Domestic Terrorism: Not Radicalized Islam

Domestic Terrorism: Not Radicalized Islam

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Due to the erroneous stereotyping of Muslims, intelligence agencies and government leaders in the West have targeted Muslims as the main terrorist threat. One western leader (Stephen Harper of the Conservative Party of Canada) blames terrorism on "islamicization".
This section provides links to reports of domestic terrorism NOT the result of Radicialized Islam. We are building the links. Please help by contributing links and/or commentary. It's the least we can do.

Sectarian trouble flares at east Belfast's Short Strand
Car bomb defused in Northern Ireland, nationalists blamed
North Belfast bomb alert could continue overnight
Christian Terrorist American Attempts to Blow up Mosque
Christian Group Dedicated To Overthrow Of US Government
US 'Christian militants' charged after FBI raids
White Terrorist Ignored by MSM

Christian Terrorism in North-East India - The NSCN
Viable device found in north Belfast alert
Terrorism in the name of Jesus? Everybody ignore
We never called the IRA Christian terrorists
500 Terror Attacks in EU in 2006 - But Only 1 by Islamists
Terrorist attacks decrease in Europe
Europol Report: All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 99.6% that Aren’t
Russia: Four Neo-Nazi skinheads sentenced for up to 22 years in prison for homicide and bombing at Moscow’s markets
Portsmouth man 'published terrorists' handbook'
Portsmouth man 'published terrorists' handbook'
Spokane Bombing Arrest Details Emerge
Profile: Anders Behring Breivik

Siege at Tottenham Court Road: Area evacuated

Christian Terrorist American Attempts to Blow up Mosque

Christian Group Dedicated To Overthrow Of US Government

US 'Christian militants' charged after FBI raids

Viable device found in north Belfast alert