Our Campaigns


            River Country                                   Anti-Nuclear                                       Forests

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The River Country Campaign is fighting for Indigenous land and water rights along the Murray-Darling Basin.  Friends of the Earth has been campaigning against the nuclear industry - and promoting safer solutions - for 40 years. FoE monitors biodiversity and companies involved in Victorian plantation forests, especially in the Strzelecki Ranges.


           Economic Justice                                    Quit Coal                                Yes 2 Renewables

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The Economic Justice Collective calls on the Australian Government to stop the secret TPP negotiations and release the text for public scrutiny and parliamentary debate.

Quit Coal is a collective that campaigns against the expansion of the coal and unconventional gas industries in Victoria.  Yes 2 Renewables campaign calls for a fair go for wind farms and other renewable energy


             Local Campaigns


FoE Melbourne supports a number of local campaigns, including opposition to the Big Hill gold mine and the East West Link






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