The New $5 Note Can Play Vinyl Records, Seriously

Cash for tunes anyone?

14/10/2016 9:34 AM AEDT | Updated 14/10/2016 12:34 PM AEDT

There is so much to love about our new five dollar note. Not only does it have a distinctive top-to-bottom see-through panel and a tactile feature for those with a vision impairment, it can play your favourite tunes. Really.

Some amazing videos surfaced online of Britons using their new polymer five pound notes as a crude turntable needle. And now some Aussies have given it a go. Have a listen:

And even a crisp copy of the old $5 note will work:

There are a few more tricks you can do with the redesigned five dollar note, which began circulating on 1st September. Holding the plastic note at an angle, certain patterns become visible that are designed to deter counterfeit currency. There's also that rude whale trick...

But playing music on a record? That will be hard to beat.

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