- published: 27 Sep 2016
- views: 2
Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. (株式会社スクウェア・エニックス・ホールディングス, Kabushiki-gaisha Sukuwea Enikkusu Hōrudingusu) is a Japanese video game developer, publisher, and distribution company that is best known for its role-playing video game franchises, which include the Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Kingdom Hearts role-playing game series. Its headquarters are located in the Shinjuku Eastside Square Building in Shinjuku, Tokyo.
The original Square Enix was formed as the result of a merger between Square and Enix. The merger occurred on April 1, 2003 with Enix as the surviving company. Each share of Square's common stock was exchanged for 0.85 shares of Enix's common stock. At the time, 80% of Square Enix staff were made up of former Square Co. employees. As part of the merger, former Square president Yoichi Wada was appointed president of the new corporation, while former Enix president Keiji Honda became its vice president. The founder of Enix, Yasuhiro Fukushima, currently serves as the honorary chairman and largest shareholder of the corporation.
ファイナルファンタジーXV アクティブ・タイム・レポート 杮落としスペシャル
Top 10 Square Enix Video Games
Square Enix Presents E3 2016 - Day 1
Square Enix Presents E3 2016 - Day 3
FINAL FANTASY XV 開発最新バージョン ゲームプレイ動画/ファイナルファンタジー15
World of Final Fantasy E3 2016 Trailer
KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue – TGS 2016 Trailer
Top 10 Square Enix Games Of E3 2015
An Important Message from Director Tabata / 田畑Dから重要なお知らせ
zSummit 2016: Square Enix / Interview
10月1日(土)にグランドオープンする 「スクウェア・エニックス カフェ」から 杮落としとなる公開生ATRを9月30日(金)にお届け! 皆さん注目のイグニス特製メニューの試食レポも!? 他にもFFXV UNIVERSEメンバーが勢ぞろいしたり 豪華ゲストも登場するかも・・・? ぜひご覧ください! ■出演者 FFXV ディレクター:田畑 端 KINGSGLAIVE FFXV ディレクター:野末 武志 JUSTICE MONSTRES FIVE プロデューサー:本橋 大佐 マーケティング部マネージャー:大藤 昭夫 ゲスト:? © 2016 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. MAIN CHARACTER DESIGN:TETSUYA NOMURA
Squaresoft and Enix were originally rivals, known for putting out some of the best JRPGs of all time. In 2003 the two companies rocked the gaming world by joining forces for one of the biggest mergers in video game history. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Square Enix Video Games. Click here to subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=watchmojo or visit our channel page here: http://www.youtube.com/watchmojo Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest :) Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo, http://instagram.com/watchmojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo. Script written by "Kyle Brazill" "Chris McCole" "coolethanps2" "Jordan Brown" "Joshua Willis" & "Louie M Solivan Jr" ...
Join us for Day 1 of Square Enix Presents E3 2016!
Join us for the final day of Square Enix Presents E3 2016!
2016年11月29日(火)発売「ファイナルファンタジーXV」 最新のゲームプレイ(英語版)を約53分にわたりお届けます。 公式サイト:http://www.jp.square-enix.com/ff15/ 公式ブログ: http://mypage.member.jp.square-enix.com/18/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/FFXVJP Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/finalfantasy15jp Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ffxv/
World of Final Fantasy is coming to PS4 & PS Vita on October 25th (NA) and October 28th (EU), 2016! Watch the new trailer and meet familiar Final Fantasy faces in the world of Grimoire. Lead the twins Lann and Reynn on their journey to rediscover their lost memories and save the world of Grimoire from peril as they band together with familiar faces from the Final Fantasy franchise in an epic and adorable adventure for a new generation of players! Follow us for more updates on World of Final Fantasy: Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/FinalFantasy Twitter – https://www.twitter.com/FinalFantasy
Check out the latest Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue trailer. It includes never-before-seen scenes depicting a mysterious meeting of the “Foretellers”, the five Keyblade Masters from the Kingdom Hearts origins movie included in the compilation as Kingdom Hearts χ [chi] Back Cover. The trailer also features HD remastered gameplay of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD and new battles scenes from Aqua’s adventures in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep – A fragmentary passage –. During the trailer you will want to listen out for the newly remixed version of “Simple and Clean” by none other than Utada Hikaru herself. Be sure to follow us to keep up to date with everything Kingdom Hearts related: Twitter - https://twitter.com/KingdomHearts Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Kin...
