Great white breaks into diving cage

Great white breaks into diving cage

INCREDIBLE footage has emerged of a great white apparently breaking into a diving cage in Mexico. WARNING: Jaws has nothing on this beast.

Hot flatmates swamped with offers

Hot flatmates swamped with offers

A GROUP of good-looking backpackers are setting hearts on fire after posting an ad for a new flatmate in Bondi — and they’re still searching.

Consortium announces first ‘space nation’

Consortium announces first ‘space nation’

A GROUP of scientists and entrepreneurs has unveiled a plan to create the “first nation in space” which promises to change the global order.

Paralysed man feels with robotic hand

Paralysed man feels with robotic hand

IN a world-first breakthrough, a paralysed man is experiencing touch sensations for the first time in 10 years thanks to a mind-controlled robotic hand.

Traffic needs a ‘digital platform’

Traffic needs a ‘digital platform’

COMMUTING in Australia can be a serious pain but it could be a whole different ball game with the rise of digital systems.

The future of motorbikes

The future of motorbikes

BMW has unveiled a futuristic concept motorbike and riders won’t even need to wear protective gear.

Playboy hooks up with iTunes, Google

Playboy hooks up with iTunes, Google

PLAYBOY magazine is now offered as Apple and Google digital subscriptions, as the iconic brand shifts to win over a new generation.

‘Female brains don’t work that way’

‘Female brains don’t work that way’

CAMBRIDGE graduate Kathryn Parsons said she was sick of hearing that phrase on a weekly basis. Now she’s leading a revolution.


Robbie Slater: 'Cahill is up for the challenge'

Robbie Slater: 'Cahill is up for the challenge'

A-League: Tara Rushton and Robbie Slater preview the Melbourne derby which will see Tim Cahill make his A-League debut.

Cristiano Ronaldo nutmegged at training

Cristiano Ronaldo nutmegged at training

Football: Cristiano Ronaldo was nutmegged at training by teammate Danilo, and it didn't go down well.