Best-selling journalist Antony Loewenstein trav­els across Afghanistan, Pakistan, Haiti, Papua New Guinea, the United States, Britain, Greece, and Australia to witness the reality of disaster capitalism. He discovers how companies such as G4S, Serco, and Halliburton cash in on or­ganized misery in a hidden world of privatized detention centers, militarized private security, aid profiteering, and destructive mining.

Disaster has become big business. Talking to immigrants stuck in limbo in Britain or visiting immigration centers in America, Loewenstein maps the secret networks formed to help cor­porations bleed what profits they can from economic crisis. He debates with Western contractors in Afghanistan, meets the locals in post-earthquake Haiti, and in Greece finds a country at the mercy of vulture profiteers. In Papua New Guinea, he sees a local commu­nity forced to rebel against predatory resource companies and NGOs.

What emerges through Loewenstein’s re­porting is a dark history of multinational corpo­rations that, with the aid of media and political elites, have grown more powerful than national governments. In the twenty-first century, the vulnerable have become the world’s most valu­able commodity. Disaster Capitalism is published by Verso in 2015.

Profits_of_doom_cover_350Vulture capitalism has seen the corporation become more powerful than the state, and yet its work is often done by stealth, supported by political and media elites. The result is privatised wars and outsourced detention centres, mining companies pillaging precious land in developing countries and struggling nations invaded by NGOs and the corporate dollar. Best-selling journalist Antony Loewenstein travels to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Haiti, Papua New Guinea and across Australia to witness the reality of this largely hidden world of privatised detention centres, outsourced aid, destructive resource wars and militarized private security. Who is involved and why? Can it be stopped? What are the alternatives in a globalised world? Profits of Doom, published in 2013 and released in an updated edition in 2014, challenges the fundamentals of our unsustainable way of life and the money-making imperatives driving it. It is released in an updated edition in 2014.
forgodssakecover Four Australian thinkers come together to ask and answer the big questions, such as: What is the nature of the universe? Doesn't religion cause most of the conflict in the world? And Where do we find hope?   We are introduced to different belief systems – Judaism, Christianity, Islam – and to the argument that atheism, like organised religion, has its own compelling logic. And we gain insight into the life events that led each author to their current position.   Jane Caro flirted briefly with spiritual belief, inspired by 19th century literary heroines such as Elizabeth Gaskell and the Bronte sisters. Antony Loewenstein is proudly culturally, yet unconventionally, Jewish. Simon Smart is firmly and resolutely a Christian, but one who has had some of his most profound spiritual moments while surfing. Rachel Woodlock grew up in the alternative embrace of Baha'i belief but became entranced by its older parent religion, Islam.   Provocative, informative and passionately argued, For God's Sakepublished in 2013, encourages us to accept religious differences, but to also challenge more vigorously the beliefs that create discord.  
After Zionism, published in 2012 and 2013 with co-editor Ahmed Moor, brings together some of the world s leading thinkers on the Middle East question to dissect the century-long conflict between Zionism and the Palestinians, and to explore possible forms of a one-state solution. Time has run out for the two-state solution because of the unending and permanent Jewish colonization of Palestinian land. Although deep mistrust exists on both sides of the conflict, growing numbers of Palestinians and Israelis, Jews and Arabs are working together to forge a different, unified future. Progressive and realist ideas are at last gaining a foothold in the discourse, while those influenced by the colonial era have been discredited or abandoned. Whatever the political solution may be, Palestinian and Israeli lives are intertwined, enmeshed, irrevocably. This daring and timely collection includes essays by Omar Barghouti, Jonathan Cook, Joseph Dana, Jeremiah Haber, Jeff Halper, Ghada Karmi, Antony Loewenstein, Saree Makdisi, John Mearsheimer, Ahmed Moor, Ilan Pappe, Sara Roy and Phil Weiss.
The 2008 financial crisis opened the door for a bold, progressive social movement. But despite widespread revulsion at economic inequity and political opportunism, after the crash very little has changed. Has the Left failed? What agenda should progressives pursue? And what alternatives do they dare to imagine? Left Turn, published by Melbourne University Press in 2012 and co-edited with Jeff Sparrow, is aimed at the many Australians disillusioned with the political process. It includes passionate and challenging contributions by a diverse range of writers, thinkers and politicians, from Larissa Berendht and Christos Tsiolkas to Guy Rundle and Lee Rhiannon. These essays offer perspectives largely excluded from the mainstream. They offer possibilities for resistance and for a renewed struggle for change.
