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Current Issue of The Guardian

October 5, 2016 - click here for index of articles.

Hot Earth

The power outage in South Australia was not the result of too many solar panels or wind turbines, as pushed by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and the climate change deniers in his government. This orchestrated, apparent knee-jerk reaction to a major weather event is the sound of the vested voice of the coal mining and gas industries.  more ...


Editorial – The politics of hate and division

Right-wing politicians and the capitalist media argue that legislating against racism and the incitement to racist hatred is an infringement upon the individual’s right to free speech. On the contrary, it deepens and broadens freedom of speech.  more ...

Action urged to protect children

Leading Indigenous and human rights groups want the federal and Northern Territory governments to immediately protect the human rights of young people currently in detention. Their calls come as the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory prepares to hear evidence. The commission was called after an ABC TV Four Corners report on the treatment of young people in detention in the NT.  more ...

Australian crimes in a criminal war

Address by CPA Sydney District Secretary Wayne Sonter to the Hands off Syria rally in Sydney on September 24.  more ...

Proud union pioneer – Tribute to Digger Murphy

The passing of 97-year old Charles (Digger) Murphy on September 23 represents the end of an era for Queensland and Australian coal mineworkers.  more ...

Thailand’s great leap backwards

Although the military junta which seized power in Thailand in 2014 has now managed to secure public approval for its draft constitution, this was hardly a real exercise of the people’s will. As Tom Fawthrop explains, this move has effectively jettisoned the great democratic strides made by the country since the promulgation of the 1997 constitution.  more ...

Culture & Life – Russia in Syria, China in Sudan

When my eldest son and his partner toured Europe not long ago, he sent me some postcards from Paris and I thought I might share with you the sentiments inscribed on the back of them. The first, naturally announced their arrival in the French capital. “We’ve left gay Holland and beautiful Belgium behind us, and now we’re in Paris.”  more ...

Quote of the Week

If a white man wants to lynch me, that’s his problem. If he’s got the power to lynch me, that’s my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude; it’s a question of power. Racism gets its power from capitalism.

Stokely Carmichael,
a Trinidadian-American political activist,
and a leading figure in the civil rights struggles in the 1960s.

This web page was last updated: Tuesday, October 4, 2016

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