- published: 12 Sep 2012
- views: 2352316
The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tà biblía, "the books") is a collection of texts sacred in Judaism and Christianity. It is a collection of scriptures written at different times by different authors in different locations. Jews and Christians consider the books of the Bible to be a product of divine inspiration or an authoritative record of the relationship between God and humans.
There is no single canonical "Bible"; many Bibles have evolved, with overlapping and diverging contents. The Christian Old Testament overlaps with the Hebrew Bible and the Greek Septuagint; the Hebrew Bible is known in Judaism as the Tanakh. The New Testament is a collection of writings by early Christians, consisting of narratives, letters and apocalyptic writings. Among Christian denominations there is some disagreement about the contents of the canon, primarily in the Apocrypha, a list of works that are regarded with varying levels of respect.
Attitudes towards the Bible also vary amongst Christian groups. Roman Catholics, Anglicans and Eastern Orthodox Christians stress the harmony and importance of the Bible and sacred tradition, while Protestant churches focus on the idea of sola scriptura, or scripture alone. This concept arose during the Protestant Reformation, and many denominations today continue to support the use of the Bible as the only source of Christian teaching.
The Holy Bible - Book 01 - Genesis - KJV Dramatized Audio
The Holy Bible - Book 19 - Psalms - KJV Dramatized Audio
The Holy Bible - Book 40 - Matthew - KJV Dramatized Audio
The Holy Bible - Book 43 - John - KJV Dramatized Audio
The Holy Bible - Book 20 - Proverbs - KJV Dramatized Audio
The Holy Bible - Book 66 - Revelation - KJV Dramatized Audio
The Holy Bible - Book 23 - Isaiah - KJV Dramatized Audio
The Holy Bible - Book 42 - Luke - KJV Dramatized Audio
The Book of Psalms - KJV Audio Holy Bible - High Quality and Best Speed - Book 19
The Book of Psalms "The Holy Bible" Complete chapters 1 - 150 (Narrator Max McLean)
This is the holy book of Genesis, known as "The First Book of Moses called Genesis". The recording is dramatized, from the King James Bible. This is, in my opinion, the best and most beautiful recording of the King James Bible in existence. Thanks, blessings, honor, glory, and power to the most high God, who is the almighty creator and author of these books. For those who doubt the Biblical Christian worldview, please carefully examine the evidence set forth in the following documentaries: "Non-Christian Historical Evidence for the Existence of Jesus" by Chris White, "The Bible - The Word of God? - Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Evidence", "The Bible on Trial - Beyond A Reasonable Doubt", which is split into six ~10 minute parts, "A Lamp in the Dark - The Untold History of t...
This is the holy book of Psalms, known simply as "The Book of Psalms". The recording is dramatized, from the King James Bible. This is, in my opinion, the best and most beautiful recording of the King James Bible in existence. Thanks, blessings, honor, glory, and power to the most high God, who is the almighty creator and author of these books. For those who doubt the Biblical Christian worldview, please carefully examine the evidence set forth in the following documentaries: "Non-Christian Historical Evidence for the Existence of Jesus" by Chris White, "The Bible - The Word of God? - Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Evidence", "The Bible on Trial - Beyond A Reasonable Doubt", which is split into six ~10 minute parts, "A Lamp in the Dark - The Untold History of the Bible" (200...
This is the holy book of Matthew, known as "The Gospel According to Saint Matthew". The recording is dramatized, from the King James Bible. This is, in my opinion, the best and most beautiful recording of the King James Bible in existence. Thanks, blessings, honor, glory, and power to the most high God, who is the almighty creator and author of these books. For those who doubt the Biblical Christian worldview, please carefully examine the evidence set forth in the following documentaries: "Non-Christian Historical Evidence for the Existence of Jesus" by Chris White, "The Bible - The Word of God? - Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Evidence", "The Bible on Trial - Beyond A Reasonable Doubt", which is split into six ~10 minute parts, "A Lamp in the Dark - The Untold History of th...
This is the holy book of John, known as "The Gospel According to Saint John". The recording is dramatized, from the King James Bible. This is, in my opinion, the best and most beautiful recording of the King James Bible in existence. Thanks, blessings, honor, glory, and power to the most high God, who is the almighty creator and author of these books. For those who doubt the Biblical Christian worldview, please carefully examine the evidence set forth in the following documentaries: "Non-Christian Historical Evidence for the Existence of Jesus" by Chris White, "The Bible - The Word of God? - Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Evidence", "The Bible on Trial - Beyond A Reasonable Doubt", which is split into six ~10 minute parts, "A Lamp in the Dark - The Untold History of the Bibl...
This is the holy book of Proverbs, known simply as "The Proverbs". The recording is dramatized, from the King James Bible. This is, in my opinion, the best and most beautiful recording of the King James Bible in existence. Thanks, blessings, honor, glory, and power to the most high God, who is the almighty creator and author of these books. For those who doubt the Biblical Christian worldview, please carefully examine the evidence set forth in the following documentaries: "Non-Christian Historical Evidence for the Existence of Jesus" by Chris White, "The Bible - The Word of God? - Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Evidence", "The Bible on Trial - Beyond A Reasonable Doubt", which is split into six ~10 minute parts, "A Lamp in the Dark - The Untold History of the Bible" (2009), ...