The Blogging Revolution, released by Melbourne University Press in 2008, is a colourful and revelatory account of bloggers around the globe why live and write under repressive regimes - many of them risking their lives in doing so. Antony Loewenstein's travels take him to private parties in Iran and Egypt, internet cafes in Saudi Arabia and Damascus, to the homes of Cuban dissidents and into newspaper offices in Beijing, where he discovers the ways in which the internet is threatening the ruld of governments. Through first-hand investigations, he reveals the complicity of Western multinationals in assisting the restriction of information in these countries and how bloggers are leading the charge for change. The blogging revolution is a superb examination about the nature of repression in the twenty-first century and the power of brave individuals to overcome it. It was released in an updated edition in 2011, post the Arab revolutions, and an updated Indian print version in 2011.
The best-selling book on the Israel/Palestine conflict, My Israel Question - on Jewish identity, the Zionist lobby, reporting from Palestine and future Middle East directions - was released by Melbourne University Press in 2006. A new, updated edition was released in 2007 (and reprinted again in 2008). The book was short-listed for the 2007 NSW Premier's Literary Award. Another fully updated, third edition was published in 2009. It was released in all e-book formats in 2011. An updated and translated edition was published in Arabic in 2012.


Al Jazeera English’s The Stream on disaster capitalism and the Syrian war (July 7, 2016)
The UN on trial: debate at the London School of Economics (March 10, 2016)
Berlin’s WZB Social Science Center lecture/Q&A on disaster capitalism and immigration (February 23, 2016)
Turkish channel TRT World interview on Australia’s asylum policies (February 7, 2016)
The Laura Flanders TV show on Disaster Capitalism (January 6, 2016)
RT TV interview on making money from refugees and Disaster Capitalism (December 7, 2015)
RT TV interview on Disaster Capitalism and terrorism (December 3, 2015)
London’s Centre for Investigative Journalism event on Disaster Capitalism (November 20, 2015)
New York’s The New School Disaster Capitalism book and film event (November 20, 2015)
Broadcast on CPAN Book TV of Disaster Capitalism NYC book launch with Jeremy Scahill (November 15, 2015)
Britain’s Novara Media TV interview on Disaster Capitalism (November 4, 2015)
Democracy Now! interview on Disaster Capitalism (October 12, 2015)
Huffington Post Live on Disaster Capitalism (October 7, 2015)
Al Jazeera English’s The Stream on Hurricane Katrina and disaster capitalism (August 26, 2015)
Al Jazeera’s The Listening Post on the Sydney siege (December 21, 2014)
Al Jazeera America interview on Sydney siege part 2 (December 18, 2014)
Al Jazeera America interview on Sydney siege part 1 (December 18, 2014)
ABCTV New24’s The Drum on ISIS, terrorism and Gough Whitlam (October 22, 2014)
My Politics in the Pub speech on Gaza and Palestine (September 7, 2014)
ABCTV Big Ideas on IQ2 debate over technology (September 5, 2014)
ABCTV Big Ideas on a reporter’s focus since 9/11 (September 5, 2014)
ABCTV Big Ideas on identity in modern Australia (September 5, 2014)
Weekend Sunrise interview on Gaza and Israeli extremism (July 27, 2014)
ABCTV Big Ideas on freedom of the press (July 11, 2014)
SBS News interview on Australia not seeing East Jerusalem as occupied (June 12, 2014)
ABCTV News24’s The Drum on asylum seekers and politics (May 28, 2014)
ABCTV Big Ideas on Profits of Doom and vulture capitalism (March 31, 2014)
ABCTV News24’s on racial discrimination, politics and Murdoch empire (March 31, 2014)
SBS News interview on Serco and G4S behaving badly in Australia and Britain (November 22, 2013)
