Where's your career taking you and how's it working out now you've got kids? Read our helpful advice and ideas to work out your next step.
Are employers less likely to hire "heavier" women?
New research suggests so … more
When will companies offer more realistic work options for mums?
The reasons behind mums running businesses from home are much more complex than simply spending time with the kids or working for...more
Having a baby changed everything, even my job!
Becoming a parent forces you sharpen your views on what is important, and for Heidi this also meant a shift in her work… more
How mums make money on maternity leave
Sure you’re busier than ever now you have a baby, but maternity leave is also a time when you are inspired by everyday life....more
Woman's hilarious job proposal goes viral
Hilarious! Congratulations are in order for this Californian woman, who after seven long months of searching, has finally found...more
Meet the woman giving her staff unlimited, paid annual leave
As dream bosses go this Australian woman CEO gets our vote… more
Now you can "cash out" your annual leave
Around two million Australian workers can now “cash out” some of their excess annual leave under new rules that came into effect...more
Even a small tattoo could lose you a job
Chontelle McGoldrick is at risk of missing out on the career of her dreams, all because of a tattoo the size of a 10 cent coin that...more
Libby Trickett's face is every mum on her first day back from mat leave
Brain fog, information overload and early starts. The former Olympian nails exactly what it’s like to head back to work after...more
How I manage my anxiety as a working mum
Shevonne Hunt’s battled with anxiety since her early 20’s. Now a working mother of two she’s realised there’s...more
Welcome to maternity leave, the second time around...
Kate Calacouras is a more confident mum this time around, but life is certainly more interesting when you’re on your second...more
Employ all the mums! We make the best employees
She’s one of our favourite bloggers but this week Notorious Mum was turned away from a job she really wanted (and would be...more