Fears Hammond could quit Cabinet: Chancellor 'excluded from key meetings' as pressure mounts on PM over 'hard' Brexit 

16/10/16 01:56

16/10/16 00:59

Tory MP Zac Goldsmith, who represents Richmond Park in South West London, will resign if Heathrow airport is allowed to expand with a third runway, as is expected.

15/10/16 03:36

Angus Robertson, who won a landslide election to the post yesterday, insisted 'Remain means Remain' after Scotland refused to back Brexit unlike in England and Wales.

15/10/16 02:01

The SNP's plan could hand PM Theresa May her first Commons defeat if they decide to carry out their threat to block her plan to create new grammar schools in England.

15/10/16 01:58

In an unprecedented intervention, Mark Carney hit back angrily at the Prime Minister’s claim this month that his policies had damaged the interests of savers, pensioners and the young.

15/10/16 01:57

Nicola Sturgeon, in response, accused the Tories of placing Scottish independence back on the agenda by threatening the country's continued membership of the European Union.

13/10/16 18:21

Gina Miller is the leading figure in a High Court challenge demanding that Theresa May stage a vote in parliament before invoking Article 50.

13/10/16 17:38

It is as if the great news of June 24, that dawn of our liberation from the bossy EU, has only just reached this metropolitan elite, such as George Osborne, circled, writes QUENTIN LETTS.

13/10/16 01:00

In heated exchanges in the Commons, Prime Minister Theresa May dismissed demands for MPs to be given a vote on the terms of Britain’s departure from the EU.

12/10/16 22:52

Kevin Hyland, the UK's independent anti-slavery commissioner, said police in England and Wales had received 3,146 allegations in 2015-16 but only 118 charges were brought.

12/10/16 17:01

Labour hailed a significant concession today after the Prime Minister accepted there should be 'full and transparent' debate before Article 50 is invoked, but Mrs May has dismissed calls for a Commons vote.

11/10/16 16:41

The ex-chancellor waded into the row over the government's increasingly tough approach to Brexit, mocking the idea that more trade with Australia could make up for looser ties with Germany and France.

10/10/16 21:45

The remarkable lead for the Conservatives is the second largest ever recorded and would increase the Government's slim majority to a massive 114 seats if repeated at a general election.

10/10/16 17:04

The Prime Minister has been visiting Denmark and the Netherlands today as part of a charm offensive ahead of a potentially stormy summit in Brussels next week.

09/10/16 14:33

Boris Johnson has for years campaigned against Heathrow expansion but is not expected to quit in protest if a third runway goes ahead, whereas Justine Greening refused to rule out resigning.

09/10/16 11:48

I was worried that, in her party conference speech in Birmingham, Theresa May spoke of moving on to ‘the centre ground’. That is where parties, like the Lib Dems, die, writes NORMAN TEBBIT.

09/10/16 10:12

Matthew Hancock was said to be furious when he found out his demotion from Cabinet Office Minister to Culture Minister meant he would lose his perk of use of an official car and driver.

09/10/16 04:13

CBI director general Carolyn Fairbairn said firms were currently putting investment on hold and that they needed to know from Theresa May that the UK would not be pulled out of the single market.

08/10/16 22:14

A final decision is expected by the end of the month from Theresa May, with the Prime Minister to hold a series of Cabinet sub-committee meetings to make a decision over the coming weeks.

08/10/16 20:57

In a truly remarkable week for British politics, the Prime Minister set out her passionate moral vision of how she wants to govern and where she hopes to take the country.

08/10/16 11:22

David Burbage, former council leader of Prime Minister Theresa May's constituency in Maidenhead, has left his wife for a woman who worked for him, who is 20 years younger than him.

07/10/16 01:25

Mrs May hinted in her conference speech on Wednesday that she would introduce policies to help savers after quantitative easing and the interest-rate cut had 'bad side effects'.

06/10/16 15:47

Holly Matthews posted a video of her daughter asking Theresa May to help the homeless and after the five-year-old was 'trolled' online, she has responded to claims the girl was 'indoctrinated'.

06/10/16 07:45

The PM said the Tories had changed beyond recognition – while under Jeremy Corbyn, Labour had adopted the 'politics of division' and forgotten how to represent working people.

06/10/16 07:08

Turbocharged Theresa – and yes, they really did play the Rolling Stones for background beat – did some mad double-waving of the arms while delivering her keynote speech in Birmingham.

06/10/16 01:09

Theresa May has hinted at help for long-suffering savers by saying the Bank of England's policy of printing money had created 'bad side effects'.

05/10/16 18:36

Jeremy Corbyn bought his wife Laura a pink and blue chequered jumper and enjoyed tea and scones while on holiday near Hadrian's Wall in the Northumberland countryside.