ABCTV News24’s The Drum on Sri Lankan abuses, asylum seekers and Kevin Rudd (November 18, 2013)
ABCTV News 24’s The Drum on asylum seekers and Indonesia (September 16, 2013)
What price for real security? Melbourne Writer’s Festival on Profits of Doom (September 11, 2013)
Centre for Public Christianity discusses For God’s Sake (August 13, 2013)
Talking For God’s Sake on Weekend Sunrise TV (July 7, 2013)
ABCTV News24’s The Drum on asylum seekers, Wikileaks and Edward Snowden (July 7, 2013)
Al Jazeera’s The Listening Post on Ed Snowden and intelligence leaking (June 16, 2013)
ABCTV News24’s The Drum on Iraq, Palestine and media reforms (March 20, 2013)
Al Jazeera’s The Listening Post on Prisoner X and Israeli censorship (February 26, 2013)
Democracy Now! interview on Prisoner X and Mossad (February 20, 2013)
Israel’s Channel 10 News on prisoner x, Mossad and Israeli actions (February 18, 2013)
Reuters TV on prisoner x, Mossad spies and Israeli intelligence (February 14, 2013)
ABCTV News24’s The Drum on sexism, Syria and divestment (January 10, 2013)
ABC TV News on Sydney rally against Israeli violence against Gaza (November 25, 2012)
ABCTV News24′s The World talking Israel and Gaza (November 16, 2012)
Al Jazeera’s Listening Post on dangers of journalistic embedding with military (October 29, 2012)
ABCTV New24’s The Drum on Romney/Obama debate, Iran, Israel and Zionist occupation (October 24, 2012)
“After Zionism” book launch in Sydney (October 14, 2012)
Speech in support of Wikileaks and against 11 years of war in Afghanistan (October 7, 2012)
Launching Phil Monsour’s “Ghosts of Deir Yassin” CD in Sydney (October 6, 2012)
ABCTV News24’s The Drum on media outrage over Alan Jones and Facebook (October 2, 2012)
“After Zionism” discussion at Washington DC’s Palestine Centre (September 27, 2012)
“After Zionism” debate at New York’s Brecht Forum (September 22, 2012)
London’s Frontline Club discussion about “After Zionism” and the one-state solution (August 23, 2012)
BBC Persian TV interview on Israeli threats against Iran (August 23, 2012)
ABCTV News24’s The Drum on Israel/Palestine and uranium sales to UAE (August 1, 2012)
Talking #LeftTurn on Green Left Report TV (July 12, 2012)
Footage of my 2012 PEN Free Voices lecture (July 10, 2012)
ABCTV News 24’s The Drum on refugees and media troubles (June 26, 2012)
ABCTV News24’s The Drum on refugees, #LeftTurn and Obama’s “kill list” (June 12, 2012)
ABC TV News interview about freedom of speech in West and beyond (May 23, 2012)
ABCTV News24′s The Drum on Afghanistan and Murdoch scandal (April 25, 2012)
ABCTV News24’s The Drum on Israel/US/Iran and Syria (March 6, 2012)
Anyone can make a revolution (but the web won’t be enough) (February 3, 2012)
Al Jazeera’s Listening Post on Western murder of Iranian nuclear scientists (January 22, 2012)
ABCTV News24 on Iran, faltering economy and racism (January 20, 2012)
ABCTV News24 on the economy, Afghanistan and Murdoch thuggery (November 7, 2011)
ABCTV News24 on climate change, Murdoch thuggery and asylum seekers (September 14, 2011)
PressTV interview on BDS, Palestinian rights and faux anti-Semitism (August 28, 2011)
ABCTV News24 on massacre in Norway and refugee swap with Malaysia (July 25, 2011)
Al-Jazeera’s Listening Post on Syria media restrictions (July 10, 2011)
My Al Jazeera English interview on Murdoch’s excessive global power (July 9, 2011)
ABCTV News24 on climate change and Gaza flotilla 2 (June 28, 2011)
ABCTV News24 on Bin Laden and why resistance won’t die (May 3, 2011)
ABCTV News24 on human rights in China, Gitmo torture and Sri Lankan war crimes (April 27, 2011)
Footage of my speech at Marrickville council on Palestine and BDS (April 22, 2011)
SBS TV News story on Marrickville, BDS and Palestine (April 20, 2011)
ABC News24 on killing Afghan civilians, Assad and ignoring indigenous lessons (April 1, 2011)
