'It's disingenuous reporting': Mel Gibson claims he is 10 years sober and is disheartened by reports that say otherwise

He's the controversial Hollywood star known for multiple booze-fuelled incidents and racist rants.

But Mel Gibson claims his past is indeed in the past in an interview with Channel Seven's Sunday Night.

He reveals that as an Alcoholics Anonymous member he has 10 years of sobriety under his belt.

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Controversial Hollywood star Mel Gisbon claims he has 10 years of sobriety under his belt following his public DUI incident in 2006, in an interview with Channel Seven's Sunday Night

Controversial Hollywood star Mel Gisbon claims he has 10 years of sobriety under his belt following his public DUI incident in 2006, in an interview with Channel Seven's Sunday Night

Arrested: In 2006 the actor blew a blood alcohol rating of 0.12 while driving more than twice the legal speed limit in Malibu

Arrested: In 2006 the actor blew a blood alcohol rating of 0.12 while driving more than twice the legal speed limit in Malibu

The Oscar winner was embroiled in furious controversy in 2016 amid claims he launched an anti-Semitic rant after being arrested on suspicion of drink-driving.

The drink driving offense occurred more than a decade ago in Malibu, with Mel reportedly recording a blood alcohol rating of 0.12 while being caught driving twice the legal speed limit.

Speaking of the reports at the time, he said: 'I didn't look. It was too hard to look at.'

'It's ingenuous reporting!'': The Oscar-winning actor claims reports in recent years that he's 'loaded' or drunk are wrong and he finds the whole reporting process disheartening

'It's ingenuous reporting!'': The Oscar-winning actor claims reports in recent years that he's 'loaded' or drunk are wrong and he finds the whole reporting process disheartening

And even now, the actor finds reports distressing: 'It's disheartening. You have to read every other year that you're loaded, when you're not. It's disingenuous reporting.'

He explained it was the worst moment of his life.

'Imagine the worst moment you ever had recorded and broadcast to the world... that's what happened,' he said. 

'The worst moment': The actor spoke candidly about how as an actor he lost his personal anonymity and his worst moment of his life was recorded and broadcast to the world

'The worst moment': The actor spoke candidly about how as an actor he lost his personal anonymity and his worst moment of his life was recorded and broadcast to the world

But when asked what he would do if given a do-over, he answered: 'I'd do it all differently. Because a thing happens (when you get famous), you give something away, personal anonymity, and you never get it back again.'

While the actor-turned-director also summed up Hollywood in the one word 'survival', he says he done just that.

'Feeling sorry for ourselves or having a pity party about the past or what’s happened it’s just not worth it, ‘cause it affects the present and it affects the future,' he said. 

During the station's airing of the Hollywood heavyweight interview, Mel was attending the Australian premiere of his new film, Hacksaw Ridge.

Braveheart: Mel won two Oscars for his roles as producer and director of the 1995 film, in which he also starred 

Braveheart: Mel won two Oscars for his roles as producer and director of the 1995 film, in which he also starred 

Directing again: After only a handful of acting credits since 2005, Mel was given the opportunity to produce WWII-based drama Hacksaw Ridge, in Australian cinemas from November

Directing again: After only a handful of acting credits since 2005, Mel was given the opportunity to produce WWII-based drama Hacksaw Ridge, in Australian cinemas from November

The move back to the big screen, after only a handful of acting credits since 2005, is set to be Mel Gibson's astonishing comeback, according to critics.

The World War II drama made its debut out of competition at the Venice Film Festival, and was met with a 10-minute standing ovation from the audience.

Mel has now been tipped for a Best Director Oscar after it received shining reviews from critics.

Career comeback? Mel is tipped by critics for a Best Director Oscar after it received shining reviews at the Venice Film Festival earlier this year

Career comeback? Mel is tipped by critics for a Best Director Oscar after it received shining reviews at the Venice Film Festival earlier this year

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