collective intelligence

George Por links about collective intelligence

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Associative Link Analysis in data mining

Associative Link Analysis tries to quantify the “small world” property of networks in order to derive business startegies for recognising and responding to patterns in business intelligence data.

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From networked individualism to “we” blogs

George Por’s Blog of Collective Intelligence today posted an article called From networked individualism to “we” blogs

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Social thermodynamics and mapping the world

Blog of Collective Intelligence: Social thermodynamics and mapping the world

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CI: one acronym – two opposing world views

Is Competitive Intelligence really a sensible approach to knowledge management in the Internet age, or does the concept of Cooperative Intelligence promise greater rewards?

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