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Accident intre Turda si Tureni: 3 morti! (03.06.2016)
Orasul otravit, TURDA - reportaj "In premiera"
Salina Turda
Salina Turda
Stelyan de la Turda   Mai Usor Prin Viata Trec
Stelyan De La Turda Regina Mea nou 2015
Calau turda
Interlop cazut din Turda
Antrenor Tavi Luca -- Turda, Cluj, Romania
Turda oras turistic

location on Google Map


Turda (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈturda]; German: Thorenburg; Hungarian: Torda; historical name: Potaissa) is a city and Municipality in Cluj County, Romania, situated on the Arieş River.


Ancient times

There is evidence of human settlement in the area dating to the Middle Paleolithic, some 60,000 years ago. The Dacians established a town that Ptolemy in his Geography calls Patreuissa, which is probably a corruption of Patavissa or Potaissa, the latter being more common. It was conquered by the Romans, who kept the name Potaissa, between AD 101 and 106, during the rule of Trajan, together with parts of Decebal's Dacia.

The name Potaissa is first recorded on a Roman milliarium discovered in 1758 in the nearby Aiton commune.

Milliarium of Aiton is an ancient Roman milestone dating from 108 AD, shortly after the Roman conquest of Dacia, and showing the construction of the road from Potaissa to Napoca, by demand of the Emperor Trajan. It indicates the distance of 10,000 feet (3,000 m) (P.M.X.) to Potaissa. This is the first epigraphical attestation of the settlements of Potaissa and Napoca in Roman Dacia.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Radio Stations - Turda

Radio Fiti Oameni Christian Romania
Radio Unison Christian Romania Radio Jazz,Drum & Bass,Jungle Romania
SRR Radio Reşiţa Public Romania
ProFM Love Oldies,Blues,Adult Romania
Radio Gosen Religious Romania
SRR Radio Timisoara FM Varied Romania
Radio Oastea Domnului Christian Romania
Radio Mafia Electronica Romania
Radio Maria Romania Religious,Christian Romania
Radio Somes World Europe Romania
Vocea Evangheliei Sibiu Christian Romania
ProFM Slagar Oldies Romania
RadioOne Romania Pop Romania
Next FM Dance Dance Romania
Clandestino FM Adult Contemporary Romania
Radio Betesda Christian Romania
SRR România International Ch2 News,Talk,World Europe Romania
Radio Prahova 99.2 Dance Romania
Radio 21 (RO) Pop Romania
Radio Nord Est 100.4 World Europe Romania
ProFM Kids Kids Romania
SRR Radio Oltenia Craiova Varied Romania
Radio YourRadio HD Adult Contemporary Romania
ProFM Romania, Gen Varied Romania
Active FM Pop Romania
Radio Guerrilla Varied,Top 40,Contemporary Romania
Radio Active-Manele Varied Romania
Radio Seven (RO) Dance Romania
Radio Hope Christian Romania
Viva FM Adult Contemporary Romania
KPTV - The Rock Station Rock Romania
Tex FM Varied Romania
Gold FM (RO) Oldies,Classic Rock Romania
Radio Hit Ro Varied Romania
ProFM HOT Varied Romania
Super FM Brasov 93.8 Varied Romania
Radio Blaj Christian Contemporary Romania
Banat FM Varied Romania
Radio Pro-B Dance Romania
WYL 103.2 FM Varied Romania
National FM Varied,News,Public Romania
Radio Suceava 104 FM Alternative Romania
Radio Ardeleanul FM - Alba Iulia Varied Romania
Radio Ciresarii Christian Contemporary Romania
ProFM Classic Rock Classic Rock Romania
DWG RADIO RO Religious,Christian Romania
ProFM Latino Latin Hits Romania
Radio Vocea Sperantei Religious Romania
Radio Alfa & Omega Christian Romania
Radio Trance Romania Dance Romania


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  • Accident intre Turda si Tureni: 3 morti! (03.06.2016)

    03.06.2016 Detalii:

    published: 03 Jun 2016
  • Orasul otravit, TURDA - reportaj "In premiera"

