
Missy Higgins: still something to say

Missy Higgins is back writing music after a hiatus away from the spotlight - and an existential crisis.

Missy Higgins has been living a quiet life away from the spotlight for a few years now, having experienced something of a creative crisis.

"It was a big break," she says. "I had to figure out why I was doing music, that was the thing. I've come to realise that everyone in a creative career seems to have these crises of confidence where they think, 'is this selfish?. Am I making a difference to the world? And if not, should I quit and start volunteering at the local soup kitchen?' It starts to feel very indulgent and a bit pointless."

She went travelling, took a break from writing music, enrolled at university … before deciding not to turn her back on her multi-award-winning songwriting career.

"I think I figured out that I should keep doing it because it seems like the natural thing to do. I really enjoy it and I'm quite good at it, people seem to like what I'm doing … I had a couple of years there going to uni and trying to do something else – I studied Australian indigenous studies at Melb Uni. It was amazing but I started to realise that if I wanted to make a career in another field, where I'm probably not going to make much of a difference, compared to the difference I can make in the music industry where I have a profile and I can use my name …"

We've met for lunch at the St Kilda branch of Lentil As Anything, an old haunt of Higgins' and a place that echoes her involvement in animal rights (in 2012 she was crowned Australia's Sexiest Vegetarian by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The menu here carries no prices, using instead a financial model relying on diners' generosity to "pay what they feel", in order to cover the restaurants wages (mostly volunteers, long-term unemployed and the marginalised), utilities and stock.

"I used to live in Abbotsford, so I was a total regular at Lentil there, but now I'm on this side," Higgins says as we settle on the mixed thali each and an okonomiyaki​ to share. She wasn't always a vegetarian, but an ex-boyfriend got her into the idea.


"He used to make these yummy meals for me so I became accustomed to eating vegetables. I grew up eating a whole heap of meat, and not necessarily the grass-fed free-range type," she says. "What really made me feel like I wanted to do something for animal rights was reading Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, about the American factory farming industry … I had no idea of that."

She's back in town after a small American tour, and working on new material.

During her hiatus she also met her husband, playwright Dan Lee, and last January they had a son, Samuel. She was at home nursing him when, like the rest of the world, she was devastated by the image of drowned Syrian toddler Aylan Kurdi​ in September last year. She felt compelled to write something; this was her chance to "use her name for good".

"If people are listening to you, you may as well tell them some things," she says.

And so her first song in five years was the one-off single Oh Canada, which promptly broke hearts around the world. Accompanied by a film clip comprised of asylum-seeker children's drawings, the song was released digitally, and  all of the profits donated to the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre.

"I was getting back, slowly, into songwriting and sitting down at the piano … I'd just seen that picture the day before and it had literally floored me. Just … the pain, the hurt that it caused every person that saw it, and I think being a new parent … when you have a newborn you just feel everything so much more," she says. "I was feeling so raw and then I saw that picture – it just tore me open."

The single made news around the world, and Higgins has since been in contact with Aylan's dad Abdullah, the sole surviving member of his family, and his sister Tima, who now works as an advocate for asylum seekers. Initially there was some confusion in the US press, Higgins says, that Abdullah had objected to the song - he had objected to some of the coverage in the aftermath of the deaths of his family - but Tima contacted her to say both she and Abdullah were touched by the song.

"She told me she thought I was doing an amazing thing, and we've been keeping in contact," Higgins says. "I can't even fathom what Abdullah must be feeling. He ended up staying in Turkey, even though the Canadian government offered to take him. I think he's just so devastated he just wants to … I don't know, disappear."

Higgins has been working on material for an EP, but is loath to include Oh Canada. "I think it's more powerful as a stand-alone thing," she says. "The rest of the EP wasn't on the same theme and it would feel weird."

The mixed Thali at Lentil As Anything.

The mixed Thali at Lentil As Anything. Photo: Simon Schluter

Over lunch we talk parenthood ("Having children … forces you to be more optimistic; you need to find the good in order to not raise a child that's jaded and feels hopeless"), changes in the music industry ("I grew up in the time when you needed to have a label, before Facebook and social media – now there are all these kids producing their own music … people like Flume, making incredible tracks just on a laptop. The way I used to do things seems to antiquated now!"), the Burning Man Festival in the US ("You don't have to nude up, but I did") and our current refugee crisis. "I want to raise my child in a world where I can say, 'we're doing all we can for these people' and the people that rep us in this country are good people and they'll do the best for these people as well," she says.

"But I know I'm going to have to break his heart a little bit when I tell him about the world, one day."

Missy and her husband, playwright Dan Lee.

Missy and her husband, playwright Dan Lee. Photo: Supplied

This month, Higgins performs locally for the first time in years, as one of the headline acts at the new Lost Lands festival, a two-day event from the founders of the Falls Festival, aimed at families – as well as a line-up of decidedly adult bands, there will be family-oriented (but the non-Wiggly type) music, theatre, activities and workshops.

Higgins was thrilled with this invitation.

"I said yes within about 10 seconds - it's really rare for parents to be able to go to a quality festival that's kid-friendly, and isn't going to have drunk 18-year-olds in boardshorts!"

While Sammy has seen his mum perform a couple of times, he hasn't yet been that enthralled.

"He saw me play at the Peninsula Picnic – he went on my dad's shoulders, which was very cute – but he wasn't interested at all! I think this will be different though – he's 20 months old now. I can't wait to introduce him to good live music! The thing I like about Lost Lands is there are lots of adult bands that kids would like – like Architecture in Helsinki, so animated and colourful. I can't wait."

Then in November, Higgins gets serious again with a series of shows with the MSO.

"I'm so excited – but also nervous. I did a show with the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, and it was amazing. Those orchestras, the level of professionalism is just intimidating. They dedicate themselves to their craft in a way that I'll never be able to relate to," she says.

Missy performing with the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra in October last year.

Missy performing with the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra in October last year. Photo: Brodie Weeding

Higgins has chosen the songs – stretching back to her earliest hits – and they've been given orchestral arrangements.

"Those songs are so old that I thought I'd never be able to hear them with fresh ears again, but because someone else has interpreted them, they come alive in all the places that I never would have made them. It's so beautiful and so cinematic. Some of them sound like they belong in a Disney soundtrack!"

And yes, there is a new album on the horizon; before our lunch Higgins was at home teaching herself to use the music recording platform Logic Pro, to arrange songs more easily.

"I'm figuring out which songs to put on the album now. All the things we've been talking about … politics, the angst of having a kid in the age of climate change, has made it into the writing, so it could end being a heavily themed album," she says.

She can't, she announces, write love songs any more.

"I could write a song about how in love with my husband I am, but there's no angst there; we'd need to break up for me to get an album out of him!"

Songs have always been her way of working through things, of coming to a resolution.

"I tend to not want to write when I'm in a happy, stable relationship and simple love songs are impossible," she says. "It's like reading a novel where nothing happens, it's just a happy family – nobody wants to read that!"

Missy Higgins play Lost Lands Festival, October 29-30, Werribee Park. thelostlands.com.au
She performs with the MSO at The Plenary on November 27.

Lentil As Anything's menu has no prices; patrons are asked instead to make a donation.

Lentil As Anything's menu has no prices; patrons are asked instead to make a donation. Photo: supplied


41 Blessington St, St Kilda. 0424 345 368 Open seven days: lunch, midday-5pm; dinner 5.30-9pm.