An important message from Director Tabata regarding FINAL FANTASY XV. Please turn on Closed Captioning for English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. ディレクター田畑からファイナルファンタジーXVについて重要なお知らせ。
We will go through the sculpt data for a character and prop models used in "KINGSGLAIVE FINAL FANTASY XV" (feature film) along with rendered images. Mainly, we are going to explain how we have actually been sculpting with ZBrush from artworks. Square Enix Co., Ltd. develops, publishes, distributes and licenses SQUARE ENIX®, EIDOS® and TAITO® branded entertainment content around the world. The Square Enix group of companies includes a global network of leading development studios and boasts a valuable portfolio of intellectual property, including: FINAL FANTASY®, which has sold over 115 million units worldwide; and DRAGON QUEST®, which has sold over 68 million units worldwide; TOMB RAIDER®, which has sold over 45 million units worldwide; and the legendary SPACE INVADERS®. Square Enix Co., L...
Showing off some Kings Knight gameplay today, a new mobile game by Square Enix. Doing a little review for Kings Knight as well, and taking a first look at it. We're playing Kings Knight on Android, also in early access, so there were a few optimization issues, but it went well enough to show the game. Android Pre-Registration: https://www.prelaunch.me/android/NjU2 iOS Pre-Registration: https://www.prelaunch.me/ios/NjU3 Official Web-Site: http://www.finalfantasyxv.com/kingsknight/ Facts Channel: https://goo.gl/DoAIIx Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mogawty Subscribe to Mogawty Gaming: https://goo.gl/1iUJHA Awesome Free Games: https://goo.gl/2uvZ3q Check out Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/mogawty?ref=hl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------...
King's Knight -Wrath of the Dark Dragon by Square Enix (ANDROID/iOS/iphone/ipad) ►►► SUBSCRIBE PROAPK FOR MORE GAMES : http://goo.gl/dlfmS0 ◄◄◄ Three decades after its original release in Japan, the legendary 8-bit scrolling shooter King's Knight is back and returns as a Final Fantasy XV spin-off game for mobile devices! Story - Princess Claire of Olthea has been kidnapped by the evil dragon Tolfidan and spirited away to Gargatua Castle deep within the fallen kingdom of Izander. Four chosen heroes set forth to rescue the princess, and after a long, perilous journey, arrive in the hall of the ancient stronghold. Features - Revolutionary vertical scrolling action! - Ruthless enemies, deadly traps, and massive bosses will try to stop you at every turn, but upgradable weapons and powerful ba...
New Square Enix Final Fantasy XI themed cafe opened in October 2016 in Akihabara! Please note that google maps may confuse it with the Final Fantasy Cafe which is also in Akihabara. Click this link for the website to buy the tickets and turn on google auto translate for the page... http://l-tike.com/order/?gLcode=32444&gPfKey;=&gEntryMthd;=01&gScheduleNo;=1&gCarrierCd;=01&gPfName;=%EF%BC%B3%EF%BC%B1%EF%BC%B5%EF%BC%A1%EF%BC%B2%EF%BC%A5%E3%80%80%EF%BC%A5%EF%BC%AE%EF%BC%A9%EF%BC%B8%E3%80%80%EF%BC%A3%EF%BC%A1%EF%BC%A6%EF%BC%A5&gBaseVenueCd;=30457&version;=SP Music used in this video: Masashi Hamauzu - FFXIII Main Theme (The Promise) (Nhato Remix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzUYWVtxqG8
Auch wenn es ein paar Actioneinlagen hat, ist Murdered: Soul Suspect von Square Enix und Entwickler Airtight Games eigentlich ein reines Adventure-Spiel, bei dem man versucht seinen eigenen Mord aufzuklären. Murdered bei Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/233290/ Murdered bei Amazon: http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00HEOZKR8/axelkothe dervideospieler im Netz: www.dervideospieler.de dervideospieler auf facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dervideospieler dervideospieler auf Twitter: @videospieler_de dervideospieler auf Patreon unterstützen: https://www.patreon.com/dervideospieler
Square Enix (Formerly Squaresoft) are one of the biggest game developers and publishers in the world. They are responsible for games that regularly top lists devoted to the greatest games of this world and yet, recently, their stock has been on the decline. Their games are dropping in quality. You have seen the Square Enix logo for the first time playing a game like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the new Tomb Raider or even the latest Hitman game for example. Games List :- Deus Ex Go (Price :- 1.99$ ) iOS :- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/deus-ex-go/id1020481008?mt=8 Android :- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.squareenixmontreal.deusexgo&hl;=en Lara Craft Go iOS :- https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/lara-croft-go/id971304016?mt=8 Android :- https://play.google.com/store/ap...
