- published: 02 May 2016
- views: 140703
Harald Meldal Eia (born 9 February 1966) is a Norwegian comedian and documentarian.
Together with Bård Tufte Johansen, he has been author of, and participated in, several successful Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation comedy TV series, such as Lille Lørdag (1995), Åpen Post (1998–2002), Uti vår hage (2003), Team Antonsen (2004), Tre brødre som ikke er brødre (2005), Uti vår hage 2 (2008), and Storbynatt, as well as the radio comedy shows Herreavdelingen (1997) and Tazte priv (2004–2005). Popular characters include "Lena" (a parody of the character from Døden på Oslo S) and Oslolosen. He has also performed stand-up comedy and theatresports and had supporting roles in Norwegian films, including Detector (2000) and United (2003).
Eia was born in Bærum. He graduated with a Candidate's degree in sociology at the University of Oslo in 1992, with the thesis Lidende ledere og kompetente kalkulatører. Næringslivsfolks symbolske kamper.
In 2010, he introduced a television show called Hjernevask ("Brainwashing") which contrasted cultural determinist models of human behavior (also referred to as the Standard social science model) with nature-nurture interactionist perspectives. Several of those who were interviewed for the show criticized the show publicly both before and after the airing, and this ignited a wide public discussion on the subject of the nature versus nurture debate. Specially the question of gender, and what is referred to as the gender paradox (the fact that although Norwegian women have a high level of participation within the workforce, more so than most countries, the Norwegian job market remains highly segregated in terms of gender) has provoked controversy.
Where in the world is it easiest to get rich? | Harald Eia | TEDxOslo
Harald Eia: Gehirnwäsche: Das Gleichstellungs - Paradox
Se Harald Eia forklare befolkningsveksten
Storbynatt - My Oslo with Harald Eia for english TV
Gísli (Harald Eia) gratulerer Mímir Kristjánsson m
Team Antonsen - Linguist Ødegård (English subtitles)
Trygdekontoret - Harald Eia om IQ
Hjernevask - Brainwashing (Eng Sub) Part 6 - Race
Åpen post 20.01.1998 | Harald Eia, Bård Tufte Johansen
Talk American Show: Harald Eia
In which society is it easiest to get rich? Contrary to common belief, it is not countries like the US or the UK that create the highest number of rich people per capita, but Nordic social democracies like Norway and Sweden. Counter intuitive as it may sound, high taxes, generous welfare states and strong unions makes a better environment for the people who wants to earn huge amounts of money, than free markets, low taxes, and minimal government intervention. Harald Eia is a trained sociologist who works in television with comedy and documentaries. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
In seiner Reihe "Gehirnwäsche" geht der beliebte norwegische Komiker und Soziologe der Gender-Forschung auf den Grund. Diese behauptet, es gebe außer den Geschlechtsteilen keine Unterschiede zwischen Mann und Frau. Die verschiedenen sozialen Rollen seien durch die Kulturen willkürlich festgelegt und bedeuteten eine Einengung, die überwunden werden müsste. Harald Eia geht dieser Theorie nach und findet... (sehen Sie selbst). Nach Ausstrahlung des Films im norwegischen Fernsehen 2010 brach eine breite Debatte über Sinn und Unsinn der Gender-Theorie aus. Schließlich beendete das Parlament die Finanzierung von Gender-Instituten mit Steuermillionen. In Mitteleuropa haben die Medien den Film bisher noch erfolgreich ignoriert. Schließlich soll der Wahnsinn bei uns ja weitergehen, jüngst wieder m...
Harald Eia tar oss med fra Afrika til Holmestrand hvor hans forfedre slo seg ned. Han er konferansier for NHOs Årskonferanse 2015 #7millioner. Se mer fra konferansen på www.nho.no/7millioner
Presentation of norways capital city Oslo by Harald Eia from the norwegian humor show Storbynatt on NRK1. www.nrk.no/storbynatt
Gísli (Harald Eia) gratulerer Mimir Kristjansson med boka "Frihet, likhet, Island. En saga om mann og et land i krise".
This is a hilarious skit from the Norwegian comedy show Team Antonsen, with the famous Norwegian actor Harald Eia. Enjoy! I've added English subtitles to the parts where he talks in Norwegian - it shouldn't be too bad. Til alle norske seere: Spre denne perlen av humor til alle dere vet av!
Harald Eia gjester Trygdekontoret og viser et klipp fra "Hjernevask" om rase og IQ.
Hjernevask (Brainwash) is a Norwegian popular science documentary series that aired on Norwegian television in 2010. The series was produced by Harald Eia and Ole Martin Ihle, and was completed in seven episodes consisting of interviews with Norwegian and foreign researchers who have different views on the nature versus nurture debate.
Seriebeskrivelse No. humorserie. Bård og Harald byr på talkshow med sketsjer, gjester, musikk, rollefigurer, og mye moro. Medvirkende: Bård Tufte Johansen, ...Humorprogram med Harald Eia og Bård Tufte Johansen. Bård Tufte Johansen skal vere med i Radioteateret og Harald Eia kjem med "gode" tips... Fra ekstramateriale på Lasse & Geir DVD. Humorprogram med Bård Tufte Johansen og Harald Eia som gikk på NRK fra 1998 til 2002. Seriebeskrivelse No. humorserie. Bård og Harald byr på talkshow med sketsjer, gjester, musikk, rollefigurer, og mye moro. Medvirkende: Bård Tufte Johansen, ...
Hjernevask (Brainwash) is a Norwegian popular science documentary series that aired on Norwegian television in 2010. The series was produced by Harald Eia and Ole Martin Ihle, and was completed in seven episodes consisting of interviews with Norwegian and foreign researchers who have different views on the nature versus nurture debate.
Hjernevask (Brainwash) is a Norwegian popular science documentary series that aired on Norwegian television in 2010. The series was produced by Harald Eia and Ole Martin Ihle, and was completed in seven episodes consisting of interviews with Norwegian and foreign researchers who have different views on the nature versus nurture debate.
Hjernevask (Brainwash) is a Norwegian popular science documentary series that aired on Norwegian television in 2010. The series was produced by Harald Eia and Ole Martin Ihle, and was completed in seven episodes consisting of interviews with Norwegian and foreign researchers who have different views on the nature versus nurture debate.
Hjernevask (Brainwash) is a Norwegian popular science documentary series that aired on Norwegian television in 2010. The series was produced by Harald Eia and Ole Martin Ihle, and was completed in seven episodes consisting of interviews with Norwegian and foreign researchers who have different views on the nature versus nurture debate.
Hjernevask (Brainwash) is a Norwegian popular science documentary series that aired on Norwegian television in 2010. The series was produced by Harald Eia and Ole Martin Ihle, and was completed in seven episodes consisting of interviews with Norwegian and foreign researchers who have different views on the nature versus nurture debate.
Hjernevask (Brainwash) is a Norwegian popular science documentary series that aired on Norwegian television in 2010. The series was produced by Harald Eia and Ole Martin Ihle, and was completed in seven episodes consisting of interviews with Norwegian and foreign researchers who have different views on the nature versus nurture debate.
Muligens verdens beste skjult kamera-innslag. Janne Formoe forfører en intetanende Kristopher Schau på restaurant før hun tar ham med hjem hvor Harald Eia og Bård Tufte Johansen sitter knisende på et lite rom og filmer heler seansen.
Tok avskjed med et smil
Harald Eia bretter stretch laken på Brille--morsom kommentar av Atle Antonsen