- published: 14 Oct 2016
- views: 31118
The heart is a muscular organ in humans and other animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. Blood provides the body with oxygen and nutrients, and also assists in the removal of metabolic wastes. The heart is located in the middle compartment of the mediastinum in the chest.
In humans, other mammals, and birds, the heart is divided into four chambers: upper left and right atria; and lower left and right ventricles. Commonly the right atrium and ventricle are referred together as the right heart and their left counterparts as the left heart. Fish in contrast have two chambers, an atrium and a ventricle, while reptiles have three chambers. In a healthy heart blood flows one way through the heart due to heart valves, which prevent backflow. The heart is enclosed in a protective sac, the pericardium, which also contains a small amount of fluid. The wall of the heart is made up of three layers: epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium.
Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media.
Video systems vary greatly in the resolution of the display, how they are refreshed, and the rate of refreshed, and 3D video systems exist. They can also be carried on a variety of media, including radio broadcast, tapes, DVDs, computer files etc.
Video technology was first developed for Mechanical television systems, which were quickly replaced by cathode ray tube (CRT) television systems, but several new technologies for video display devices have since been invented. Charles Ginsburg led an Ampex research team developing one of the first practical video tape recorder (VTR). In 1951 the first video tape recorder captured live images from television cameras by converting the camera's electrical impulses and saving the information onto magnetic video tape.
Video recorders were sold for $50,000 in 1956, and videotapes cost $300 per one-hour reel. However, prices gradually dropped over the years; in 1971, Sony began selling videocassette recorder (VCR) decks and tapes to the public.
Basin is another term for sink or bowl.
Basin may also refer to:
Basin may also refer to some types of geological depressions:
Techno is a form of electronic dance music that emerged in Detroit, Michigan, in the United States during the mid-to-late 1980s. The first recorded use of the word techno in reference to a specific genre of music was in 1988. Many styles of techno now exist, but Detroit techno is seen as the foundation upon which a number of subgenres have been built.
In Detroit techno resulted from the melding of African American music including Chicago house, funk, electro, and electric jazz with electronic music by artists such as Kraftwerk, Giorgio Moroder, and Yellow Magic Orchestra. Added to this is the influence of futuristic and fictional themes relevant to life in American late capitalist society, with Alvin Toffler's book The Third Wave being a notable point of reference. Pioneering producer Juan Atkins cites Toffler's phrase "techno rebels" as inspiring him to use the word techno to describe the musical style he helped to create. This unique blend of influences aligns techno with the aesthetic referred to as afrofuturism. To producers such as Derrick May, the transference of spirit from the body to the machine is often a central preoccupation; essentially an expression of technological spirituality. In this manner: "techno dance music defeats what Adorno saw as the alienating effect of mechanisation on the modern consciousness".
Lyric may refer to:
岡崎体育「Voice Of Heart」歌詞動画 アルバム『BASIN TECHNO』初回生産限定盤収録曲 ▼岡崎体育 メジャーデビューアルバム 『BASIN TECHNO』 https://goo.gl/zxXqGh 2016.05.18 Release 【収録内容】 [Disc:1] 1. Explain 2. MUSIC VIDEO 3. 家族構成 4. FRIENDS 5. Voice Of Heart 6. Outbreak 7. スペツナズ 8. エクレア [Disc:2] 1. Outbreak (Music Video) 2. MUSIC VIDEO (Music Video) 3. Explain (Music Video) 4. Voice Of Heart (Music Video) 5. FRIENDS (Music Video) 6. 家族構成 (Music Video) ▼岡崎体育 オフィシャルウェブサイト https://okazakitaiiku.com/ ▼チャンネル登録はコチラ http://goo.gl/TCVQWK
岡崎体育 メジャーデビューアルバム BASIN TECHNO よりエクレアを弾き語りしました。 チューニングは半音下げです。 いいね、チャンネル登録して頂けると喜びます。 リクエストなども受け付けてます。 https://twitter.com/yasu_hikigatari
撮影日:2016.11.25(金) カメラ目線でイラっとさせます(°д°) ネタバレしますけど先に別撮りした部分を使用するため、録音流して歌ったら歌詞が出なかったの。1番も間違ってる可能性あるのに2番なんて。。。
今年5月にアルバム『BASIN TECHNO』でメジャーデビューした岡崎体育が、10月14日に放送された『ミュージックステーション』(テレビ朝日系)に初出演し、アルバム収録曲「Voice Of Heart」を披露。 YOUTUBEで稼ぎたい方は必見! MMTUBE 詳しくはこちらからご覧ください⇒ http://hokutoice.desidea.pw/mmt 引用元 MSNニュース 引用URL http://www.msn.com/ja-jp/entertainment/celebrity/%e5%b2%a1%e5%b4%8e%e4%bd%93%e8%82%b2%e3%80%81m%e3%82%b9%e3%83%86%e3%81%a7%e3%81%ae%e2%80%9c%e6%ad%8c%e8%a9%9e%e5%bf%98%e3%82%8c%e2%80%9d%e3%81%8c%e8%a9%b1%e9%a1%8c-%e9%9f%b3%e6%a5%bd%e3%82%b7%e3%83%bc%e3%83%b3%e3%81%ab%e6%96%b0%e3%81%9f%e3%81%aa%e6%b3%a2/ar-AAj4LBC?ocid=NAMDHP#page=2 岡崎体育 Mステ 岡崎体育 explain 岡崎体育 Music video 岡崎体育 歌詞 岡崎体育 口パク 岡崎体育 VOICE of HEART 岡崎体育 動画 岡崎体育 嫌い 岡崎体育 英語 岡崎体育 潮風 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTwAz1JC4yI 岡崎体育 「MUSIC VIDEO」Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTmmyIJ6eh8 岡崎体育「家族構成」Music Video https:...
