Reform critical in healthcare but lacking clear direction

CEO of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia, Leanne Wells, says some of the biggest gains have come in mental health ...
CEO of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia, Leanne Wells, says some of the biggest gains have come in mental health and disability reform. Dean Sewell
by Mark Eggleton

While the overwhelming consensus among health professionals and politicians is Australia's health system in its current form is unsustainable, trying to reform the system for the future is akin to herding cats.

As chairman of the Western Sydney Local Health District Professor Stephen Leeder proclaimed at the recent Future of Healthcare round table co-hosted by The Australian Financial Review and Philips, that health reform is a little like your Facebook status where you can write single, married, de facto or it's complicated.

"Why is health reform difficult? Because it is extremely complicated," Leeder says.

NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner acknowledges reform is difficult but as an optimist she says she's up for the challenge.

"We have an ageing population, we have more people living with chronic disease, we have rising expectations. People think that you can cure everything, so it's more important we work efficiently, we focus on getting the best patient outcomes in a range of settings and that involves everyone working in collaboration, the state and federal governments, the private sector, hospitals, community based care and others," she says.

Participants at the round table acknowledged Australia's health system is almost strained to breaking point at a time when the sector is also having to cope with often outsized consumer expectations. And these changing expectations come about at a difficult time especially as the populations continues to live longer and healthcare costs continue to rise unsustainably.

Vice-president of the Australian Medical Association, Dr Tony Bartone laments that as patient expectations rise, accessing and co-ordinating care in an appropriate and timely manner for the best outcome for the patients is becoming more complex and difficult every day.

He says there are dwindling resources but underpinning it all "is the lack of connectivity and connectedness in the system.

"You are really doing things with almost one hand tied behind your back."

Leeder agrees and says we face a major systemic challenge and IT "will ultimately change the game whether we want it to or not".

He says IT will not only increase connectedness but will more importantly influence outcomes. More to the point it will provide the sector with more measurable outcomes.

"In any other business enterprise, including the education sector, you would find much more attention being given to outcomes."

Philips managing director for Australian and New Zealand, Kevin Barrow says part of the problem is healthcare has not really changed in the past 100 years.

"The practice of medicine is still largely episodic – people in the community get sick, they visit a GP, they go to hospital, they get discharged and it all happens again. What excites me about healthcare at the moment is we are starting to look at things completely differently.

"We are now looking at how we connect care – connecting clinicians to the patient at the centre and then measuring what that outcome is," Barrow says.

Yet while the general consensus is better connected care will lead to better outcomes and data will set us free, the real and present problem for the health sector is its sheer size, cost and sustainability.

As Leeder says, one of the more unwieldy projects being undertaken by federal Health Minister Sussan Ley is a review of the Medicare Benefits Schedule.

"You're looking at 900 pages, 5000 line items at a total cost of $21 billion a year. And there are lots of groups beavering away saying: 'You could cut out the benefit for total spinal X-rays ordered by chiropractors', I didn't even know it was on there.

"There will be some savings but just chopping off funding to one area is essentially a budget cut which is unsustainable," Leeder says.

For Leeder, sustainability will only come when we have strong evidence of how preventative health and co-ordinated care can be properly measured and "we have an expectation of work and outcomes" that can be built around these.

Skinner says the essential ingredient in the reform of health has to be based around the funding mechanism such as the introduction of activity-based funding where hospitals are funded on the number and mix of patients they treat.

"In NSW we negotiate services agreements with our [local] health districts which enable them to determine in consultation with us what treatments they are going to provide in hospital. Whether it's acute care, whether it's elective surgery, whether it's an emergency department," she says.

For the chief executive of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia, Leanne Wells, health reform has become a political football but we know what the ingredients to successful reform are because we have seen it in the sector already.

"It comes right down to state and federal government co-operation and where we've seen the biggest gains such as mental health reform, disability reform, aged care reform to a lesser extent and activity-based funding, we've seen that co-operation.

"We need those alignments right from policy alignment and co-operation down to co-operation and co-ordination between primary health networks and local hospital districts so they're not in a system sense working against each other, they're actually working in the interests of the system and most importantly, in the interests of the patient.

"As Minister Ley says in relation to where the health dollar is being spent – it has to be as close to the patient as possible."

Where that dollar is spent and how close to the patient it gets is going to be the nation's eternal challenge. It could be with general practitioners as the AMA would prefer or it could see an increased role for pharmacists or community nurses or even better telehealth services although that would require a better functioning National Broadband Network.

Bartone says one of the great challenges still remains Indigenous health and the prevalence of chronic disease as well as their lack of access to healthcare in remote communities.

"If we are able to put the funding and the appropriate access in place that change ultimate outcomes in there, that would be such a game-changer. But, on a lesser scale, even outer suburbs or even some parts of rural and remote Australia; their outcomes are just equally driven by lack of access, or lesser access than their city cousins."

So the sustainability has to also look at the access across the nation.

Unfortunately, no one really knows at present how to create a more sustainable system. It's complicated and as Bartone says, "sometimes where there is a specific policy intervention it creates unintended consequences".