News Goo on Palestine and Wikileaks and our media’s cluelessness (March 23, 2011)
Channel 10 TV on playing global football in Palestine (March 15, 2011)
TehelkaTV interview on Israel/Palestine and changing Jewish views (February 27, 2011)
PressTV interview on Australian aid to the Middle East (February 27, 2011)
Talking to Finkel, Anderson and Stewart in India on occupation (February 21, 2011)
ABCTV News 24 on Egypt and Wikileaks (February 14, 2011)
Al Jazeera’s Listening Post on Egypt’s revolution (February 13, 2011)
ABCTV News24 on US violence and Israeli apartheid (January 10, 2011)
ABC TV News 24 on refugees and government failures (December 21, 2010)
Australia’s Channel 10 TV News on Sydney Wikileaks protest (December 11, 2010)
Russia Today TV on Wikileaks (December 11, 2010)
ABCTV News24 on Wikileaks cablegate (December 4, 2010)
Speaking on ABC News24 about gay marriage, politics and refugees (November 22, 2010)
Speaking to Norman Finkelstein about viability of two-state solution (November 18, 2010)
Interview in Indonesia with Australian writer Christos Tsiolkas (November 4, 2010)
Al Jazeera’s Listening Post on Wikileaks Iraq documents (October 31, 2010)
Back on ABC TV News24 talking Afghanistan, drugs policy and 9/11 (October 20, 2010)
Talking on ABC TV News24 about refugees, Afghanistan and some common sense (September 21, 2010)
Talking on ABC TV about elections, Obama, Greens and trains (August 11, 2010)
ElectionWire interview on Australian election (August 6, 2010)
Al-Jazeera on Wikileaks Afghan story (July 31, 2010)
Loewenstein and Abunimah on GritTV (July 21, 2010)
Sydney discussion with Diana Buttu and Loewenstein (July 19, 2010)
Battle of Big Thinking presentation on the Middle East (May 31, 2010)
PressTV interview on Australia’s expulsion of Israeli diplomat (May 27, 2010)
ABC TV broadcast on internet freedom and anti-censorship (May 20, 2010)
ABC TV interview with author of Emancipation, Michael Goldfarb (March 1, 2010)
Saree Makdisi speaks about the destruction of Jerusalem (October 24, 2009)
Foreign Correspondents’ Association Luncheon Series (March 26, 2009)
Loewenstiein speaking on Iranian satellite channel PressTV about the future of Zionism (February 5, 2009)
Loewenstein speaking to NGO Witness about the UN Declaration of Human Rights (December 5, 2008)
Loewenstein on Democracy Now! talking about The Blogging Revolution (December 3, 2008)
Loewenstein at Harvard University’s Berkman Centre on The Blogging Revolution (November 3, 2008)
Loewenstein on ABC2 at the Sydney launch of The Blogging Revolution (September 15, 2008)
Loewenstein on Australia Network discussing old and new media (September 5, 2008)
Loewenstein on Iran’s satellite station PressTV about the role of Hezbollah TV (September 5, 2008)
Loewenstein at an Amnesty International Australia launch for The Blogging Revolution (September 2, 2008)
Loewenstein on YouTube discussing The Blogging Revolution (September 1, 2008)
Loewenstein on SBS Dateline discussing Israel/Palestine and My Name is Rachel Corrie (July 5, 2008)
Coverage of My Israel Question (July 5, 2007)


US Writer’s Voice radio interview on Disaster Capitalism (October 11, 2016)
Irish radio Pat Kenny Show interview on bloody legacy of Israeli Shimon Peres (September 30, 2016)
The Wire interview on privatising prisons and immigration centres (September 13, 2016)
ABC Radio 702 Sydney on privatised immigration detention (September 8, 2016)
Voice of America interview about chaos in South Sudan (August 16, 2016)
Irish radio Pat Kenny Show interview on Israeli settlers and Palestine (August 13, 2016)
Australia’s 6PR Radio on refugees and calling Gaza “occupied” (August 12, 2016)
China/Africa Project interview on Chinese relations with South Sudan (June 27, 2016)
Byline and 6PR radio on disaster capitalism, journalism and Israel/Palestine (June 12, 2016)