    Documentar realizat de Andrei Ciurcanu, premiat la AIB, 2011 sursa si drept de autor: De zece ani, în inima oraşului Turda, pe ruinele fostei uzine chimice, copii şi adulţi respiră vapori de mercur şi praf cancerigen pentru câteva kilograme de fier vechi. După ce fabrica a fost abandonată, tone de substanţe au rămas la îndemâna localnicilor, sunt împrăştiate prin Turda şi purtate de...

    published: 01 Nov 2012
  • Salina Turda

    published: 05 Dec 2012
  • Salina Turda

    Salina Turda - - este unul dintre monumentele istorice rescunoscute de Ministerul Culturii si Patrimonului National din Romania. Pentru a citi si alte articole, vizitati: ...

    published: 06 Feb 2014
  • Stelyan de la Turda Mai Usor Prin Viata Trec

    Pentru Contact Puteti Suna La Numerele De Telefon 0752839479 Sau 0740945935 Pentru Diferite Evenimente

    published: 28 Apr 2016
  • Stelyan De La Turda Regina Mea nou 2015

    pentru diferite evenimente puteti suna la nr. 0752839479 sau 0740945935

    published: 01 Dec 2014
  • Calau turda

    published: 28 May 2014
  • Interlop cazut din Turda

    Interlop cazut din turda

    published: 20 Apr 2015
  • Antrenor Tavi Luca -- Turda, Cluj, Romania

    Antrenor Culturism cu experiența de 25 ani antrenez copii și juniori. Asigur sală de antrenament in Turda! Informații la tel. 0743937164 Tavi Luca Turda, Cluj, Romania

    published: 17 Nov 2014
  • Turda oras turistic

    Un short film al regizorului Ovidiu Cosac. Imaginile vorbesc infinit mai mult decât cuvintele.

    published: 03 Sep 2014
Accident intre Turda si Tureni: 3 morti! (03.06.2016)

Accident intre Turda si Tureni: 3 morti! (03.06.2016)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:16
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2016
  • views: 6845
03.06.2016 Detalii: Intre Turda Si Tureni 3 Morti (03.06.2016)
Orasul otravit, TURDA - reportaj "In premiera"

Orasul otravit, TURDA - reportaj "In premiera"

  • Order:
  • Duration: 21:18
  • Updated: 01 Nov 2012
  • views: 82884
Documentar realizat de Andrei Ciurcanu, premiat la AIB, 2011 sursa si drept de autor: De zece ani, în inima oraşului Turda, pe ruinele fostei uzine chimice, copii şi adulţi respiră vapori de mercur şi praf cancerigen pentru câteva kilograme de fier vechi. După ce fabrica a fost abandonată, tone de substanţe au rămas la îndemâna localnicilor, sunt împrăştiate prin Turda şi purtate de vânt până pe autostrada Transilvania. O mare firmă privată şi-a asumat decontaminarea pe o sumă uriaşă şi, spun unii, dubioasă - 70 de milioane de euro. Emisiunea "În premieră" cu Carmen Avram a difuzat duminică, 6 Martie, un material incredibil despre pământul otrăvit cu tone de mercur din inima oraşului Turda. Terenul din centrul Turdei este plin de mercur şi zeci de alte substanţe cancerigene. Oamenii locului ignoră pericolul convinşi că nu li se poate întâmpla nimic rău. Nimeni nu le-a spus că e pericol de moarte. Pentru că ştiu ce se întâmplă acolo, experţii oficiali nu s-au deplasat la faţa locului, speriaţi că se vor îmbolnăvi. Fosta uzină chimică din Turda a fost falimentată şi distrusă în mod voit pentru că la faţa locului existau interese de milioane de dolari. Omul de afaceri arab care a cumpărat fabrica şi-a scos investiţia. Se pare că tonele de mercur rămase au fost vândute prin tranzacţii ilegale. În plus, poluarea cu mercur nu numai că este extrem de periculoasă, dar şi imposibil de controlat. Mai mult, în inima oraşului, în pământ, au fost uitate 60.000 de tone de insecticid. Comuniştii au aruncat substanţele la întâmplare, iar democraţia le-a permis să se răspândească. Consecinţele sunt dramatice. Substanţele se răspândesc în pământul pe care pasc vacile ajungând în laptele şi carnea consumate de populaţie. Miercuri seară, la Londra, în cadrul premiilor AIB, Carmen Avram şi echipa emisiunii "În Premieră" de la Antena 3 au câştigat PREMIUL SPECIAL din partea JURIULUI (The AIB's International Jury Highly Commends), pentru documentarul "Oraşul Otrăvit". Antena 3 a fost singura televiziune din Europa de Est care a fost acceptată la gala premiilor International Media Excellence Awards acordate de The Association for International Broadcasting, iar documentarul realizat de Andrei Ciurcanu, Mihai Dina şi Zsolt Lenard a impresionat juriul şi a fost catalogat ca fiind unul dintre cele mai şocante înscrise în competiţie. "Oraşul otrăvit", este povestea incredibilă despre pământul otrăvit cu tone de mercur din inima oraşului Turda, unde toată populaţia respiră vapori de mercur şi praf cancerigen în fiecare zi. Acesta a fost nominalizat la premiile AIB 2011 "pentru ceea ce juriul a descris ca fiind poate cel mai şocant material înscris în competiţie", au spus organizatorii. Otravit, Turda Reportaj In Premiera
Salina Turda

