
Connected Transportation

Improve safety and the quality of life in cities with increased mobility and efficiency.

With Cisco Connected Transportation, you can…

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Make smart choices

Location and network analytics in stations and at trackside inform passengers and route trains safely and efficiently. (2:36 min)

Improve transit

Improve transit

Onboard Wi-Fi, real-time video, smart ticketing, and centralized operations enhance mass transit and passenger experiences.

Reduce congestion

Reduce congestion

Smart roadways connected to sensors can clear traffic jams before they happen, making drivers happier and safer.

Transforming public transit in Austria


"LINZ AG has had a strategic relationship with Cisco for the past decade. We decided to build on our existing Cisco network and channel its agility and simplicity to incorporate new security, mobile, and analytics technologies that help us achieve our goals and gain greater business insight."

Georg Linhard, Project Manager, LINZ AG TELEKOM


See our transportation solutions for…



Offer new services to passengers, workers, and tenants for greater mobility and collaboration.



Efficient traffic management, cargo routing, and security are critical for the world’s ports.

Mass Transit

Mass Transit

Enhance passenger experiences and boost ridership with safety, mobility, and efficiency.



Centralize management and improve communications onboard trains, in stations, and trackside.



Improve traffic flow, lower roadside incidents, and get a centralized view of highway systems.



Keep more vehicles in service with proactive fleet management, whether city or school buses.


Increase mass transit safety

Cisco Connected Mass Transit can improve mobility, efficiency, and passenger experiences.

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Build your technology strategy

Taking the next step to digital transportation

Security in transportation

Make transportation more secure

Preparing for the digital era is critical to prevent disruption to transportation networks.

Read Security in Transportation Whitepaper part 1

Read Cybersecurity in Transportation Whitepaper part 2
Lower costs for greater scale

Lower costs for greater scale

Aegean Motorway connects 5000 roadside devices to a central hub to create safer, faster roads.

Read case study

Improve safety and traffic flow

Learn the benefits of centralizing traffic control centers with Cisco Connected Roadways.

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Make your networks talk to each other

Learn how our roadways architecture connects roads, vehicles, and traffic management centers. (PDF - 3.2 MB)

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