Books! Books! We got yer cheap books right here:

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So the 2nd Annual Howard Zinn Book Fair is November 15th, 2015 in San Francisco. And the night before there's a blowout fundraiser show across the bay at the Omni Oakland Commons in Oakland, featuring artists from Firebrand Records—including Son of Nun, Ryan Harvey, Built for the Sea, and The Last Internationale.

Get your tickets here:

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It’s somewhat difficult to choose an excerpt from Davide Turcato’s new book, because a) there’s so much goodness in it and b) Malatesta’s ideas evolve so much over time (always as a result of his “experimental” revolutionary method). But the following seems like a decent choice, for it’s relevance to questions many of us are trying to get our heads around today. Enjoy the taste. And, really, get the book: a few of us read it when it was still a $90 academic hard cover and it blew us away. We knew that we had to create an affordable paperback version for you guys!

It’s somewhat difficult to choose an excerpt from Davide Turcato’s new book, because a) there’s so much goodness in it and b) Malatesta’s ideas evolve so much over time (always as a result of his “experimental” revolutionary method). But the following seems like a decent choice, for it’s relevance t…

"Schools of poverty are contested territory in which student resistance, primarily in the form of non-conformity, challenges the role of these schools as the means for reproducing the social relationships that serve those with power."

Nice review of Jay Gillen's EDUCATING FOR INSURGENCY in the Philadelphia Public School Notebook.

"Educating for Insurgency," by Jay Gillen, makes the case that the transformation of our schools depends on recognizing the critical role of young people in high-poverty schools. Gillen is a Baltimore

"What gets counted as “crime” is generally class-coded. The disorderly behaviors of poor people get criminalized, while wealthy people see their misdeeds sanctified by the law.... So, sleeping under a bridge is a crime, but evicting poor people from their housing is just good business."

Kristian Williams talks about OUR ENEMIES IN BLUE on Disinformation.

Let's begin with the basics: violence is an inherent part of policing. The police represent the most direct means by which the state imposes its will on the citizenry. They are armed, trained, and authorized to use force. Like the possibility of arrest, the threat of violence is implicit in every po…|By Brian Whitney

"Land and sea, oil and water, corporations and human beings: For Spahr these things can no longer be considered separately. Spahr and her child, and you and I, are already caught up in the dangerous skein of financial instruments and hydrological disequilibrium."

Juliana Spahr and THAT WINTER THE WOLF CAME get a totally glowing review in The New York Times Book Review!

Poems take on the political, from oil spills to Occupy Oakland.|By Stephen Burt

Just back from the printer! MAKING SENSE OF ANARCHISM looks at a fascinating decade of Malatesta's revolutionary exploits—but also delves deeper into political debates that continue even today, and offers valuable critique of the way history is written.

Get yours for 25% off list price!


Or join the Friends of AK Press before the end of August and this will be your first book!

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"In each of these countries, the war on drugs appears to serve as an effective tool for governance, pumping resources to train and arm more police and soldiers into host countries. It also provides an effective pretext for state violence under the guise of fighting drugs."

Dawn Paley, author of DRUG WAR CAPITALISM, interviewed on teleSUR.

<p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-182a289b-619e-087f-5574-b513d104fbea">Dawn Paley, author of <a href="">Drug War Capitalism</a>, spoke with teleSUR about how U.S. policies are increasing violence and exploitation in the region.</p>|By Cyril Mychalejko

From yesterday's Democracy Now!: "The real problem is that we’re in a nonrecovery in America, and Europe is in an absolute class war of austerity. That’s what the eurozone is, an austerity zone... And all that you saw on Monday was just sort of like a shift, tectonic shift, is people realizing, 'Well, the game is up, it’s time to get out.' And once a few people want to get out, everybody sees the game’s up."