American radio program The Gary Null Show on disaster capitalism (April 21, 2016)
ABC Radio Adelaide Australia on Palestine, disaster capitalism and PNG (March 22, 2016)
Debating Disaster Capitalism at the London School of Economics (March 8, 2016)
Migrant Podcast interview on refugees and immigration (March 2, 2016)
German radio station Bayerischer Rundfunk on privatised immigration (March 1, 2016)
German radio station RBB interview on immigration (February 23, 2016)
The National interview on Disaster Capitalism (February 9, 2016)
US radio show Majority Report interview on Disaster Capitalism (January 30, 2016)
Shadowproof interview on Disaster Capitalism (January 14, 2016)
US Minnesota radio interview about natural resources in Afghanistan (January 7, 2016)
Ireland’s Newstalk radio interview on Disaster Capitalism (December 10, 2015)
Popular US podcaster Brad Bogner interview on Disaster Capitalism (December 10, 2015)
Chicago radio, This Is Hell!, on Disaster Capitalism (December 9, 2015)
ABC Radio Sunshine Coast on Disaster Capitalism (December 9, 2015)
Guardian event in London on the UN and its future (December 3, 2015)
Little Atoms podcast on Disaster Capitalism (November 7, 2015)
London radio Novara FM on Disaster Capitalism (October 24, 2015)
The Humanist Hour on Disaster Capitalism (October 15, 2015)
US radio WortFM interview on Disaster Capitalism (October 15, 2015)
Middle East in Focus radio on disaster capitalism (October 3, 2015)
Radio New Zealand interview on British multinational Serco (July 27, 2015)
ABC Radio Adelaide on disaster capitalism (March 5, 2015)
Triple R radio interview on politics and terrorism in 2014 (December 19, 2014)
ABC radio interview on whistle-blower rights (October 26, 2014)
US radio interview with Alan Dershowitz on Israel, Zionism and occupation (October 14, 2014)
Triple R radio interview on war, ISIS and failing “war experts” (October 14, 2014)
South African radio interview on politics, Palestine and vulture capitalism (October 14, 2014)
ABC RN’s Sunday Extra on Iraq, ISIS and the burqa (October 5, 2014)
2SER AidWorks on Syria, ISIS, Gaza and human rights (October 3, 2014)
Progressive Podcast Australia interview on Iraq, ISIS and Syria (September 29, 2014)
Radio New Zealand interview on Profits of Doom (September 16, 2014)
2SER Fourth Estate on media coverage of Palestine (August 15, 2014)
ABC Radio interview on technology addiction (August 11, 2014)
ABC News Radio on Gaza, liberal Zionism and lobby pressure (August 7, 2014)
Talking vulture capitalism at the Byron Bay Writer’s Festival (August 5, 2014)
ABC Radio interview on Gaza conflict and Jewish dissent (August 5, 2014)
SBS Radio interview on #FreePalestine and Gaza (August 5, 2014)
Triple R radio interview on US, drones and civilian murder (June 12, 2014)
ABC Radio discussion on faith, belief and politics (May 26, 2014)
FBI Radio interview feature on privatised immigration detention (April 9, 2014)
Triple R interview on politics of citizen’s arrests (March 27, 2014)
3AW Neil Mitchell interview about drugs and decriminalisation (March 3, 2014)
Triple R interview on Biennale boycott and social responsibility (February 25, 2014)
6PR Radio interview about Profits of Doom and Serco (November 3, 2013)
ABC Radio Perth interview about Profits of Doom and religion/faith (November 1, 2013)
Perth’s 6PR radio interview about Profits of Doom (October 21, 2013)
Aid Watch event on Profits of Doom and politics of development (October 16, 2013)
ABC Radio National’s Religion and Ethics Report interview on Profits of Doom (October 10, 2013)
Vice interview about Ben Zygier, Israeli spying and Western acceptance (October 4, 2013)
3AW Melbourne radio interview on Profits of Doom (October 2, 2013)
The Wire interview on failed US-backed Middle East talks (September 29, 2013)
Stanton Library in North Sydney about Profits of Doom (September 26, 2013)
