Queer Kids for Full Communism: Living the Dream with the Queer Liberation Front

In this episode of Living the Dream Dave (@withsobersenses) chats with Angus from the Queer Liberation Front. Angus lets us know what QLF are all about, what they have been doing and what they are up to. Angus talks about QLF’s praxis and how this collective of young queer pe14375370_10208731933554219_631909041_oople are attempting to generate a radical anticapitalist politics, how hegemony and aesthetics fit together and how this all relates to the current “Brisbane Moment’ that is going on. And then we finish it all off with a track from Los Crudos.

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Censorship, Vietnam and the Politics of Gore

not even the dead

Today, revelations have emerged that Facebook censored famous image ‘The Terror of War’ – otherwise known as ‘Napalm Girl’ – citing its policy of not allowing nude imagery. This move, called out by the Norwegian journalists who first posted the image, reminds me of attempts to censor brutal images from the Vietnam War during the conflict itself. These images were seen as particularly powerful by anti-war activists, while they were condemned as pornographic by the same governments who were inflicting the violence pictured. Recently, plenty of scholars have begun writing on the uses of images of suffering and violence by humanitarian organisations, so I have posted a condensed section of one of the chapters of my book Transnational Protest, Australia and the 1960s: Global Radicals that deals with this question in Australia, and the troubled relationship activists had with what has been termed ‘the politics of gore’.


Eric Norden’s American Atrocities in Vietnam

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The Practice of Hope

This is an old piece on organisation I wrote for A Regional Anarchist Convergence: Towards a Federation in 2008. Comrades may find it interesting

Red Thread Brisbane e-journal

This is a paper I submitted to the reader for A Regional Anarchist Convergence: Towards a Federation.

Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from premises now in existence.[i]

Meaningful action, for revolutionaries, is whatever increases the confidence, the autonomy, the initiative, the participation, the solidarity, the equalitarian tendencies and the self -activity of the masses and whatever assists in their demystification. Sterile and harmful action is whatever reinforces the passivity of the masses, their apathy, their cynicism, their differentiation through hierarchy, their alienation, their reliance on others to do things for them and the degree to which they can therefore be manipulated by others – even by those allegedly acting on their…

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On dissolving the people: Living the Dream on #ausvotes2016


In this episode of Living The Dream Jon (@jonpiccini) and Dave (@withsobersenses) have a chat about the recent election. It isn’t a chat about if the result is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ but rather how does it fit into, and what does it tell us, about the current moment in capitalism in Australia and class struggle? We also try to work out the relationship between the electoral return of Pauline Hanson and the deep current of racism in Australia.

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#SandersofSthBrisbane ? Council elections, social movements & the #RighttotheCity

Rad Art by Anna Carlson
Rad Art by Anna Carlson

#SandersofSthBrisbane ? Council elections, social movements & #theRighttotheCity


In this episode of Living the Dream Jon (@JonPiccini ) and Dave (@withsobersenses) chat with Anna – all-round good egg and comrade pivotal to Radio Reversal and Brisbane Free University – about the successful Brisbane City Council election campaign of Jonathan Sri , the opposition to the West Village development and the emergence of struggles around the Right to the City. What’s going on, how do all these pieces fit together and what do they tell us about struggles within-against-and-beyond capitalism for lives of dignity?

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Related Reading

David Harvey – The Right to The City

The Economics of West Village

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(Queensland Government 2016, 37)


Queensland Government. 2016. “2016-17 Queensland Budget Papers.”


#CorbynofCairns: Rob Pyne and the history of Far North Queensland radicalism


State Member of Cairns Rob Pyne’s resignation from the Labor Party in March 2016, leaving the Palaszczuk government on an equal footing with the LNP in State parliament, soon saw him branded as a product of the “State of Mind” afflicting Far North Queensland – a “cargo cult mentality” as one commentator put it that saw regionalist pork barrelling take precedence over ideas and political realism.

It is widely believed that Queensland has a peculiar “state of mind” – as Humphrey McQueen first put it in the late 1970s – but it is said to get more peculiar, and reactionary, the further you travel north. Today, this is perhaps best embodied by Bob Katter, the eccentric federal member for Kennedy whose mix of agrarian socialism and reactionary social ideas – there are no gays in his electorate, apparently – is said to typify the North’s tepid concoction of state-subsidised conservatism. News today that nine out of the country’s ten most conservative electorates lie in regional Queensland fits well into this narrative.

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“The wrong side of the river”: Expo ’88 and the Right to the City

Text of a talk I gave at the Right to the City/Brisbane Free Uni organised ‘More that Steel and Concrete’ event, held at the Bearded Lady on 31 May 2016


I was invited here tonight to give some thoughts on the history of struggles in West End and surrounds against over development. Just by way of introduction, I am a historian of social movements. I did a PhD a few years back at UQ, looking at Australian protest movements of the 1960s/70s and their global imagination and connections. Currently, I am writing a history of human rights discourse in Australia. What we call ‘Urban history’ figures large in my writing. I’m interested in how people imagine their city and construct meaning of it, particularly through what Henri Lefebvre, who coined the term ‘right to the city’, calls ‘producing spaces’ of opposition and contestation.

My comments will revolve around some documents I have looked at recently in the Fryer Library at UQ on opposition to Expo 88. In so doing, I want to explore what this opposition was, who was involved, what they wanted, and whether they can be seen to have succeeded in any meaningful way. But equally, I want to look at the experience of opposing Expo as a case study in how the past informs activism, and draw some general conclusions on what place ‘the past’ has in contemporary social movements – particularly the importance of historical memory but also the danger of what social scientists call ‘over-likeness’. Continue reading ““The wrong side of the river”: Expo ’88 and the Right to the City”