ئهگهر سهبسکرایبی کهنالهکه بکهن کهسیکی باشن ئهگهر نهتکرد ههست بکه که خروریت !
Join us for Day 2 of Square Enix Presents E3 2016!
The epic adventure of FINAL FANTASY XV kicks off with an equally momentous occasion in March. UNCOVERED: FINAL FANTASY XV will offer new information on the game as well as key surprises that speak to the full entertainment experience. The event will be at the legendary Shrine Auditorium in Hollywood, California on March 30th, 2016 at 7 PM PDT. Hosted by the popular duo from KindaFunny.com, Greg Miller and Tim Gettys, this free event allows fans from all over the world--both in person and via livestream--to witness the largest FINAL FANTASY production in the history of the franchise. Please stay tuned to our social channels on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram page and the official FINAL FANTASY XV forums for all the latest news on UNCOVERED: FINAL FANTASY XV! www.facebook.com/finalfantasy w...
Join us on 7th September for an exclusive live performance of songs from the FINAL FANTASY XV soundtrack performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra featuring an appearance from FINAL FANTASY XV composer, Yoko Shimomura. The latest instalment in the classic series, FINAL FANTASY XV is set in an enthralling world where fantasy meets reality. Players will embark on an adventure like no other. With a captivating cast of characters, breath-taking visuals, open world exploration and thrilling action-packed real time combat, FINAL FANTASY XV is the ultimate FINAL FANTASY experience for both newcomers to the series and series fans alike. FINAL FANTASY XV will be available on the 29th November for the Xbox One and PlayStation®4 system. For more information on FINAL FANTASY XV, visit: http:/...
Watch the full Square Enix Conference of E3 2015 here!
※内容・時間が予告なく変更になる場合がありますのであらかじめご了承ください。 9:30~ SQUARE ENIX Presents JAPAN TOKYO GAME SHOW 2015 スペシャル グランドオープニング プレゼンター:西明日香さん(声優) 10:10~11:00 メビウスFF生放送 TGS2015 出張所 北瀬佳範(プロデューサー) 浜口直樹(プロジェクトリーダー) MC:あすな(プロジェクトアシスタント) ゲスト 大好評配信中のスマホタイトル『メビウス ファイナルファンタジー』。 第7回目となる生放送はTGS会場からお届けします! 10月の配信内容に加え、今後メビウスFFがどのように進化していくかチラとわかるロードマップ発表、さらには素敵ゲストをお迎えしての新発表など盛りだくさんの内容でお届けします! 11:15~12:05 ジャストコーズ3 サマー オブ カオス in TGS & EXTREME EDGES 新作紹介生放送! Roland Lesterlin(ジャストコーズ3 ゲームディレクター) 白熊寛嗣さん(声優) ほか 『ジャストコーズ3』の開発を務めるAvalanche StudioからゲームディレクターのRoland Lesterlin氏と、本作の主人公「リコ・ロドリゲス」役を務める声優の白熊寛嗣さんをお招きし、『ジャストコーズ3』の最新情報をお届けします! また、『デウスエクス』や『ヒットマン』などEXTREME EDGES新作タイトルの情報もお届け! 12:30~13:00 いけにえと雪のセツナ プレビュー 橋本厚志(ディレクター) 佐々木隆太郎(マーケティング部マネージャー) スクウェア・エニックスとTokyo RPG Factoryが贈る、完全新作RPG『いけにえと雪のセツナ』。ディレクターの橋本厚志を迎え、実機映像とともに、気...