The Wire interview on Profits of Doom and poor Serco care (September 25, 2013)
Eagles Waves Radio interview on For God’s Sake (September 24, 2013)
ABC Radio Triple J’s Sunday Night Safran interview on Profits of Doom (September 24, 2013)
ABC Sunday Nights interview on For God’s Sake (September 18, 2013)
Voice of Russia interview about Australian election of Tony Abbott (September 10, 2013)
Sydney launch event for Profits of Doom (September 6, 2013)
Triple R interview on Profits of Doom (September 5, 2013)
Right Now radio interview on Profits of Doom (August 31, 2013)
Perth Indymedia interview on Profits of Doom (August 26, 2013)
ABC Radio Brisbane on Profits of Doom (August 23, 2013)
Radio Adelaide interview on Murdoch media and supposed objectivity (August 10, 2013)
ABC Adelaide on Profits of Doom and vulture capitalism (August 8, 2013)
Open House radio interview over For God’s Sake (August 4, 2013)
2SER’s The Fourth Estate on calling for far greater media transparency (July 31, 2013)
Voice of Russia interview on asylum seekers and privatisation (July 26, 2013)
2SER interview on Papua New Guinea and vulture capitalism (July 26, 2013)
South Korean radio interview on transparency in journalism (July 23, 2013)
ABC Radio’s The World Today on Edward Snowden and Prism (June 18, 2013)
Radio Live in New Zealand on 10 year anniversary of Iraq war (March 24, 2013)
ABC Radio’s World Today on Australian Israel lobby blindness (February 18, 2013)
ABC AM Radio challenging incestuous relationship between Israel and Australia (February 16, 2013)
The Wire interview on prisoner x, Mossad and Israeli spies (February 14, 2013)
Radio Live in New Zealand on heroin in Afghanistan (January 11, 2013)
ABC Radio National on pop culture in 2012 (December 23, 2012)
2SER Radio on Israel/Palestine and Australian UN vote (December 10, 2012)
3CR interview on Palestine/Israel and international justice (December 6, 2012)
SBS News Radio on illegal Israeli colonies in the West Bank and East Jerusalem (December 4, 2012)
2SER radio interview on Haiti and disaster capitalism (November 17, 2012)
The Wire interview on Israel and Gaza (November 17, 2012)
Talking Haiti on Triple J’s Sunday Night Safran (October 23, 2012)
“After Zionism” on New York’s “Beyond the Pale” radio (October 19, 2012)
“After Zionism” contributor imagines Abrahamic state for Middle East (October 10, 2012)
“After Zionism” featured at University of Sydney’s Sydney Ideas (September 13, 2012)
Talking “After Zionism” on Sydney’s 2SER Radio (August 19, 2012)
The Wire radio on illegal Israeli colonies (July 27, 2012)
“After Zionism” on Radio Adelaide (July 23, 2012)
Talking #LeftTurn on The Small Picture Podcasts (July 16, 2012)
#LeftTurn on Sydney’s 2SER Radio (July 16, 2012)
ABC Radio National on free online culture (July 8, 2012)
#LeftTurn on Triple J’s Sunday Night Safran (June 26, 2012)
Melbourne Triple R radio on PEN lecture and freedom of speech (June 22, 2012)
Talking #LeftTurn on Radio Adelaide (June 18, 2012)
The Wire on Palestinian hunger-striker Mahmoud Sarsak (June 15, 2012)
ABC Triple J Hack on Syria, social media and not trusting what we see (June 15, 2012)
ABC Radio National interview on free speech and human rights (May 21, 2012)
New Zealand radio interview about Wikileaks (May 9, 2012)
Radio Adelaide on Holocaust Remembrance Day and Israel 2012 (April 17, 2012)
ABC Radio National on beards, cider and extreme retro (February 27, 2012)
Do Neo-Nazis have the right to free speech in Australia? (hint: yes) (January 24, 2012)
ABC Radio PM interview on far Right violence and mainstreaming anti-Muslim belief (November 7, 2011)
ABC’s The Book Show discusses On Utoya, Right terror and Norway massacre (November 7, 2011)
The Wire on Gilad Shalit release and Israeli kidnapping of Palestinians (October 20, 2011)
ABC interview on BDS, Palestine and far-right love affair with Zionism (October 11, 2011)
