Showing posts with label SWEDEN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SWEDEN. Show all posts

Holocrust-Arrogant State 7" (1995, unreleased)

Here we are again and this time with a strange post, its an unreleased record from a band that deserves some attention, five songs that were supposed to come out as vinyl but never did. Holocrust were a short lived five piece crust band, formed by three Warcollapse members during the years of band hiatus in mid '90's. The band is a short of mystery since there is no trace of them on the web and even in Swedish punk/hc/crust sites. The only information  i dug come from Foris Hellstorm and Martin WJ  who was singer for some time around 1996-97 (thanx to both of you!) and from an interview with Jalle (Warcollapse vox) back 1995 in Sniffa Lim zine in an ancient geocities site, the interview was after the recording/before the release date of Divine Intoxication and was posted on the zine in 1997. Apparently, Holocrust had some activity after the '95 recording, there were even plans for a European tour than never happened, so the band faded in late '90's because of lack of time since members were currently in many other projects and despite the announcement in the interview of new recording for an lp, so their only mark on official release is their appearance in Chaos Of Destruction 2  comp (2000, Dan Doh Records) with two songs taken from this ep, along with Framtid, Disclose, Agathocles and others. And i have to say here, there is not any connection with the black metal project with the same name from Switzerland or the raw D-beat band (from Indochina,can't remember the country) that used to have a myspace page some years ago. The songs were recorded at Studio Urshult in 1995, recorded and mixed by Jocke & Jalle, music wise this is close to Warcollapse stuff, there is the usual rough crusty sound, as expected (what else?) D-beat drumming (by Jalle) and rough dual vocals. According to the '95 interview the record was supposed to be released by a label named DIY Records: This is the label of Battle of Disarm, the guy from BoD got the mastertape of recording but Holocrust havn't heard from him since then so no ep was released. The band faded in late '9o's and most of band members continued with Warcollapse, Nicke who's mentioned in the interview as one of vocalists, died some time ago while a band named after the title of ep, Arrogant State includes Martin who was vocalist in 96-97 or so. I discovered the "record" in mp3 format forgotten in a dusty corner in a external hard disc that i haven't used for many years while i was ransacking and trying to clean the mess of files and i can't remember where i got it from, (too many years passed since i put it there..) and even worse there is no cover artwork, the "artwork" used here is from a youtube vid. Anyway, too much useless rant, get this forgotten gem and enjoy it, the file includes the five tracks plus one alternative version of one song and a .txt file with the Sniffa Lim interview.



No title for this post since there is nothing on the cover revealing what is this but i m more than sure you already recognized the record: Anyway, from Doom's Live in Japan we continue with another rare shit: This is known as s/t tour ep or Phantom ep but the band informs with a text inside the gatefold cover that "the unofficial title of this is Live and Compressed". And yes, the band is Disfear and this is their self released tour ep for their US/Canada tour of May/June 2006, this was sold only in their gigs which makes it a little more rare than the Disfear releases of mid 00's plus the fact that there were pressed only 500 hand-numbered copies. The record came in gatefold cover with the lyrics of the three songs printed (Phantom, the first song which sometimes is taken as the title of record, was a new song previously unreleased and two years latter appeared as closing track of Live the Storm, Left to Die and Everyday Slaughter come from Soul Scars and Everyday Slaughter cd's-lp's ) and some information about the recording plus an insert with the date list of gigs for their tour and instructions to win on-line a Disfear pin. The songs were recorded at Tavastia Club in Hell-sinski, Finland and music wise and according to the band, the sound "is very live and unfortunately compressed" and that's what it is but still deliver the goods in chaos.
This was the short rant, . The last months i ripped some vinyls or scanned the covers (or took pictures) of old posts and the during the last weeks i re-up'ed em, so if you take a trip to back pages you will find a lot of these (Deviated Instinct, AGE, Warcollapse, Anarchus, Consume etc and some more will be updated soon, hopefully). So, until the next post, get some drinks and occupy the streets.


