
Last evening I shared a link from Wired magazine about the passing of Dennis Ritchie, an influential and iconic figure in the world of software and computing. The link got retweeted and re-shares many times including by Google CEO Sundar Pichai. The only problem with me sharing that link was was that Ritchie, whose contributions to the software cannot be underscored, passed away five years ago. At the same time when Steve Jobs passed. 

I didn’t notice the date on the piece – an error on my part – and in the end adding to social media noise. This isn’t the first time I have inadvertently tweeted old articles as new. And perhaps it won’t be last. I hope to do better. I regret having wasted time and attention of so many of my followers. 

On the upside – though my error isn’t excusable – is that more people are paying their respect to Ritchie, who does deserve our respects and thanks for all he did to help build the world we live in. 

Big Sur to Pittsburgh to Big Apple: What a week!

It has been quite a whirlwind of a week. Last weekend I was in Big Sur, celebrating (and officiating) the wedding of my dear friend Steve Jang and his lovely bride, Margaret DesGaines. It also meant an opportunity to enjoy the rugged beauty of Big Sur and the California coastline. A week later, I was up in Napa, to spend what was a relaxing weekend with a handful of friends to celebrate my 50th birthday. Instead, Matt (Mullenweg) surprised me by a (almost a) surprise party (first in 50 years) with collection of some of my closest friends. That was the best gift ever – plus to have it in my favorite spot in the wine country – Bottega of Yountville was even more amazing.

Introducing, Picocast 


I got to podcasting early – did one for over a year and stopped – not quite sure why. I suspect it was because I hate being tied into a routine. Fast forward ten years and I am ready to take on podcasting again. My new podcast effort is called “Picocast” to accompany my interview series, published on

Picocast will be a series of conversations with folks I think are interesting, have amazing insights and have pulse on the present. These conversations can be with anyone – from founders of companies, academics to other observers of culture. While I will try and do two conversations a month, there will be months with more and some weeks where there aren’t any. I don’t promise that the quality will always be good; but I do promise you that you will enjoy the conversations. 

You can find it on SoundCloud and iTunes


A wise man once told me that I shouldn’t worry about banking the money. Instead, he said, bank people for in the end they will truly enrich your life. It was great advice and I have followed it to the tee. It was brought home to me yesterday with all the birthday messages and all the fantastic emails, phone calls and letters.

My mom and dad’s birthday card, my baby brother’s short and sweet text, my nephews and nieces text messages, plus amazing words of love from Matt and all of you my friends. I am truly grateful to have all of you in my life. I am richer because of your presence. Looking forward to spending more time with you – whether in person or virtually in the years to come.

Thank you for all your love,

September 30, 2016. San Francisco