ABC interview on Palestine, UN statehood and one-state solution (October 9, 2011)
Sydney radio on BDS, Palestine and slamming faux anti-Semitism claims (August 31, 2011)
Sydney’s 2SER Radio on aid to Palestine and Zionist lobby pressure (August 18, 2011)
Talking Murdoch hacking on Portland indy radio (July 18, 2011)
Sydney’s 2SER Radio on Israel/Palestine, BDS and global justice (April 11, 2011)
The Podcast Network on Egypt and Arab democracy (February 23, 2011)
Exclusive: Mamdouh Habib interview on new US/Israeli Egyptian pet Omar Suleiman (February 10, 2011)
If You Love This Planet (with Dr Helen Caldicott) on Wikileaks (January 2, 2011)
Sydney Morning Herald on Wikileaks and Gillard government (December 9, 2010)
BBC World Service on Wikileaks and importance of whistle-blowing (December 9, 2010)
The Wire on detention centre suicide and role of Serco (November 16, 2010)
Counterfire interview on Israel/Palestine (November 4, 2010)
2SER Radio interview on US/Saudi arms deal (October 26, 2010)
ABC Radio Overnights on Middle East realities (September 29, 2010)
Radio New Zealand Media Watch interview on Middle East reporting (August 4, 2010)
ABC Triple J Hack on Israel and the Gaza flotilla (June 3, 2010)
2SER Radio interview on Israeli attack off Gaza coast (June 2, 2010)
2SER radio interview about Israeli/Australian relations (May 31, 2010)
Radio New Zealand interview on Israel and blogging (May 1, 2010)
ABC Triple J Hack on Google and China (March 23, 2010)
Radio Adelaide: Discussing Israel’s right of return and its inherent racism (March 11, 2010)
2SER interview on the Australia/Israel passport scandal (February 27, 2010)
SBS Radio interview on Gaza Freedom March (January 7, 2010)
ABC Radio National interview on Gaza Freedom March (December 29, 2009)
The Wire on Israeli settlement “freeze” (November 27, 2009)
SBS Radio interview on Israeli discrimination in East Jerusalem (September 23, 2009)
2ser Fourth Estate radio on My Israel Question (September 18, 2009)
ABC Radio National on My Israel Question (September 13, 2009)
SBS Arabic radio on My Israel Question (September 11, 2009)
A view from Gaza on ABC Radio (August 9, 2009)
Interview on ABC Radio’s World Today on British blogger forced to reveal his identity (June 17, 2009)
If You Love This Planet (with Dr Helen Caldicott) on Israel/Palestine (February 5, 2009)
ABC Radio National discussion on public intellectuals with Loewenstein and writer Christos Tsiolkas (January 30, 2009)
The Podcast Network on Gaza (January 30, 2009)
The war in Gaza on Sky News television (January 19, 2009)
Israel’s bombardment of Gaza on Sydney’s 2SER radio (January 10, 2009)
The release of a statement by Independent Australian Jewish Voices on the war against Gaza on ABC Radio (January 5, 2009)
The Resource Wars on Sydney’s 2SER radio (January 2, 2009)
The Podcast Network on Australia’s internet censorship proposals (November 12, 2008)
Harvard University’s Berkman Centre on The Blogging Revolution (November 5, 2008)
Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government on Israel/Palestine (November 5, 2008)
Mideast Youth on The Blogging Revolution (October 30, 2008)
The BBC on The Blogging Revolution (October 8, 2008)
BBC Radio Five on The Blogging Revolution (October 6, 2008)
The Podcast Network on The Blogging Revolution (October 1, 2008)
ABC Triple J Sunday Night Safran on The Blogging Revolution (September 7, 2008)
2ser Fourth Estate radio on The Blogging Revolution (September 5, 2008)
US RadioNation interview on the election of Kevin Rudd (December 2, 2007)
ABC Radio National interview about blogging and new media (July 26, 2007)
Coverage of My Israel Question (July 5, 2006)
Loewenstein’s New Matilda interview with Haifa Zangana (May 5, 2006)
Loewenstein’s New Matilda interview with Anna Politkovskaya (March 5, 2006)