Anti Cimex-Victims of a Bombraid (1984,Malign Massacre Records)

It took some time from the last post and a lot of shit happened but finally here we are again: You know the record, you know the band so only a few words here: Some months ago i posted the Hardcore Horror Records re-issue of Victims of A Bomb Raid (here) and i promised an older pressing so here is one of the diamonds of Swedish punk scene in its first issue: This is the original and first press of Victims of... from 1984 co-released by Anti Cimex and Malign Massacre Records. This pressing came in folded sleeve with lyrics and photos inside and had these little bits around the record title text on front cover, "Anti Cimex" is in this pale gray/silver color and vinyl labels were black, the second pressing was almost the same, came in cardboard sleeve it had the name of band in white but these little bits around the record title, the lyrics and photos inside, all were gone. As i said in the first Victims... post, for some reason the record appears with the name Set me Free in a Maximum Rock N Roll add in spring of '84(check it here)
So this is it. I won't rant much since there is no reason and also no mood (just check the headlines about what's going on in Europe and my country, this shit sucks and even if blogging is a way to escape, things are hard and had affect on you so you can not get away), let me direct you again to the amazing Shit-Fi of Stuart Schrader and his Anti Cimex Archive for many documents and crazy ebay auction stories about Anti Cimex records


Disfear/Uncurbed-Masslakt/The Strike Of Mankind split 7"(Lost and Found,1993)

Here's is a little gem including two of the most important bands of Swedish scene: Disfear and Uncurbed teamed up for this split which was released by the german label Lost And Found Records in 1993 in only 500 (?) copies and as expected is long out of print. There is no need to say anything about the bands, each of them delivers one song, Strike of mankind of Uncurbed was taken from the cd with the same title while Masslakt (mass slaughter) of Disfear was a new song. Both bands bring powerful, raw and aggressive Swedish hardcore, the record is too sort, it lasts only four minutes (wish there were more songs here) and it looks like a tour ep (the bands toured together in Germany but it was in 1995 not in '93..) or a bootleg (poor photocopied cover, blank labels), futhermore Discogs says "Most of Lost and Found releases are bootlegs" but then Uncurbed list the split as an official release in their discography, anyway if you know anything about that just drop some lines.
Recently Uncurbed called it a day after twenty years of activity, the split w Warvictims was their swan song. Members are already in other acts such as Demonical, Irritation, Interment, Kol & Stål, Entropi and Regurgitate. Disfear keep going on.
This was the short blurb, my scanner is still out of duty i don't know if it will ever recover from its problem but i used my digi cam for the covers. Old dead links are fixed, there is only a handful of them still dead, soon will be fixed (hopefully), no reposts for the moment, artwork was added to some posts and will do the same to some more.
No more crappy typing. Go get it and don't stop fighting IMF,EU and ECB


Wolfpack-st 7"(2004,Feral Ward Records)

Time to restart this crappy blog, its been a whole summer since the last post and my fingers started to itch and want to type some bullshit so here we are, actually this wasn't a summer break since Crust Demos was alive with only a month hiatus during the days of June, the days of protests and greek government's voting of new austerity measures against people and lower/middle classes, following EU and IMF's orders. The financial monstrosities have no end and keep going on and on
ok this little shit about whats going on here was enough, now about blogging: There is a bunch of 7"s waiting to be posted, a few old diamonds will be re-posted in new rips, i started thinking of stopping keeping it formal and start posting lp's or(and) tapes, don't know yet, time will tell, anyway,cheers to everyone!
Now about Bloodstained Dreams: You know the band and how their story goes so there is no need to blurb much shit about, this little treasure came out in 2004 when the name Wolfpack was history and Wolfbrigade entered into hiatus, so this year Feral Ward had the brilliant idea to release on seven inches two tracks, originally recorded back in 1995 and first appeared in Bloodstained Dreams cd (1996,Distortion Records). The record came out in the criminally limited number to only 500 copies and were almost instantly sold out and became collector's item bringing fever and smelly farts to eBay users each time it pops up. Music wise both tracks shred coming from the old glorious days and Johnsson's voice rules, the only bad thing here is the duration of record, unfortunately Feral Ward picked up the two shorted songs, it would be perfect a four song 7" including all tracks of cd (total running time 11:25") but this didn't happen, anyway all credits go to Feral Ward for this move to bring on vinyl these old tunes.
No more rant,go get it


