Bluescope and Boral building in ASEAN region

Kuala Lumpur skyline: There is growing demand for modern building products in many ASEAN countries such as Malaysia.
Kuala Lumpur skyline: There is growing demand for modern building products in many ASEAN countries such as Malaysia.
by Greg Earl

 The logos of building materials companies Bluescope and Boral span the south-east Asian landscape with almost 30 production sites between them across seven countries and sales offices in the others.

This presence gives them among the broadest Australian business footprints in a region where many other big companies have been reluctant to tread. But it also makes them case studies in managing the challenges of a more integrated and competitive regional economy.

Their latest manifestations as USG Boral and NS BlueScope Coated Products are the result of remarkably parallel deals three years ago with larger global players from the US and Japan to recapitalise, integrate new technology and access extra distribution channels.

But they are now facing choices about how to manage the emerging ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) with Boral confidently shipping its plasterboard across national borders while BlueScope remains more focused on a multi-country production approach.

"We still hold to our multi-domestic strategy because of the lead time involved with exports and to meet the specific needs of customers in each market. We believe it's the right thing to do," says NS BlueScope regional operations vice-president Simon Linge, who also runs the Indonesian business.

But USG Boral chief executive and Boral Gypsum executive Frederic de Rougemont says he is looking more at boosting exports to make better use any excess capacity, although this is only in addition to domestic operations.

BlueScope's regional heritage stretches as far back as the creation of a BHP Singapore plant in 1965 and then a John Lysaght roll forming business in Malaysia in 1968.

In 2013 under capital pressure the BHP spin-off sold a 50 per cent stake in its south-east Asian and US building products business to Nippon Steel Sumitomo Metal Corporation for US$540 million but retained operational control.

Boral's regional presence is more recent with the establishment of a plasterboard plant in near Surabaya in Indonesia in the early 1990s which then operated under several ownership structures.

But in 2013 the company merged its plasterboard operations with Chicago-based USG Corp assets to create a business spanning Australia, Asia and the Middle East and run out of Malaysia. USG paid about $US500 million.

South-east Asia now accounts for 30 per cent of the USG Boral joint venture's revenue just behind Australia, and the Australian parent reported a post-tax equity share of $59 million this year from the business.

BlueScope Steel's latest results show the underlying pre-tax earnings of the south-east Asian parts of the NS BlueScope joint venture were $117 million, before accounting for the NSSMC equity share. South-east Asian revenue of $1.1 billion was more than 10 per cent of the parent's overall revenue.

Both companies are anticipating strong growth out of the ASEAN region as the emerging middle class embraces higher quality building materials and to a lesser extent new government regulation raises construction standards.

However they say so far any new standards are only happening at the country level despite the push for a more integrated regional economy.

Linge says: "The AEC is heading in the right direction but it will still take some time from our perspective. It will take time up to a decade or more to get to the aims.

"The AEC has lowered tariffs generally and that is a good thing but we still face a range of tariffs and duty arrangements."

De Rougemont says: "In all of these countries plasterboard use can only grow. The potential to grow above underlying growth is great."

The fundamental difference facing these two companies on parallel paths in the changing regional economy is that while they both sell modern new products Boral faces less competition from local alternatives.

De Rougement says brick walls still cost less than Boral's gypsum plasterboard but the relative economics are quickly changing in some places. And with little domestic competition from plasterboard makers, he does not face tariffs on any intra-regional trade. "We are moving quite a lot of product across borders now," he says.

He is mostly exporting from Thailand into the neighbouring Mekong countries, but also Malaysia and the Philippines. In a classic tariff workaround he exports to India from Vietnam because there are restrictions on Thai exports in India.

Even though he has a 50 per cent market share in the Philippines, he is holding off building a production facility there because he's managing to serve the market from other plants.

BlueScope does export some material around the region but Linge says: "The steel industry is particularly challenged by tariff arrangements and dumping actions. I expect that it will continue in the AEC because the steel industry is seen as an important or strategic industry in these countries.

"Freight is still a big consideration and can eat into margins with exports within AEC.

As to competition Linge says: "I expect local companies will want to step up and expand to meet our quality standards. Building quality standards are likely to increase and that will play to our strengths."

One of BlueScope's risks from embracing more intra-regional trade is the danger of being embroiled in any anti-dumping action aimed at China shifting its steel oversupply into south-east Asia. Malaysia and Thailand have each also taken action against Vietnamese steel products in an illustration of the political sensitivity in this industry sub-sector despite the promise of an open market.

And while the company's local competitors are generally not government owned, they usually have influence with governments if they face competition from new imports.

USG Corp's proprietary plasterboard technology was seen as a bigger part of the 2013 Boral deal than Japanese technology was in the parallel BlueScope deal. But NS BlueScope has recently opened up a new regional business line courtesy of Nippon Steel with the manufacturer of the Japanese parent's specialist steel for use by home appliance factories.

It has expanded its Thai plant to produce this new product and is now seeking to take advantage of Japanese links to the home appliance manufacturing business in Thailand.

The pre-2013 BlueScope business had not paid much attention to Japanese business in the region but Linge now says the new ownership structure "helps us get access to the Japanese customers which manufacture home appliances and also in the building and construction market".

This sort of third country co-operation in south-east Asia between Japanese and Australian companies was a key topic of discussion at the Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee annual conference in Melbourne last week, although there are still few concrete examples such as NS BlueScope is now doing.

With recent approval for a Lysaght rolling plant in Myanmar, the Philippines is the main gap in the BlueScope regional network after BHP stepped back from a joint ventures many years ago.

While Thailand has generally been the largest part of the regional business for the two companies, both managers are particularly enthusiastic about long-term growth in Vietnam.