This is the holy book of Revelation, known as "The Revelation of St. John the Divine", although the God-given title is at the very beginning of the text, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John." Where the title says ''divine'', Noah Webster's dictionary defines the noun as "1. A minister of the gospel; a priest; a clergyman. 2. A man skilled in divinity; a theologian; as a great divine." The recording is dramatized, from the King James Bible. This is, in my opinion, the best and most beautiful recording of the King James Bible in existence. Thanks, blessings, honor, glory, and power to the most high God, who is the almighty creator and auth...
This is the holy book of Isaiah, known as "The Book of the Prophet Isaiah". The recording is dramatized, from the King James Bible. This is, in my opinion, the best and most beautiful recording of the King James Bible in existence. Thanks, blessings, honor, glory, and power to the most high God, who is the almighty creator and author of these books. For those who doubt the Biblical Christian worldview, please carefully examine the evidence set forth in the following documentaries: "Non-Christian Historical Evidence for the Existence of Jesus" by Chris White, "The Bible - The Word of God? - Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Evidence", "The Bible on Trial - Beyond A Reasonable Doubt", which is split into six ~10 minute parts, "A Lamp in the Dark - The Untold History of the Bible"...
This is the holy book of Luke, known as "The Gospel According to Saint Luke". The recording is dramatized, from the King James Bible. This is, in my opinion, the best and most beautiful recording of the King James Bible in existence. Thanks, blessings, honor, glory, and power to the most high God, who is the almighty creator and author of these books. For those who doubt the Biblical Christian worldview, please carefully examine the evidence set forth in the following documentaries: "Non-Christian Historical Evidence for the Existence of Jesus" by Chris White, "The Bible - The Word of God? - Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Evidence", "The Bible on Trial - Beyond A Reasonable Doubt", which is split into six ~10 minute parts, "A Lamp in the Dark - The Untold History of the Bibl...
The Book of Psalms from the Holy Bible - King James Version (KJV) - Authorised/Authorized Version - (Book 19) Please note we have slowed the speed of the original by 3%, so this speed and version is unique (as from the point of this upload). We will upload the entire 66 books of the Bible on audio format, so please use us as a reference site. ►BIBLE AUDIO and BIBLE FILMS -The Holy Bible Audio KJV - We will upload all 66 books of the KJV Holy Bible here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44P8b5Aj7spgf0Ol7OAJ5IHqyR5qY9BG -The Holy Bible Audio NIV - We will upload all 66 books of the NIV Holy bible here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44P8b5Aj7spQcaEsW026OcEj-T9Aj-sg -Christian Bible Films https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44P8b5Aj7spogIFn_DwBSiShBTbYRQwh ►What's ...
Enjoy more Bible audio here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYyesfVYHl50-odnmbVo9BHtKQViwJZB8 The Book of Psalms (Hebrew: תְּהִלִּים or תהילים Tehillim meaning "Praises"), commonly referred to simply as Psalms or "the Psalms", is the first book of the Ketuvim ("Writings"), the third section of the Hebrew Bible. The English title is from the Greek translation, ψαλμοί psalmoi, meaning "instrumental music" and, by extension, "the words accompanying the music." There are 150 psalms in the Jewish and Western Christian tradition (more in the Eastern Christian churches), many of them linked to the name of King David, but his authorship is not accepted by most modern Bible scholars. Many psalms (116 of the 150) have individual superscriptions (titles), ranging from lengthy comments to a ...
Comment garder notre foi dans le Seigneur d'amour?
Il y a trop de gens qui n'ont pas ouvert la Sainte Parole.
Alors, nous trébuchons, nous tombons, Le perdant, Lui, et perdant tout contrôle.
Et nos âmes s'éteignent.
Bientôt notre amour est froid comme la pierre.
Voici les évangiles de Matthieu, Marc, Luc et Jean.
Tu y lis ce que Jésus fit et comment il fit marcher un homme estropié,
Comment il conquit l'univers et unifia le monde.
Et Dieu le Père envoya son fils pour montrer son amour.
Il y a quatre évangiles, Matthieu, Marc, Luc et Jean.
Le livre des Actes, Romains, Corinthiens et Galates, Ephésiens, Philippiens,
Colossiens, Thessaloniciens, Timothée, Tite, Philémon, Hébreux et Jacques.
1 et 2 Pierre et 1, 2 et 3 Jean, Jude et Apocalypse.
Voici un pharisien, un homme de Tarse en colère.
Et puis plus tard on apprend qu'il s'appelle Apôtre Paul.
Il souffrit beaucoup et traversa énormément d'épreuves.
Et ses épîtres nous racontent comment vivre une vie qui a un sens.
Il y a un ancien testament en réserve pour nous:
La création, des descendances, des lois, des poèmes et des prophètes.
Tous ces fils de l'homme qui ont marché avec le Dieu de la Parole.
En lisant ces livres, tu apprendras à placer ta confiance dans le Seigneur.
Genèse, Exode et Lévitique, Nombres, Deutéronome,
Josué, Juges et Ruth, 1 et 2 Samuel, les Rois, Chroniques, Esdras, Néhémie,
Esther, Job, Psaumes, Proverbes, Ecclésiaste, Cantique des cantiques, Esaïe, Jérémie, Lamentations,
Ezéchiel, Daniel, Osée, Joël, Amos, Abdias, Jonas, Michée, Nahoum, Habacuc, Sophonie, Aggée, Zacharie, Malachie. Et dans le Nouveau:
Il y a de la fierté à connaître toutes sortes de petits faits: tous mes frères semblent maîtriser des trucs compliqués. Alors, j'apprendrai par coeur ce que je trouve dans Matthieu: il existe une filiation d'Abraham jusqu'à Jésus-Christ.