Anti Cimex-Victims of a Bombraid (1989,Hardcore Horror Records)

Its hard to sit down a write some blurb for a band when everything has been written before. Here come the best of the best, top class masters of Swedish scene with one of their seven inch treasures.
Victims of a Bombaraid was the third diamond of Anti Cimex and was originally released in 1984 by Maligne Massacre Records and Anti Cimex and there were three pressings: First pressing came in folded sleeve with lyrics and pics printed inside and had little bits around the title name text on the front cover, "Anti Cimex" was in silver lettering and was also printed on the inside. The second press came in cardboard sleeve it has the name in white and those little bits around the record title were gone, printed lyrics and pics sheet was gone too. Third pressing was on Hardcore Horror Records with printed vinyl labels but back cover says "Maligne Records" and had original Malign Massacre catalog/matrix numbers as earlier pressings. In an add of April/May 1984 issue of Maximum Rocknroll, this ep appears under the title Set Me Free instead of Victims... (check it here)
A short documentary about Sixten Andersson who played bass in "Victims... was on Swedish tv recently, (record sheet says Conrad was on bass though) not strictly related with Anti Cimex but if you love them its worth enough to watch some moments of daily life of an AC member back in 1985. Go here for more. Many details about Anti Cimex interviews, info about pressings of their records, photos, videos, fliers and other obscure info can be found in Anti Cimex Archive of
Here you got the Hardcore Horror Records pressing from 1989 which looks exactly the same with the second pressing minus the vinyl labels and plus the lyrics/photos sheet, (an earlier pressing will be posted in the near future). Discharge, Varukers, Crucifix and other legends released their records about the same days in early '80's but the bad distribution of records coming from Swedish scene made these Swedish punk records (especially Anti Cimex) to reach unbelievable and stop-breathing prices on Ebay and Victims.. is one of these. Go get it, Happy Easter to all of unbelievers out there and cheers!


Bombanfall-Asiktsfrihet 7" (1987,selfreleased)

"To set the record right; we had 3 gigs. In Stockholm with Asta Kask and once at Ultra Huset-the legendary house of punk and also in Gothenburg at the anarchist festival with bands like Disarm and other heros. Our name was Two Moons Rising( taken from the native American chief who fought the oppressors and general Custer in Little Big Horn.)."
This was written by Herman guitarist of Bombanfall in 7inchpunk. Asiktsfrihet (Freedom of opinion) is their only recorded material, it came out in 1987 and its a milestone of powerful and brutal crustcore that stands equal to other diamonds of Swedish scene of 80's such as Anti Cinex, Disarm, Shitlickers and others: Is this a blasphemy? no noway! this record rules! Brutal vocals, aggressive guitars and blasting drums, though not much D-beat drumming here. The whole thing is very close to the old n good Extreme Noise Terror era.
The record was selfreleased and 500 copies or so were made, the band changed their name to Two Moon Rising after the record was released so some copies had a sticker on back side informing "Text oh musik Two Moon Rising". These copies included a red sheet with lyrics and this info:"Inspelad och mixad pa Bee Three Bee Records"=recorded and mixed byBee Three Bee Records.
Disfear covered Halsning fran helvetet in Powerload 7", the entire Asiktsfrhet ep appears in Hardcore elitserien vol. 1-It Is Yourself Who Makes It Possible bootleg lp and All Hope Lost..Swedish hardcore 1982-1993 bootleg tape, Kill From The Heart says they were included in Delirium Tremens vol 14, Mr Toxik from Crucified For Your Sins posted this tape but there is no sign of them.Edit:in fact Bombanfall appear in Delirium Tremens #4 , thanks -Chris-!!!
This was the only release of Bombanfall. Erich (Fear of God, Good Bad Music) wrote about an offer for a future ep release on his own label Off Disc Records but TMR asked for a shitload of money upfront so things didn't work out.
This was posted back in summer of 2007 and here it is again in fresh new rip and scans (no sticker and lyrics sheet though). Nowadays this is a shit of rarity but if you really want a piece of it, Herman still got some copies:"I´ve got some unplayed 7″ left from that time for those wanting to blow up e-bay paranoia ripoff prices like 105 us dollars for a used 7″ with us…what a bunch of bullshit! Punk and e-bay….NOT a combination!Drop me a line at my e-mail: nopartial (at) hotmail (dot)com"


