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If you think Donald is bad, imagine Trump 2.0

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's populist white nationalism will feature strongly in the party's revival ...

Just when you think it can't get any worse – Trump as candidate – here comes a more troubling prospect: the Trump next time, four years off, who defeats an unpopular President Clinton.

Tax creativity needed for the ACT

Leo Dobes thumbnail

Louis XIV's Minister for Finances, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, can be credited with the best-ever characterisation of an optimal taxation policy.

Medicinal cannabis: Don't light up that 'prescription' just yet

Medicinal cannabis was recently legalised in Queensland but there are still restrictions.

Reports about the benefits of medicinal cannabis are growing and Queensland has now joined New South Wales in passing laws approving the drug for use as a medical treatment, but that doesn't mean you can just light up in the Sunshine State and say it's a prescription.

Trump has hurt America right in the sweet spot

Donald Trump railing in Ocala, Florida.

It's bad enough that ordinary American people are being ritually humiliated by a presidential election campaign whose hitherto-implicit need for a Benny Hill soundtrack is now almost physically palpable.

Turnbull's incrementalism fits the times

Malcolm Turnbull: was quickly exposed and a searing sense of disappointment set in.

 In good times and in bad, the federal government's duty is clear: to keep our country safe and to maximise Australians' ability to get ahead. This is never easy and could get even harder under an America led by Donald Trump or more likely by a second president Clinton, especially economically.

The plebiscite has left another victim

The bitterness and division provoked by the plebiscite debate stands in the way of Australia achieving a constitution ...

The plebiscite is dead, so what now? For same-sex marriage, the answer is almost certainly a stalemate. Instead of reform, expect further rounds of politicians blaming each other for not delivering an outcome favoured by most of the community and most of our elected representatives.

The upside of Donald

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has rocked the political elite to its core.

As the American presidential election descends into an ever-more sordid debacle, we need to keep in mind its deeper, positive potential.