05/10/16 15:09

Prime Minister May, 60, looked calm and confident as she strode into the Conservative Party Conference in a close-fitting aubergine pencil dress by couture label Escada.

05/10/16 11:17

British Prime Minister Theresa May is set to take aim at the 'liberal elite' who sneer at millions of Britons over immigration and find public patriotism 'distasteful', it can be revealed.

05/10/16 09:16

In an interview, the Prime Minister said her Government’s plan to train hundreds more British medics would mean overseas doctors would eventually cease to be needed.

05/10/16 07:41

FEMAIL asked food writer Natasha Clark to cook a batch of Theresa May's scones after the recipe came under criticism from bakers yesterday. She said they turned out 'lovely and light'.

04/10/16 23:21

After weeks of uncertainty, and accusations that the Government hasn't the faintest idea of how to handle Brexit, Theresa May yesterday showed us that she knows exactly where we are going.

04/10/16 20:05

The pound has tumbled to its lowest level against the US dollar since 1985, while the FTSE 100 share index surged above 7,000 amid nerves over Theresa May's tough Brexit approach..

04/10/16 19:11

The Prime Minister was repeatedly challenged on the government's target for bringing net migration below 100,000 a year as she toured TV and radio studios.

04/10/16 19:08

A cross-community group of politicians and victims campaigners is challenging the Prime Minister's ability to trigger Article 50 negotiations on an exit at the High Court in Belfast.

04/10/16 18:17

Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan faced a furious backlash after claiming Theresa May (pictured) chooses to wear her famously distinctive footwear to make her more interesting.

04/10/16 13:20

Amol Clooney (pictured) said the departure of the inquiry's top lawyer Ben Emmerson will cause major problems but the PM insisted the inquiry's work is carrying on despite damaging resignations.

04/10/16 13:12

COLONEL RICHARD KEMP: Sometimes in war there are no good decisions - only a difficult collection of bad ones. The soldier's challenge is to pick the least dangerous.

04/10/16 13:10

Lawyers will no longer be able to chase British soldiers with 'vexatious' claims of human rights abuses, Theresa May (pictured this morning) said as she told troops: 'We are on your side.'

03/10/16 22:13

The chairman of the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference Mike Buchanan (pictured), will accuse Mrs May of using charity status as a ‘stick to beat us with’.

03/10/16 22:07

Prime Minister Theresa May said she would kick off the two-year process of withdrawal by the end of March and pledged to seek the best deal possible for British businesses.

03/10/16 21:05

John Redwood (pictured at the Conservative party conference in Birmingham today) said next year's French and German elections were a 'cracking good reason' for Britain to quit the EU by May 2017.

03/10/16 19:59

Today I am proud of my country and the people who voted Leave. You made change happen. And suddenly even politicians are making sense, writes KATIE HOPKINS.

03/10/16 17:36

The European Commission president has insisted there can be no negotiations until Theresa May triggers Article 50, starting the two-year formal exit process.

03/10/16 16:53

The pound dropped below €1.15 despite some strong data emerging on UK manufacturing and at €1.1441 is lower than it has been at any time since late July 2013.

03/10/16 16:25

The Prime Minister's simple, four-ingredient recipe - passed down from her mother - advises bakers to use one-and-a-half ounces of 'butter or margarine', as well as 'milk to bind'.

03/10/16 12:48

James Cleverly made the vow in a game of 'Snog, Marry, Avoid' last year when he named the then Home Secretary on live radio and Mrs May urged him to follow through last night (pictured).

03/10/16 12:45

Theresa May (left) exclusively revealed her support for Ed Balls (pictured right on Strictly on Saturday) to MailOnline at a bash at the Tory party conference in Birmingham last night.

03/10/16 10:10

Prime Minister Theresa May was wearing steel toe-capped shoes when she told the Tory Party Conference in Birmingham that MPs who attempt to block Brexit are 'trying to subvert democracy'.

02/10/16 22:47

The Prime Minister said Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty - the formal two-year mechanism for quitting the Brussels club - will be triggered by March.

02/10/16 22:37

Ministers and MPs were met with shouts of 'Tory scum get out of Brum' as they began their four-day conference in Birmingham today.

02/10/16 19:01

Theresa May, 60, showed off her latest shoe purchase in her first speech at the Conservative Party conference: a pair of 'Charlize' slippers from Russell & Bromley.

02/10/16 16:57

Brexit Secretary David Davis told Conservative conference Britain had been 'lucky' to have its two women Prime Minister's at crucial turning points in the nation's history.