Discard-Death from above (1990,Jesus Kudd Rec.s)

This is a kind of follow up to the previous post: Discharge started the D-Beat flood and Discard started the Dis-mania in Swedish punk scene. The following text is taken from "Stockholms Mangel" re-issue 2XLP and blatantly copied/pasted from Distort Truth, Distort Minds blog (Daniel, thanks in advance):
“DISCARD was never a real band in it’s original form. They never rehearsed, recorded only twice and played only one gig. At the first recording session Per,(who also played in AGONI, PROTES BENGT & THE FILTHY CHRISTIANS), laid all solos without really being able to play the guitar and only one track from that session made it to the band’s ep ‘death from above’. The band later reformed with only Per left from the original line-up, and with the DISCHARGE references toned down. DISCARD took the DISCHARGE cloning even further then they did with MOB 47, even piecing together their band logo. This was way before the whole invasion of dis-bands and an early attest to Sweden’s dis-mania. DISCARD's songs had the same structure as DISCHARGE's and dealt with the same lyrical subjects, but some of their songs were way too fast to be confused with the English icons."
Death from Above came out in 1990 bringing six pages from the early days chapter of Discharge's book of D-Beat (and yeah! there are some guitar solos popping up here and there). There were three pressings, "First press by Jesus Kudd (960 black and 40 green), second press by Finn Rec (probably 1000 copies)", third was the bootleg version of Rödel Records
The Rödel version was posted in summer of '07, here is the Jesus Kudd press in fresh new rip, actually i don't know if this is a Jesus Kudd or Finn Records press since " first and second press look in exactly the same way (same cover sleeve, no Finn Rec logo etc)".
No any other shit to say,go get it


G-ANX/Filthy Christians-split 7" (Gore Core Records.1988)

Another old diamond and this time we got a split ep with two legendary bands from Sweden: Fri Som En Fågel… was released in 1988 by Gore Core Records, it came in colored vinyl (there were red,blue and yellow copies) and included two of Sweden's finest acts of late '80's and for both this was the first official release:G-ANX need no introduction, their ep's are already posted here and here, check these posts if you already haven't for more, just to add here an interview with Patrick(vocals) of No Te Calles Fanzine.
Filthy Christians formed in 1985 and included Per Thunell, vocalist of Protes Beng in their ranks, they played in many gigs in Sweden, in the next years they recorded three demos, in 1988 they released the split with G-ANX, in 1990 the Mean lp (and they became the first Swedish band on Earache Records) in 1992 the Nailed cd was recorded at Sunlight Studios and produced by Tomas Skogsberg, they also appeared in the infamous Grindcrusher compilation along with some monsters of extreme metal such as Carcass, Morbid Angel, Bolt Thrower, Terrorizer, Napalm Death etc. When F.C called it quits, members went on Bruce Banner and BombKlan
Here we got one of the blue vinyl copies, the record comes in gatefold cover and includes special thanks and some funny artwork, a sheet with lyrics was included too. Filthy Christians tracks come from their second demo tape: imagine the crust brutality of Bombanfall enriched with some grindcore hints that po p up here and there. There are brutal vocals, rough guitars, beat changes with slower parts followed by fast outbreaks, there is a grindcore feeling but this is not the grindcore as we know it, six tracks are delivered and some of them last less than a minute. On the other side, G-ANX deliver five tracks of their powerful and aggressive hardcore, very fast, fierce, angry and raw and without the acoustic parts that appeared for first time in Far Out.
And the rant will finish with something written in Blood Sisters:"
Carl of I Love a Parade, whose old band His Hero is Gone once toured with someone who played in G-ANX, reports that the name (being Swedish) is pronounced more like "yonks" than like "gee-anks" or "ganks." Also it apparently means "pregnant duck," but I'm a little dubiouser on that one". But then Tony said that "We always said "GEEe-Annks" in Swedish". And why G-Anx are included in Blood Sisters? Because of a girl who used to handle bass duties..
Once again too much ranting..go get it


