Submissions & Contributions

Use this form for these submissions:

  • Letters to the Editor
  • Op-Ed pieces for Open Forum
  • Commentary pieces for Insight

• Letters to the Editor

Please limit your letters to about 200 or fewer words. Comment on news stories in the main section of the newspaper or to opine on views expressed on the Opinion pages, contact Letters to the Editor. Shorter letters have a better chance of being selected for publication. (Some notes from Editorial Page Editor John Diaz.) To comment on news stories in specific sections of the paper, please contact that section:

• Open Forum

Please limit your letters to 500 or fewer words. With rare exception, we won't run a writer's work more than once every six months. There are lots of voices out there and we'd like to hear as many as possible.

• Commentary Pieces for Sunday Insight

Please limit your submission to about 700 or fewer words. Insight, a Sunday commentary section, aims to provide a forum to shake up conventional wisdom and provoke fresh thinking. Have a piece about an issue in the news that's unusual in its approach and uncommonly well-written? Mad? Outraged? Have an only-in-the-Bay-Area story? Do you know someone who is tackling a problem or meeting a challenge in a particularly innovative way? Let us know.

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Word Count is displayed here. (200-word maximum.)
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