Salina Turda

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:36
  • Updated: 05 Dec 2012
  • views: 40321
videos Turda
Salina Turda

Salina Turda

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:28
  • Updated: 06 Feb 2014
  • views: 29526
Salina Turda - - este unul dintre monumentele istorice rescunoscute de Ministerul Culturii si Patrimonului National din Romania. Pentru a citi si alte articole, vizitati: ... Turda
Stelyan de la Turda   Mai Usor Prin Viata Trec

Stelyan de la Turda Mai Usor Prin Viata Trec

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:42
  • Updated: 28 Apr 2016
  • views: 82529
Pentru Contact Puteti Suna La Numerele De Telefon 0752839479 Sau 0740945935 Pentru Diferite Evenimente De La Turda Mai Usor Prin Viata Trec
Stelyan De La Turda Regina Mea nou 2015

Stelyan De La Turda Regina Mea nou 2015

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:33
  • Updated: 01 Dec 2014
  • views: 680017
pentru diferite evenimente puteti suna la nr. 0752839479 sau 0740945935 De La Turda Regina Mea Nou 2015
Calau turda

Calau turda

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:13
  • Updated: 28 May 2014
  • views: 1688
videos Turda
Interlop cazut din Turda

Interlop cazut din Turda

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:56
  • Updated: 20 Apr 2015
  • views: 1597
Interlop cazut din turda Cazut Din Turda
Antrenor Tavi Luca -- Turda, Cluj, Romania

Antrenor Tavi Luca -- Turda, Cluj, Romania

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:34
  • Updated: 17 Nov 2014
  • views: 4070
Antrenor Culturism cu experiența de 25 ani antrenez copii și juniori. Asigur sală de antrenament in Turda! Informații la tel. 0743937164 Tavi Luca Turda, Cluj, Romania Tavi Luca Turda, Cluj, Romania
Turda oras turistic

Turda oras turistic

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:31
  • Updated: 03 Sep 2014
  • views: 4551
Un short film al regizorului Ovidiu Cosac. Imaginile vorbesc infinit mai mult decât cuvintele. Oras Turistic
Sci-Fi Salt Mines in Turda Romania

Sci-Fi Salt Mines in Turda Romania

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:53
  • Updated: 12 Sep 2016
  • views: 362
It is like something out of Star Trek or the set for Star Wars; the Turda Salt Mines are crazy cool with a sleek sci-fi look and something you must see if you are ever in Romania. I go inside to wander and explore. Enjoy! Seven Grey is a nomadic minimalist who is wandering the world. You can follow his travels at the following links: personal blog: world view philosophy: youtube channel: facebook page: Subscribe to my travel newsletter: Gear: Nikon S6900 GoPro Session 4 Video edited with iMovie on MacBook Air 13 Credits: Ahrix - Nova [NCS Release] Released by: NoCopyrightSounds Inukshuk - Future Past (Original Mix) Released by: NoCopyrightSounds Fi Salt Mines In Turda Romania
Romania - Turda salt mine - Active Travel Romania -