ミュージックステーション 2016年10月14日 よる8時から放送! 岡崎体育 放送直前コメント 岡崎体育、上白石萌音、関ジャニ∞、SEKAI NO OWARI、星野 源、miwa(五十音順) 番組サイト http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/music/
「岡崎体育 / エクレア(サビのみ)」 ハーモニカ初心者のための練習曲・LV.5 楽譜付き動画 です。「MUSIC VIDEO」というミュージックビデオ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTwAz1JC4yI で一躍有名となった、盆地テクノというジャンルのソロミュージシャン、岡崎体育の初メジャーアルバム「BASIN TECHNO」 http://amzn.to/29IdO17 の一番最後の「エクレア」というタイトルの曲がとても心にしみて、 サビのみですが、ハーモニカ(ブルースハープ)でコピーして、ハーモニカ譜とともにUPしました。 サビ部分はとても簡単だと思うので、興味のある人は曲を聴いてぜひ吹いてみてください。 MUSIC VIDEO の製作者・寿司くん:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4j0WiKZbU1qQ0GlMnXvS3KqgfGiOavzV キー:[C] 使用ハーモニカ:TOMBO メジャーボーイ http://amzn.to/1EubNgY 【超簡単 ハーモニカ譜の見方:[例] 4・・・ 左から4番目の穴を[吹く]。 ⑥・・・ 左から6番目の穴を[吸う]。 ↓や↘・・・ 音を下げる(ベンドする)。 ⤴・・・フェイクする(しゃくり)。】 『LV.99ビッグブリッヂの死闘 ハーモニカの「神」になるための動画はこちら』:https://youtu.be/ZWnwhqx1Cbc 『UP主のその他のハーモニカ関連の動画』: https://bit.ly/1ZyOWHG テンホールズ、10ホールズ、ブルースハープ などと一般に呼ばれる 10穴式のハーモニカをメインに吹いています。 全ての楽器の中で一番小さく、軽く、感覚的に、気軽に、楽譜が読めなくても、音楽なんてやったことのない初心者...
岡崎体育「Voice Of Heart」歌詞動画 アルバム『BASIN TECHNO』初回生産限定盤収録曲 ▼岡崎体育 メジャーデビューアルバム 『BASIN TECHNO』 https://goo.gl/zxXqGh 2016.05.18 Release 【収録内容】 [Disc:1] 1. Explain 2. MUSIC VIDEO 3. 家族構成 4. FRIENDS 5. Voice Of Heart 6. Outbreak 7. スペツナズ 8. エクレア [Disc:2] 1. Outbreak (Music Video) 2. MUSIC VIDEO (Music Video) 3. Explain (Music Video) 4. Voice Of Heart (Music Video) 5. FRIENDS (Music Video) 6. 家族構成 (Music Video) ▼岡崎体育 オフィシャルウェブサイト https://okazakitaiiku.com/ ▼チャンネル登録はコチラ http://goo.gl/TCVQWK
а-але-але, а-але-алеа, а-але-але...
а-але-але, а-але-алеа, а-але-але...
Моля изключете телефоните,
всички маймуни слизайте от клоните.
Голямо парти, наковани хулигани,
има ли за мен луди дами-умотани?
Скъпа ти си тази дето ми хареса,
ела у нас или дай си адреса.
Само ми кажи коя ламя да гръмна,
внимание да ми обърнеш, а?
Колко секси съм тази вечер,
всички дрехи вече ми пречат.
Опа, кога порасна,
ей тая работа не ми е ясна.
Колко секси съм тази вечер,
всички дрехи вече ми пречат.
Опа, да ти посегна,
виж как обстановката напрегна.
Знаеш, че не мога по-полека,
знаеш, че на твой терен съм по-добър от Beckam.
Заредени рими редя в истерия,
щото скъпа ти си ми като батерия.
Хиляда волта и мозъка ми се развинти,
дай алкохол за много кинти.
Нафиркан в ефир като кирка...
Къде да сляза като пак няма спирка?
Опа, хип-хоп-а ли развали децата?
Да не би вина да има и Устата?
Щото аз съм тоя дето провокира,
аре някоя тая нощ да ме малтретира.
Може и да се наложи после
танци мръсни, знам ги доста.
Аз съм госта в шоуто ти тая вечер.
Как държиш да съм облечен?
Колко секси съм тази вечер,
всички дрехи вече ми пречат.
Опа, кога порасна,
ей тая работа не ми е ясна.
Колко секси съм тази вечер,
всички дрехи вече ми пречат.
Опа, да ти посегна,
виж как обстановката напрегна.
Как да те направя бройка,
бате Бойко бие без упойка.
Кой набор си? Бъди конкретна,
нека сметна дали са малолетна.
На момиче като теб не отива
на такъв като мен да окаже съпротива.
Фенки, фенки, един дол дренки,
тая вечер си носи наколенки.
Пляскай, (але-але)
пляскай, (але-алеа)
Колко си секси си тази вечер!
Пляскай, (але-але)
пляскай, (але-алеа)
Всички дрехи вече ти пречат!
Колко секси съм тази вечер,
всички дрехи вече ми пречат.
Опа, кога порасна,
ей тая работа не ми е ясна.
Колко секси съм тази вечер,
всички дрехи вече ми пречат.
Опа, да ти посегна,
виж как обстановката напрегна.
Колко секси съм тази вечер,
всички дрехи вече ми пречат.
Опа, ъ-ъ.
Колко секси съм тази вечер,
всички дрехи вече ми пречат.
Опа, ъ-ъ.
а-але-але, а-але-алеа, а-але-але...
а-але-але, а-але-алеа, а-але-але...