Jim Carrey hit with lawsuit over girlfriend's death

Nasty fallout Carrey ‘digging up dirt’ on ex

JIM Carrey has reportedly hired private detectives to ‘dig up dirt’ on the family of his late ex-girlfriend Catriona White, amid a wrongful-death lawsuit.

Media Waleed Aly - our accidental voice

Waleed Aly - our accidental voice

HE’S become the voice of Australia as the popular host of The Project. But Waleed Aly’s success in media was all an accident.

Plastic fantastic Lohan hints at Mean Girls sequel

Lohan hints at Mean Girls sequel

THIS news is so fetch. Lindsay Lohan has made a public plea to her Mean Girls co-stars to reunite for a sequel to the hit movie.

Metro City Hodor returns for Perth rave

Hodor returns for Perth rave

HOLD the door! Game of Thrones fans will see beloved character Hodor in a new light as he switches to DJ at Perth’s Metro City.

Breakthrough role ‘He’s kind of a soldier and a bad ass’

‘He’s kind of a soldier and a bad ass’

FRENCH actor Omar Sy — known for his critically-acclaimed performance in The Intouchables — is taking on Hollywood with a ‘bad ass’ role in Inferno.

Fresh faced 71-year-old Presley shocks with youthful look

71-year-old Presley shocks with youthful look

FORMER wife of the late Elvis Presley, Priscilla shocked viewers with her wrinkle-free face during a UK television appearance.

TV shows Seriously good new TV shows to watch out for

Seriously good new TV shows to watch out for

THE Americans have just debuted a whole slate of great TV shows. Here are 10 new TV shows to add to your watchlist.

Balancing Fighting With Finance in 'The Accountant'

Balancing Fighting With Finance in 'The Accountant'

Drama meets action in "The Accountant", Hollywood's latest movie about a gifted mathematician, played by Ben ?Affleck, who manages money for criminal clients, but may be more dangerous than them. Mark Kelly reports. Images: Warner Bros. / Composite: Mark Kelly

ANIMALS: Cockatoo Really Gives Wall of Plastic Cups the Business September 22

ANIMALS: Cockatoo Really Gives Wall of Plastic Cups the Business September 22

Some birds just want to watch the world burn. Harley the cockatoo is one of those birds, seen here having her Berlin wall moment with stacked plastic cups. Her owner, Anja, sets them up and Harley knocks them down. Credit: Youtube/Harley the cockatoo

Hanks’ Inferno is a one star shocker

Hanks’ Inferno is a one star shocker

FILM REVIEW: Take Inferno’s red herrings and raw prawns at face value and you should take something to prevent plague-like symptoms of your own.

Almodóvar trades in visual flair

Almodóvar trades in visual flair

FILM REVIEW: Pedro Almodóvar’s famous visual flair more than compensates for any temporary problems along the way in his 20th movie Julieta.

What goes on in the world’s richest town

What goes on in the world’s richest town

A CONSTANT stream of celebrities and money tends to define the chic ski town of Aspen, but just as much happens off-piste as it does on the slopes.