Romania - Turda salt mine - Active Travel Romania -

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:45
  • Updated: 15 Sep 2010
  • views: 5262
videos Travel to Romania to visit one of the most important salt mines in Transylvania, one of the largest in Europe. Turda's salt deposit was put into systematic operation of the deposit, by underground mining work, during the Roman conquest. The Salt Mine is mentioned in official documents from the middle of the 13th century, when the mine was offered to the Transylvanian Catholic Church leaders. In the Middle Ages, Turda was one of the biggest places of salt extraction in entire region. Turda Salt Mine Active Travel Romania Www.Adventure Tours.Ro
Salt Mine Becomes A Tourist Attraction

Salt Mine Becomes A Tourist Attraction

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:56
  • Updated: 31 Mar 2016
  • views: 427
Salina Turda dates all the way back to 17th century Romania. The mine closed in 1932, and remained untouched for 60 years before reopening to the public. Now it's become the one thing you absolutely have to visit. VR Zone is a popup virtual reality experience in Japan that tests your fear of heights by making you save a cat. Do you have what it takes? FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TUMBLR: Mine Becomes A Tourist Attraction
Unbelievable Travel Destinations You Never Knew Existed HD 2016

Unbelievable Travel Destinations You Never Knew Existed HD 2016

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:20
  • Updated: 08 Feb 2016
  • views: 1541
videos Travel Destinations You Never Knew Existed Hd 2016
Turkey: Salina Turda – Epic Underground Amusement Park in Former Salt Mine | Seek the World

Turkey: Salina Turda – Epic Underground Amusement Park in Former Salt Mine | Seek the World

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:34
  • Updated: 28 Jan 2016
  • views: 513
videos Salina Turda – Epic Underground Amusement Park In Former Salt Mine | Seek The World
Salina Turda Tour

Salina Turda Tour

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:43
  • Updated: 12 Sep 2015
  • views: 71
This is the first time I boat, and yeah. lol, so exciting! Turda Tour


  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:05
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2012
  • views: 616
The salt mine in Turda, Romania is now a veritable history museum of salt mining.The excellent state of preservation of mining and machinery used to transport salt, together with the cautious work carried out for preparing the mine to become a tourist attraction, have made history and legend meet harmoniously here. The increasing number of tourists arriving from distant geographical areas to visit the mine are a confirmation of interest and historical value. Enjoy! Turda Salt Mine, Romania Hd Slideshow By Paul B. From Dej
Thorenburg Turda Copand Copăceni Județul Cluj Siebenbürgen Rumänien 21.4.2016

Thorenburg Turda Copand Copăceni Județul Cluj Siebenbürgen Rumänien 21.4.2016

  • Order:
  • Duration: 21:26
  • Updated: 29 Aug 2016
  • views: 78
Haushaltshilfe gesucht. Housemaid wanted in Germany. Send PM Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G= Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten. Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas. Turda Copand Copăceni Județul Cluj Siebenbürgen Rumänien 21.4.2016
Saline di Turda, Romania 2010.

Saline di Turda, Romania 2010.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:50
  • Updated: 12 May 2010
  • views: 1339
videos Di Turda, Romania 2010.
Alba24 Video: Narcis Neaga - despre autostrada Sebes-Turda

