- published: 29 Jun 2016
- views: 2111370
CBA may refer to:
[10.08.2016] CBA 2016-17 Preseason Liu Cheng 劉錚 19pts highlight
【CBA生涯 單場得分第二高】2015-16 CBA季後賽Game2│四川vs廣廈 - 林志傑41分7籃板4記三分3助攻
易建联VS周琦 CBA经典一战集锦
Michael Beasley MVP | CBA All-Star 2016 | 63 Pts 19 Reb 13 Ast
2015-03-15 CBA总决赛G3 北京vs辽宁
Learn the Alphabet BACKWARDS: The CBA Song
2016-17 CBA熱身賽│江蘇vs廣廈 - 林志傑18分
2016-17 CBA體能測驗Day1 - 速度耐力測試:浙江廣廈 全員通過
Maybe i'm just bad, but i hate him so much... Twitter: https://twitter.com/KSIOlajidebt My App: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/ksi/id1060064694?mt=8 KEEP UP OUT NOW: http://po.st/KeepUpEP3 My Website: http://www.ksiofficial.com/ My Snapchat: TherealKSI Instagram: http://instagram.com/ksi Sidemen Shop: http://sidemenclothing.com/ My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KSIOlajidebt My Book: http://bit.ly/ksibellend PREORDER SIDEMEN BOOK NOW: http://www.sidemenbook.co.uk Amazon: http://bit.ly/SDMNBOOK Waterstones: http://bit.ly/SDMNBOOKW What i use to Record my Gameplay: http://e.lga.to/KSI These Are The Headsets I use: http://tinyurl.com/caq6w63
*sigh* Twitter: https://twitter.com/KSIOlajidebt KEEP UP OUT NOW: http://po.st/KeepUpEP3 My Website: http://www.ksiofficial.com/ My Snapchat: TherealKSI Instagram: http://instagram.com/ksi Sidemen Shop: http://sidemenclothing.bigcartel.com/ My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KSIOlajidebt My Book: http://bit.ly/ksibellend What i use to Record my Gameplay: http://goo.gl/HzSt3 These Are The Headsets I use: http://tinyurl.com/caq6w63
CBA 2016-17 Preseason Liu Cheng 劉錚 19pts highlight PS: 00:14 為劉錚擋人讓隊友有空檔投射 * No copyright infringement intended * Like it and share ! * My Facebook fans page: https://www.facebook.com/icsportshighlight * About this video : Source - LeTV - CBA Music - None
四川2-0領先 1st 2nd 3rd 4th FINAL 41 34 35 21 131 四川30勝8敗.客場14勝5敗.聯盟排名3 33 19 32 34 118 廣廈27勝11敗.主場16勝3敗.聯盟排名6 廣廈 先發│林志傑 43.2分鐘 二分10-17 三分4-7 罰球9-9 41分 7籃板 3助攻 1抄截 5犯規 2失誤 12次被犯規 ► 全場得分最高 ► CBA生涯 單場得分第二高 ( 2011.02.28 vs遼寧 - 43分9記三分 ) ► 本季第1場、CBA生涯第2場 得分40+ ( 季後賽第一場 ) ► 本季第2場、CBA生涯第10場 得分30+ ► 本季第17場、CBA生涯第68場 得分20+ ► 本季第33場、CBA生涯第188場 得分雙位數 ├---------------技術統計----------------┤ ├得分分佈┤ . 四川 廣廈 四川 廣廈 先發 87 74 │2外援 – 1外援 替補 44 44 │ 4人 – 6人 外援 86 45 │3外援 – 2外援 ├各項數據┤ . 四川 廣廈 籃板 52 32 攻守 21-31 10-22 扣籃 4 3 助攻 27 14 抄截 7 6 阻攻 2 1 犯規 28 32 失誤 15 15 二分 30-52 35-62 58% 56% 三分 14-37 9-20 38% 45% 罰球 29-36 21-27 81% 78% ※ 畫面來源:搜狐體育 想看全場影片的球迷可以到 搜狐體育、PPTV、華數TV 觀看 ● 林志傑 Facebook官方粉絲專頁 The official Facebook page of Lin Chih...
易建联VS周琦 CBA经典一战集锦
Beasley wins his 2nd straight MVP title in the CBA All-Star Game. A game completely without defense was totally dominated by the former NBA star.
Can YOU say the alphabet BACKWARDS? Fast, funny, difficult challenge song: The CBA Song (The Backwards Alphabet Song) is a funny song for kids and everyone, http://Songdrops.com By Bryant Oden (Who does the Duck Song, Tarantulas, Paula the Koala and other funny songs). iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-... On the CD of 40 songs: "The Songdrops Collection, Vol. 1." http://Songdrops.com http://facebook.com/songdrops The CBA Song (or Backwards Alphabet Song) is a fun, challenging funny song that reverses the old alphabet song by playing it backwards. Give it a try, it's harder than you might think. If you master it, try the impossibly fast version! More funny songs for kids and everyone on this channel and at Songdrops.com
全場影片 http://sports.le.com/match/1024614003.html 1st 2nd 3rd 4th FINAL 11 29 9 25 74 江蘇 21 17 22 26 86 廣廈 廣廈 替補│林志傑 22.8分鐘 二分5-5 三分2-4 罰球2-2 18分 1籃板 1助攻 3犯規 ● 林志傑 Facebook官方粉絲專頁 The official Facebook page of Lin Chih-Chieh https://www.facebook.com/beastlin12 ● 2016-17賽季 林志傑Highlight 播放清單↓ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZoTUDu4omrWnzkeG94uvGwNJ18cran-n ● 2016-17賽季 林志傑新聞.花絮.精采好球 播放清單↓ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZoTUDu4omrUf2d0AmwbwH6XYU0G4slXw
林志傑成績 第一次:59秒66 第二次:61秒95 第三次:62秒91 第四次:62秒44 平均:61秒74 規則: 在籃球場地兩邊線之間折返跑17次,跑4組,組間間歇2分鐘。當記錄台聲響信號器發出信號後,快速起跑(同時計時),第17次衝過邊線後停錶,以測試隊員的軀幹部位通過邊線為準。 身高194以下(194CM)62秒通過,195一204CM 64秒通過,205以上66秒通過,身高超過209CM,每增加1CM加1秒,體重超過120公斤,每增加1公斤加0.2秒,年齡超過30周歲,每增加1歲加0.5秒。 影片來源:樂視體育 ● 林志傑 Facebook官方粉絲專頁 The official Facebook page of Lin Chih-Chieh https://www.facebook.com/beastlin12 ● 2016-17賽季 林志傑新聞.花絮.精采好球 播放清單↓ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZoTUDu4omrUf2d0AmwbwH6XYU0G4slXw ● 2016-17賽季 林志傑Highlight 播放清單↓
You want a house and a child but you don't want a man.
You'll live off the state as long as you can.
Claim you're equal with your feminist wit.
If you are you'd better act like it.
With a glass plate in your stomach,
everyone will look at you
The only woman in the world,
to have a womb with a view
Men are the evil, women are good.
You joined the CND just like you should.
Greenham Common the new Babylon.
Campaign all you want they'll still drop the bomb.
Burn your bra then whine for support.
Independence is a thing that can't be taught.
Live was busy for the little girl.