WA's Square Kilometre Array telescope is new moon shot for Australian innovation

Radio telescopes at Murchison, WA, which are precursors to the SKA project.
Radio telescopes at Murchison, WA, which are precursors to the SKA project. Justin McManus

Most of us are dimly aware of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the giant radio telescope which will be built partly in the Western Australian outback and partly in South Africa, to look further back in time than any other scientific instrument.

When it starts operating, sometime in the early 2020s, it will be vastly more powerful than any other means we have of looking at the heavens.

When the Australian part is complete about one million objects made of metal rods will dot the empty landscape near Murchison in WA. Each of them will look like a weird evolution of a clothes line and, indeed, they are likely to be made by a clothes line manufacturer.

The radio signals received by this array will produce the largest amount of scientific data ever harvested – and it will keep on coming, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

When processed, this data will be able to resolve a billion or so different galaxies and paint a picture of what our 14 billion-year-old universe looked like only a billion years after the Big Bang when the first stars and galaxies were beginning to form.

The cost to the 10-nation consortium, including Australia, which is building the array will be about $1 billion for phase one alone.

Dark matter

Whatever the radio telescope finds is found is bound to be interesting because we don't currently have a clear picture of the early universe.

One puzzle it may cast light on is dark matter, the mysterious substance which we know exists all around us but can't see because it doesn't interact with the electro-magnetic forces that we humans use to sense things.

But because dark matter has a gravitational influence, it profoundly affected the way the early universe formed. The SKA may well reveal some of its secrets.

Is this worth it? Who knows, because to paraphrase former US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, "we don't know what we don't know". But it's not ridiculous to think that understanding dark matter could lead to new fields of science and technology that we have no concept of today.

Big data project

If that's not enough reason to think this billion dollar project is worth backing then consider another way of looking at it. The SKA is not so much a science project as a big data project.

Peter Quinn, executive director of the Perth-based International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, which runs the Australian end of the SKA, says that the biggest challenge is not to build the equipment (which is all fairly simple, known technology) but how to process the enormous amount of data it will produce.

"We originally didn't appreciate the magnitude of the problem," he says.

It's beyond the power of any existing super computer. He and his team are investigating new means of storing, processing and interpreting huge quantities of data that are unprecedented. This includes talking to Amazon about innovations in cloud computing which might help solve the problem.

But there is also another issue. How do you write the software to deal with the data? Could new ways of using artificial intelligence offer a solution? They are looking into it.

Other technologies which the SKA is developing could also have very valuable applications.

For example, mining companies map the earth using seismic waves to look for mineral deposits. They generate big volumes of data which need to be processed and interpreted. Technologies developed by the SKA could also help solve this problem, says Quinn.

In short, the SKA is a unique opportunity for Australia to move quickly to the cutting edge of big data and artificial intelligence research, and many other technologies to boot.

It's not so much a moon shot as a "beginning of the universe" shot. Just as the moon program boosted R&D; generally, so could the SKA.

Tim Dodd travelled to Perth with the support of the Knowledge Society.