Alba24 Video: Narcis Neaga - despre autostrada Sebes-Turda

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:45
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2014
  • views: 685
Citește mai mult pe Video Narcis Neaga Despre Autostrada Sebes Turda
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      Ac­ci­dent intre Turda si Tureni: 3 morti! (03.06.2016)
      03.06.2016 De­talii: http://​www.​turdanews.​net/​articole/​actualitate/​41725-accident-grav-trei...​
      pub­lished: 03 Jun 2016
      Play in Full Screen
      Ora­sul otrav­it, TURDA - re­por­taj "In pre­miera"
      Doc­u­men­tar re­al­izat de An­drei Ciur­canu, pre­mi­at la AIB, 2011 sursa si drept de autor: htt...
      pub­lished: 01 Nov 2012
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      Sali­na Turda
      pub­lished: 05 Dec 2012
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      Sali­na Turda
      Sali­na Turda - http://​www.​turismland.​ro/​salina-turda/​ - este unul din­tre mon­u­mentele istor...
      pub­lished: 06 Feb 2014
      Play in Full Screen
      Stelyan de la Turda Mai Usor Prin Viata Trec
      Pen­tru Con­tact Puteti Suna La Nu­merele De Tele­fon 0752839479 Sau 0740945935 Pen­tru Difer­it...
      pub­lished: 28 Apr 2016
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      Stelyan De La Turda Regi­na Mea nou 2015
      pen­tru diferite eveni­mente puteti suna la nr. 0752839479 sau 0740945935
      pub­lished: 01 Dec 2014
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      Calau turda
      pub­lished: 28 May 2014
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      In­ter­lop cazut din Turda
      In­ter­lop cazut din turda
      pub­lished: 20 Apr 2015
      Play in Full Screen
      Antrenor Tavi Luca -- Turda, Cluj, Ro­ma­nia
      Antrenor Cul­tur­ism cu ex­pe­riența de 25 ani antrenez copii și ju­niori. Asig­ur sală de ant...
      pub­lished: 17 Nov 2014
      Play in Full Screen
      Turda oras tur­is­tic
      Un short film al re­gi­zoru­lui Ovid­iu Cosac. Imag­inile vorbesc in­finit mai mult decât cu­vint...
      pub­lished: 03 Sep 2014
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        Sci-Fi Salt Mines in Turda Ro­ma­nia
        It is like some­thing out of Star Trek or the set for Star Wars; the Turda Salt Mines are c...
        pub­lished: 12 Sep 2016
        Play in Full Screen
        Ro­ma­nia - Turda salt mine - Ac­tive Trav­el Ro­ma­nia - www.​adventure-tours.​ro
        pub­lished: 15 Sep 2010
        Play in Full Screen
        Salt Mine Be­comes A Tourist At­trac­tion
        Sali­na Turda dates all the way back to 17th cen­tu­ry Ro­ma­nia. The mine closed in 1932, and ...
        pub­lished: 31 Mar 2016
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        Un­be­liev­able Trav­el Des­ti­na­tions You Never Knew Ex­ist­ed HD 2016
        Un­be­liev­able Trav­el Des­ti­na­tions You Never Knew Ex­ist­ed 2016 HD Haiku Stairs in Oahu, Haw...
        pub­lished: 08 Feb 2016
        Play in Full Screen
        Turkey: Sali­na Turda – Epic Un­der­ground Amuse­ment Park in For­mer Salt Mine | Seek the World
        pub­lished: 28 Jan 2016
        Play in Full Screen
        Sali­na Turda Tour
        This is the first time I boat, and yeah. lol, so ex­cit­ing!
        pub­lished: 12 Sep 2015
        Play in Full Screen
        SALI­NA TURDA - SALT MINE, RO­MA­NIA - HD SLIDESHOW - by Paul B. from Dej
        The salt mine in Turda, Ro­ma­nia is now a ver­i­ta­ble his­to­ry mu­se­um of salt mining.​The exc...
        pub­lished: 17 Aug 2012
        Play in Full Screen
        Thoren­burg Turda Co­pand Copăceni Județul Cluj Siebenbürgen Rumänien 21.4.2016
        Haushalt­shil­fe gesucht. House­maid want­ed in Ger­many. Send PM Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm ...
        pub­lished: 29 Aug 2016
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        Saline di Turda, Ro­ma­nia 2010.
        Yuri e Ives im­i­tan­do Al­ber­to An­gela....
        pub­lished: 12 May 2010
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        Al­ba24 Video: Nar­cis Neaga - de­spre au­tostra­da Sebes-Tur­da
        Citește mai mult pe http://​alba24.​ro
        pub­lished: 14 Nov 2014
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        • Lyrics list:

        My Enslaver

        Clean puncture and now she's gone
        but her spell still carries on
        Can't touch no one, can't get out of my shell
        She left me burning in this lonely hell
        Through the restless night souls wander holding on
        Through these cold nights that never come to dawn
        She's still my enslaver
        Where's the heart that I gave her
        My sweet enslaver
        I hate her
        Shades drawn growing lunacy staring,
        staring from the abyss ahead
        Longing for the sight of the face that I hate
        grinding teeth, raising the dead
        I get so scared of the cruel dreams I see,
        scared of her shadow coming to claim me
        She's still my enslaver...
        I hear voices, whispers of resurrection
        Sounds like tombstones corroding
        Laid my love to sleep with heart impaled
        but I can't escape this dark forebonding

        photo: UN / Eskinder Debebe
        A panel discussion entitled, “Addressing the socioeconomic needs of individuals, families, and societies affected by autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disorders,” is held at United Nations Headquarters today for World Autism Awareness Day.

