Blogging was where we began, and how we built our company so we have preserved this archive to show how our thinking developed over a decade of developing the use of social technology inside organisations


Posts with a design theme

Social Experience Design: one method, two tools, three tips, the lecture

Given how much I like teaching, last week for me was great: I had to speak at UX Conference 2011 in Lugano, and I got an invite to give a lecture at Digital Accademia near Venice the day before. The topic was one of my core subjects: Social Experience Design, tailored for the specificity of the… read full post

Categories Best of, Customer Participation, Enterprise, Events, Platforms, Presentations Tags , , , , , ,

What makes for longevity in a large company or a city?

The average lifespan of a company is actually falling, and as they grow beyond a certain level of scale, so too is productivity. Dave Gray consider why this is, and compares the factors that make for a successful city with those that lead to long-lived companies.

Categories Best of, Corporate, Enterprise, Future Trends, Workforce Collaboration Tags , , , , ,

Nudge, motivation and the design of systems

The concept of “nudge” seems to be trending in the public consciousness of the UK at the moment. But why do some people find it morally questionable? And how can it be used in the effective design of systems, processes and working practices? The idea of structuring situations so certain actions or choices are easier… read full post

Categories Best of, Enterprise Tags , , , ,

New BBC homepage in beta testing

New BBC homepage design in testing – what do you think?

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Soapboxes in cyberspace: how can the media facilitate debate online?

Event: What have we learned from new forms of online debate, and what is the role of the mainstream media in facilitating good quality debate in the future?

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WANTED: Web designer/builder

Headshift are looking for a talented web designer/builder who is excited by elegant, accessible interface design and committed to the development of the next generation of social software applications

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An intro to personas

Personas are normally used during the design process to think about user needs, but they also have an ongoing role in content and network development

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Innovation in interaction design

Some links to pieces about IA and interaction design that caught my eye recently

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Emotional Design

Chris Heathocte reviews Don Norman’s book on emotional design

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Attention, “absent presence” and designing for meaning

Matt Jones sees the issue of absent presence as a design challenge

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