Get Michael Hudson's new e-book KILLING THE HOST—published by CounterPunch (official)—right here:

Black Monday is how economists are describing Monday’s market turmoil, which saw stock prices tumble across the globe, from China to Europe to the United States. China’s stock indices fell over 8 percent on Monday and another 7 percent today. On Wall Street, the Dow Jones Industrial Average initiall…

"In this view, not a way of telling people what they don’t know (as a vanguardist view might have it) but making clear to them what they do. Poetry, too, emerges from this social experience; I couldn’t have written this book independently of what millions of people did over the last seven years, in the streets and plazas, at great risk."

Jasper Bernes, author of WE ARE NOTHING AND SO CAN YOU, interviewed in Los Angeles Review of Books (LARB)!

THE DEDICATION in Jasper Bernes’s new book of poetry We Are Nothing and So Can You reads “for the partisans,” making clear its commitments. The paths taken in Bernes’s serpentine poem lead the reader through riots, communes, confrontations, and antagonisms in the projected past, lived...

"They sought new means of achieving justice, ones that did not rely on the state and actively avoided replicating state systems on a smaller scale. Many of them also sought new *types* of justice, understood not as vengeance or retribution, but as personal and social transformation, addressing both the immediate causes and the deeper roots of crime. Viewed as experiments, at least part of their success or failure will depend on our willingness to learn from their examples and improve on them. It is in this vein that Incite's Andrea Smith, speaking at Critical Resistance's tenth-anniversary conference, advocated 'revolution by trial and error'—which is, of course, the only kind there is."

Bitch Media has published a great excerpt from Kristian Williams's OUR ENEMIES IN BLUE.

Recognizing the limits of the criminal legal system, for decades women have organizing to defend themselves and keep each other safe.

Remembering Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, two anarchists executed by the State 88 years ago today. From their farewell letter to their defense committee:

"Friends and Comrades, now that the tragedy of this trial is at an end, be all as of one heart. Only two of us will die. Our ideal, you our comrades, will live by millions. Just treasure our suffering, our sorrow, our mistakes, our defeats, our passion for future battles and for the great emancipation. Be all as of one heart in this blackest hour of our tragedy. And have heart. Salute for us all the friends and comrades of the earth. Long life to you all, long life to Liberty."

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This weekend is the Seattle Anarchist Book Fair! Our books will be available there courtesy of our friends at Left Bank Books Collective—so be sure to stop by their tables. For more info, see or the FB event linked here.

Sat 10 AMThe Vera ProjectSeattle, WA, United States
411 guests

"Dystopia leaves us with no hope. Utopia basically does the same thing, by creating a future that is unattainable and has so little to do with present day experience that it isn't useful. We are instead interested in generating stories, visions and futures that are hard and realistic and hopeful."

—Octavia's Brood co-editor adrienne maree brown

Get your copy of the book:

We make fiction that disrupts the status quo, examines change as a collective bottom up process, centers marginalized communities - and is neither utopian nor dystopian.

James Tracy, author of DISPATCHES AGAINST DISPLACEMENT, is teaching a free 12-week course at CIty College of San Francisco. The bad news is that it's full. The good (?) news is that you can stare longingly at the syllabus and reading list here:
Or get James's book here:

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"Sometimes it feels like it is over and it’s not.
Sometimes it feels like it has just begun and it’s over."

"Turnt," a great poem from Juliana Spahr's THAT WINTER THE WOLF CAME, can be read on the PEN American Center website. And you should both read it and get turnt.

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New distro arrivals from Minor Compositions, CounterPunch (official), Doris Press, and more... place ANY order through this weekend and get your free AK Press 25th anniversary coozie!

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We were saddened by the news that Hugo “Yogi” Pinell, the only member of the San Quentin Six still behind bars, was murdered yesterday in the California State Prison–Sacramento. He was one of our sponsored Friends of AK Press and we mailed his last package only a day earlier. We don’t have all the details, nor would we trust any stories from the state officials who have tried to silence and break him over the last five decades—four of them in solitary. Our condolences go out to his family and friends. RIP.

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The Anarchist Black Cross annual event, Running Down the Walls, is coming up. Help support political prisoners by sponsoring a runner, running yourself, or contributing online:

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