        [VIDEO]: 10-Year-Old Autistic Boy In Coma After Being Set On Fire By' Friends'

        Edit 07 Oct 2016
        A 10-year-old Texas special-needs boy remains on life support after bullies allegedly lured him to a field, doused him with gasoline and lit him on fire Sunday, The New York Post reported Thursday ... As of Thursday afternoon, Kayden’s family had raised over more than times their $10,000 goal ... A total three boys – ages 9, 10 and 11 – were in custody following the grisly attack, the report said, quoting Fox....
        photo: Creative Commons / Cliff
        Thammasat University massacre: A crowd looks on, some with smiles on their faces, as a man uses a folding chair to beat the hanged body of a student just outside the university

        Thailand Is Marking the Darkest Day In Its Living Memory

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        Thai activists hold candles at Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand, Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016. Buddhist monks, mourners, activists and others gathered Thursday to mark the 40th anniversary of one of the darkest days in Thailand's history, when police killed scores of university students at a peaceful protest ... ....
        photo: WN
         KLdy1 - Oct07 - jkt07 - Great Wall of China, Beijing, China. (dy1)

        Collapse Of 'Moon Gate' Prompts Debate On Great Wall Of China Preservation

        Edit 06 Oct 2016
        The recent collapse of the Great Wall of China’s "Moon Gate" — a well-known landmark in Guangwu, Shanxi province — has put protection of the wall into the limelight for a second time in a few weeks, China Daily reports.The gate, which was already suffering decay, was part of an old watchtower. It apparently collapsed on Monday night ..., Jim Berrie....
        photo: AP / Antonio Calanni
        Carabinieri General and chief of ROS (Special Operations Group) Giuseppe Governale, left, sits by head of anti-terrorism unit Lamberto Giannini, during a news conference to illustrate an anti-terrorism operation, in Milan, Italy, Thursday, April 28, 2016.

        [VIDEO]: Catturato! Italian Mafia Boss Found Hiding In Secret Room In House

        Edit 06 Oct 2016
        Italian police have released audio-free footage of a fugitive mafia boss caught hiding in a secret room in his own home after five years on the run, BBC News reported. The report says it took agents several hours to dislodge Antonio Pelle, 54, from his hideout between a bedroom and a bathroom, before they were able to arrest him ... He faces 20 years in jail if convicted for drugs and arms smuggling charges, the report said. ....
        photo: AP / Dieu Nalio Chery
        A view of some houses after the Hurricane Matthew, Les Cayes, Haiti. Thursday Oct. 6, 2016. ( AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)

        At least 108 dead in Haiti from Hurricane Matthew; number expected to rise

        Edit Boston Herald 06 Oct 2016
        PORT-AU-PRINCE, HaitiHurricane Matthew left Haiti with at least 108 people dead and “catastrophic” damage, Haitian officials said Thursday. “The situation is catastrophic,” President Jocelerme Privert said. “The situation is critical.”. Interior Minister Francois Anick Joseph confirmed the number of dead ... Other parts of the country were also seeing major damage ... The bank is offline ... _____....

        Forget skyscrapers — the world's most beautiful buildings are underground

        Edit Business Insider 16 Aug 2016
        The United Nations says that the world population will quintuple by 2300. That means cities are about to get very crowded. of humanity already lives in cities, and by 2050, at least of the population will call cities home. In major cities like San Francisco, the demand for housing is outpacing the ability to supply houses ... This 400-foot-deep amusement park was constructed in a former salt mine in Romania, called the Salina Turda ... ....

        The Underground Carnival

        Edit Slate 16 May 2016
        Salina Turda, where all this takes place, is not your standard disused salt mine. Mining has been taking place at Salina Turda since at least the 11th century and maybe as far back as the Roman Empire. Running as a continually working mine from the 17th century, Salina Turda peaked in production during the First World War when Romania’s armed forces demanded large amounts of salt ... Salina Turda was in limbo for the next 60 years....