G-ANX-Far out 7" (Finn Rec.s, 1989)

"Started as Gravida Anker (Pregnant Ducks) in Huskvarna, Sweden 1982. Gravida Anker were playing some old school midtempo punkrock, but the following years they were infiltrated by the young noisecore extremists from Penisknyckarna (Steve, Putte & Hoccy) and the name was cut down to G-ANX in '84. A few years later the last original member Sonnerby was replaced by Hedda. With this final setting we rehearsed approx. 20 times until the split-up in '91 (it's better to split up than to be infiltrated and replaced). We also performed about 20 gigs and recorded 4 vinyl-ep:s - that's all folks. The last ep was supposed to be an album, but some tapes were erased by mistake(?) and we didn't have the energy to complete it". (taken from Swedishpunk)
Far out was the first of the three ep's that complete the G-ANX discography and was released in 1989 by Finn Records and right after the split with Filthy Christians, their other ep's are already posted here and here check these for further details about the band,(soon there will be a repost of split w Filthy Christians) and their demo tapes
The first thing worth to mention about Far Out is the strange artwork for a punk record, it reminds me of the little price of Antoine Exipery fairytale, next worth to say is about the music: Powerful hardcore with aggression and wrath, shouted vocals and catchy riffs and raw sound , tracks are fast with slower breaks and the usual acoustic parts for G-ANX songs appear here and there, in Ninteenninteyeight they create the link that connects Far Out and the form of songs of their next records by the emotional acoustic intro and slowing down the speed, Stenad is a raw noise attack of 49 seconds, Appelskruttar is fast a hell with slower parts and Skitsnack moves from mid paced to moderately fast pace. The record comes in gatefold cover and includes lyrics.
This is it, go get and tell what you think, These tracks appeared in Flashback discog. cd(Sound Pollution / Elderberry Records), G-ANX contributed in several compilations such as Really fast vol 4, (1988,Really Fast Rec.s), Bblleeaauurrgghh 7"(1991,Slap a Ham), Civilisationens Bakgård 7''(1991,Elderberry) and as you already know members continued with mighty Counterblast (a new 10" is just unleashed) and in a less known act named Farcical, & don't forget that some of these people also ran Elderberry Records


Wolfpack-Hellhound warpig 7" (Distortion Rec.s,1997)

This post was supposed to be Bloodstained dreams 7" but then i remembered that Hellhound warpig was posted some ages ago without scans and so here is the real shit for you
There is no much to say about Wolfpack since you know the basics, don't you?:Hellhound warpig came out in 1997 and its long out of print, Distortion Records is the label behind this diamond and apart from the classic black there were copies in red vinyl and white as well. Music wise delivers five tracks of Swedish hardcore with metal-edged sound blending melody, power and aggression in an amazing combination. Tracks move from midpaced yet steady (Gunhead battalion) to moderately fast chord progressions (Hellhound warpig), guitar sound delivers the right average of melody in roughness and aggression with raging riffs and some great clear melody lines with metallic hints that pop up here and there (Shapeshifter, Submission), bass is thick and dissonant and Jonnson's (Anti Cimex "fame") shouted vocals are just awesome,. These five tracks appeared later in the cd version of Lycanthro Punk on Regain Records, there is a forceful aura from the beginning to the end and the record delivers the goods, production/sound quality is excellent and there is nothing to complain to. Artwork is nice and this is what became Wolfpack's logo, lyrics included in an insert.
i think i have said it all, now go get it
01:Hellhound warpig
04:Gunhead battalion
