Snow Channel Wireframe
  • How to buy, what to buy for winter fun

    Snow is falling. There’s dustings in the High Sierra, Montana’s mountain tops are white, flakes are coming down on Whistler and Banff, and they’re making snow in Colorado. So. Time to get in shape. Time to get your boards in shape. And time to buy new gear...

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  • Climate change makes another Lake Tahoe Olympics nearly impossible

    If you think it’s kinda’ early for a snow report and kinda’ late for an Olympic report, blame David Perlman. He’s the Chronicle’s science editor...

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  • Ski better. Now!

    WHEN I LEARNED TO SKI at college, I took no lessons. Didn’t have to — I was a manly man, and lessons were for sissy boys. Also, I didn’t have much money, and some of those lessons cost five bucks!

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  • Now is the hour …

    Some season. It’s been big

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  • What’s new, Sno-Cat?

    IF YOU’RE AS WEAK-WILLED as I think you are, you’ll soon be leaving honest work behind and heading to the snowy peaks of the High Sierra

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