        Stunning views from inside Transylvania's subterranean theme park

        Edit CNN 27 Jan 2016
        Today Salina Turda has become an unlikely tourist attraction, with thousands of visitors descending its vertical shafts each year to play mini-golf, go bowling and row around its underground lake ... to Salina Turda in his quest to document human-altered landscapes....

        Presentation by Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos in Parliament, at the voting of the State Budget ...

        Edit Public Technologies 15 Dec 2015
        (Source. Government of Romania). The budget construction - determinants. Solutions, not laments. Despite objective limitations, a budget oriented towards bridging the gap to Europe. 1. This Government observes the prerogatives of the Romanian Parliament as elected and legitimate legislative body of the country ... 2 ... a. Fiscal policy measures - revenues. -10,680.1 mn lei. b. Fiscal policy measures - spending. 9263.0 mn lei. 3 ... 4 ... Highway Sebes - Turda....

        General principles and objectives of the Budget for 2016 (Government of Romania)

        Edit Public Technologies 11 Dec 2015
        (Source. Government of Romania). The macroeconomic framework. The budget for 2016 started from a macroeconomic rigorous model, which provided the budgetary construction framework ... Sources of growth remain exports and consumption, coupled with investment in growth, driven by the recent fiscal relaxation too ... The budget construction - determinants. Solutions, not excuses ... 12.6 billion lei ... 1. Prioritization ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... Nr ... Highway Sebes - Turda 247....

        Leaf Collection Program Update (City of Mansfield, OH)

        Edit Public Technologies 23 Oct 2015
        (Source. City of Mansfield, OH) News Release News Release. City of Mansfield, Ohio Timothy L. Theaker, Mayor. For Immediate Release. Date. October 23, 2015 Contact. John Yoha / City Service Complex. Subject ... Sa turda y's a nd Sunda y's a re 7 .00am to 4.00pm ... (noodl....

        'Kill Kennels' dog Chewie wins hearts and rosettes

        Edit Topix 26 Sep 2015
        The pitiful pooch was among thousands destined for the government pound where he did not stand a chance. However he was saved in the nick of time - his mother having been already taken - by a charity that carries out regular sweeps on the streets around Turda, Transylvania.... ....

        Cluj, Transilvania

        Edit Huffington Post 25 Sep 2015
        Turda Salt Mine. In order to see this wonder of nature, you have to leave Cluj and in about 50 km you'll arrive in the city of Turda. The main touristic attraction of this little city is the huge salt mine you'll find near the city center (one of the entrances, the other can be found in Durgău, very close to Turda)....

        This enormous underground salt mine in Romania has been...

        Edit Topix 23 Jul 2015
        Salina Turda , located in Turda, Romania, is home to an underground theme park that's nestled inside one of the oldest salt mines in the world. The salt mine, which dates as far back as the 17th century, was used for everything from a cheese storage center to a bomb shelter in WWII after excavations stopped in 1932 ... ....

        This enormous underground salt mine in Romania has been converted into an incredible amusement park

        Edit Business Insider 22 Jul 2015
        Salina Turda, located in Turda, Romania, is home to an underground theme park that's nestled inside one of the oldest salt mines in the world. Salina Turda is around 400-feet deep ... Visitors play ping pong at Salina Turda ... Salina Turda is open year-round ... ....

        6 abandoned mines transformed into amazing tourist attractions

        Edit CNN 20 May 2015
        Zip Below Xtreme ... Salina Turda. Salina Turda was the first major experiment in turning a disused mine into a non-traditional tourist attraction when it opened to the public in 1992 ... Salina Turda also has a spa and wellness center capitalizing on the healing properties of the cave's naturally occurring salts and 80% humidity. Salina Turda, Aleea Durgaului 7, Turda, Romania; +40 3642 60940. Wieliczka Salt Mine ... Wieliczka Salt Mine, ul ... MORE ... ....

        12 gorgeous salt caves good for the mind and body

        Edit Mashable 26 Apr 2015
        Salt is no longer reserved for seasoning your bland meals. Now it's a treat for your eyes, nose and well-being, too. People around the world use salt caves and mines for their health benefits. Some believe the salt filters out pollution in the air by being anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, according to The New York Times ... See also. 13 Ridiculous Travel Accessories No One Will Ever Need ... Salt Caves ... Salina Turda Salt Mine, Romania ... ....