Time for confession? Melania joins Trump for 'private meeting' with NY Cardinal Dolan after his toughest week yet on the campaign trail

  • Trump and Melania went to St Patrick's Cathedral on Friday morning
  • Met with Archbishop of New York Timothy Cardinal Dolan 
  • Trump requested the meeting 'a few weeks ago', Dolan's spokesman said 
  • Dolan had already met with Hillary Clinton earlier this month 
  • Both Clinton and Trump will appear alongside Dolan at his annual Alfred E Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria on Thursday 

After the toughest week of his presidential campaign, Donald Trump headed to church in New York. 

The GOP nominee and his wife Melania arrived at St Patrick's Cathedral on Friday morning for a private meeting with Archibishop of New York Timothy Cardinal Dolan.

Trump requested the meeting a 'few weeks ago', according to the cardinal's spokesman Joe Zwilling. 

Trump and his wife Melania arrived at St Patrick's Cathedral (pictured) on Friday morning for a private meeting with Archibishop of New York Timothy Cardinal Dolan

Trump and his wife Melania arrived at St Patrick's Cathedral (pictured) on Friday morning for a private meeting with Archibishop of New York Timothy Cardinal Dolan

Trump requested the meeting a 'few weeks ago', according to the cardinal's spokesman Joe Zwilling. No other details regarding the meeting were released

Trump requested the meeting a 'few weeks ago', according to the cardinal's spokesman Joe Zwilling. No other details regarding the meeting were released

'There was a private meeting with the cardinal. It’s the practice of the archbishop of the Archdiocese of New York to accommodate a request for a meeting, especially someone who is running for national office,' Zwilling added. 

No other details regarding the meeting were released. 

Trump and Melania were accompanied by his campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. 

Melania donned an all-black ensemble for the meeting, sporting a pea coat and shading her face with matching large black sunglasses.   

Hope Hicks, Trump's spokeswoman, said the meeting had long been planned, according to the New York Post.  

Trump's rival Hillary Clinton met with Dolan a few weeks ago, Zilling said.

Both Clinton and Trump will appear alongside Dolan at his annual Alfred E Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria on Thursday, the day after the third and final presidential debate takes place in Las Vegas. 

Trump's rival Hillary Clinton met with Dolan (pictured) a few weeks ago, Zilling sai

Trump's rival Hillary Clinton met with Dolan (pictured) a few weeks ago, Zilling sai

Prices for individual tickets to the event start at $3,000 and all proceeds go to a number of New York hospitals and community centers that benefit the city's poorest children.

The dinner traditionally hosts candidates of opposing parties and Trump and Clinton are expected to 'deliver the evening's speeches in the spirit of collegiality and good humor', according to a statement released by the New York Archdiocese. 

Dolan himself has defended selecting both controversial candidates to headline the event. 

'If I only sat down with people who agreed with me, and I with them, or with those who were saints, I'd be taking all my meals alone,' he said.

Nine women came forward this week to accuse Trump of sexual misconduct after he claimed in the debate that his boasts of 'grabbing women by the p***y', caught on a hot mic during an Access Hollywood interview in 2005, were 'just words'.

Both Clinton and Trump will appear alongside Dolan at his annual Alfred E Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria on Thursday

Both Clinton and Trump will appear alongside Dolan at his annual Alfred E Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria on Thursday

Cathy Heller, 63, told the Guardian that the billionaire kissed her on the mouth without her consent during a Mother's Day lunch at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, in 1997. 

Heller was attending with her mother-in-law, her three children and husband when she said she was introduced to him as he made his way through the room.

'He took my hand, and grabbed me, and went for the lips,' she said.

She claims she held back but he persevered. 'And he said, ‘Oh, come on.’ He was strong. He grabbed me and went for my mouth and went for my lips.' 

Trump's campaign furiously denied her account, claiming she was motivated by a personal vendetta to have her family's Mar-a-Lago membership fees refunded. 

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