02/10/16 13:09

Irish ambassador Daniel Mulhall used a Guinness-soaked reception to take aim at Theresa May for her clear-as-mud mantra that ‘Brexit means Brexit’.

02/10/16 00:49

A major security operation costing more than £2.5 million has been put into place around the International Convention Centre in Birmingham and the adjacent Hyatt hotel.

01/10/16 15:24

The days of sofa government are long gone as Theresa May tightens her hold on Whitehall, Downing Street insiders have told the Times. According to sources the handover was 'brutal'.

01/10/16 01:55

On the eve of the Tory conference, Mrs May set her sights on the political centre ground, reaching out to the blue-collar workers who voted for Margaret Thatcher in large numbers.

30/09/16 17:06

Czech prime minister Bohuslav Sobotka (pictured) has told Theresa May to take action after he linked the killing of a Czech national in London to Britain's Brexit vote.

30/09/16 10:00

The Prime Minister said new proposals would be announced in the next few days to bring an end to law firms ‘trying to impugn the name’ of the armed forces.

30/09/16 04:30

Authorities on the continent fear the institution's planned £21billion merger with Deutsche Boerse could damage competition and harm rival firms.

29/09/16 17:33

Officials from French energy giant EDF and Chinese firm CGN were also at the signing ceremony, which gives the green light for work on Britain's first nuclear power station for a generation.

29/09/16 12:20

Matteo Renzi said 'Brexit is Brexit' and said it would be 'impossible' for Theresa May to strike a deal curbing migration to Britain without also restricting the rights of Britons to live and work on the continent.

29/09/16 12:07

The Institute for Government said the 'turf war' between Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, Brexit Secretary David Davis and Trade Secretary Liam Fox was fragmented and incoherent.

27/09/16 00:43

Writing on Facebook today, Theresa May (pictured) promised to strike a Brexit deal that will see Scotland enhanced from the vote to leave the EU despite a majority of Scots voting to stay in.

26/09/16 07:30

Friends of Theresa May revealed she had written to David Cameron at least twice when he was PM to demand stricter border controls and a brake on EU immigration – only to be ignored.

25/09/16 01:44

David Cameron considered clinging to power after losing the historic vote, but decided against it because it would leave him 'being prepared for the slaughterhouse'.

24/09/16 11:50

The former chancellor used a speech in Chicago to attack ministers for their 'naive' approach to Brexit – and urged Mrs May to delay divorce proceedings with Brussels.

23/09/16 20:11

Lord O'Neill, a former Goldman Sachs economist who was appointed by Mr Osborne last May, resigned saying he wanted to play a role outside of government.

23/09/16 02:40

In a summit at the Ministry of Defence, the Prime Minister ordered Britain’s top brass to pull out all the stops to ensure veterans are protected from spurious claims.

23/09/16 02:01

Prime Minister Theresa May is considering scrapping the lavish Black and White Ball which raises hundreds of thousands of pounds for the Conservative Party.

23/09/16 01:44

Overall, 3.6m jobs in Britain rely on trade with the EU while 5.8m jobs in the EU rely on trade with Britain. Germany has more than 1m jobs linked with UK exports according to Civitas.

22/09/16 08:57

Voters said safeguarding the NHS should be the most important priority for Britain's politicians, a new poll shows. The Prime Minister was more trusted than Jeremy Corbyn to carry out the job.

22/09/16 00:04

Britain's Foreign Secretary was pictured today at the UN in New York pulling an assortment of faces, all of which suggested he was feeling the pressure as the UN discussed the situation in Syria.

21/09/16 02:04

Theresa May (pictured with Barack Obama at the UN in New York today) reassured world leaders that Britain will remain a dependable partner after leaving the EU.

20/09/16 19:59

The former Ukip leader admitted he had a soft spot for the Prime Minister as he played a game of 'snog, marry avoid' during an interview.

20/09/16 01:49

Theresa May (pictured) has asked the heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ to run covert operations against people-smuggling gangs and wants the agencies to help find evidence that could secure convictions.

20/09/16 01:47

Theresa May told leaders they have to make deals with Britain after Brexit in a defiant blast as she traveled to meet world leaders. Liam Fox backed her saying the EU had to most to lose.

19/09/16 23:47

At her first United Nations summit, Theresa May (pictured) declared that the 'uncontrolled' wave of immigration into Europe is not in the interests of the UK or the countries they leave behind.

19/09/16 23:05

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE has found the man behind Theresa May's Prime Minister Question's jokes and he's mystery cloaked George Hollinbery, who is no novice when it comes to chewing ankles.

19/09/16 15:23

Existing grammar schools will be allowed to expand almost immediately under a £50million plan to kick-start Theresa May’s schools revolution.
