Edinburgh Man #242

September 23rd, 2016

Blurg. I’m so sleep deprived today. Dr Nic and I thought we were being sensible by going to bed super early last night. Like 9.30pm or something. But after Thing 2’s first nighttime waking at 1.30am I didn’t get back to sleep. I tried my trusty Murakami audio book but it didn’t do anything. Eventually, I fell asleep at 6.25am. Only to be woken up 5 minutes later by Edinburgh Man Junior jumping into bed. Argh. So basically, zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

1. Baker Island – “Demolishing The Fourth Wall” (Played courtesy of Baker Island)
2. Tongue Trap – “Celery” (Played courtesy of Morningside Young Team Records)
3. Tape Waves – “So Fast” (Played courtesy of Bleeding Gold Records)
4. Modern Studies – “Supercool” (Played courtesy of Song by Toad Records)
5. Pop & Obachan – “Bad Way” (Played courtesy of Z-Tapes, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. Dressed Like Wolves – “Country Walking (Demo)” (Played courtesy of Dressed Like Wolves)

Direct Download: Edinburgh Man #242

Edinburgh Man #241

September 22nd, 2016

The fourth show in our exciting week of nonstop podcasts!

Tonight’s show was originally scheduled for early August, just before the final release from one of my favourite record labels – Soft Power Records. We start with a track from that release by Edinburgh’s Dora Maar. There are two other tracks from recent Soft Power releases, and a load of other great music too.

One more show to go! See you tomorrow.

1. Dora Maar – “So, Young Fanatic” (Played courtesy of Soft Power Records)
2. The Second Hand Marching Band & Benni Hemm Hemm – “Skeletons” (Played courtesy of The Second Hand Marching Band, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. Witching Waves – “Seeing Double” (Played courtesy of Soft Power Records)
4. Zapruder Point – “The Spokesperson For Winter” (Played courtesy of Zapruder Point, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. Fresh – “Eating Paper” (Played courtesy of Fresh)
6. Amber Arcades – “What A Heart Can Contain” (Played courtesy of Amber Arcades, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
7. Kaspar Hauser – “Tannoy” (Played courtesy of Soft Power Records, Released under a Creative Commons licence)

Direct Download: Edinburgh Man #241

Edinburgh Man #240

September 21st, 2016

ANOTHER podcast! Also, good news everyone – much more sleep was had last night, especially by myself. In fact, partly because I went to bed early, I had a normal (ish) amount of sleep. This, coupled with the fact that (at last) I’ve figured out how to make the office coffee machine produce a decent espresso, I’m feeling pretty good.

The tracks for today’s show were chosen back in July, and to be honest I’ve been rather preoccupied since then, so this is a journey of musical discovery for me as well as you. Let’s get started.

1. Kellen Bearden – “Zeitgeist” (Played courtesy of Flowerpot Records, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
2. Canopy Hands – “Seldom” (Played courtesy of Canopy Hands, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. soft opening – “Icon” (Played courtesy of soft opening, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. Trust Fund – “Together” (Played courtesy of Trust Fund, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. earth of foxes – “what // is // danger // anyways” (Played courtesy of earth of foxes, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. 50FOOTWAVE – “Ratted Out” (Played courtesy of 50footwave, Released under a Creative Commons licence)

Direct Download: Edinburgh Man #240

Edinburgh Man #239

September 20th, 2016

It only feels like yesterday that I recorded a podcast… how time flies. Today the sleep deprivation really takes over. The effects of Mum and Dad watching the Olympics through the night while feeding Thing 2 during the first two weeks of his life seemed to be kicking in. Judging by the noises that he makes I can only imagine that he’s dreaming of being a championship shot putter. Grunts and groans all night long. On top of that, Thing 1 decided to wake multiple times throughout the night and jump on top his sleeping parents. Not even my trusty Murakami audiobook got me back to sleep. So yeah, this show is a bit zzzzzzzzz…

1. Buzz Rodeo – “Arkansas” (Played courtesy of Buzz Rodeo)
2. taulard – “Sombre et inquiet” (Played courtesy of Taulard, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
3. Uniform Motion – “I Don’t Know a Thing” (Played courtesy of Uniform Motion, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
4. Amber Arcades – “Constant’s Dream” (Played courtesy of Amber Arcades, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
5. Ana Threat – “Rock N Roll Jungle Girl” (Played courtesy of Ana Threat, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
6. Little Boy Lost – “Life-Like Love Life” (Played courtesy of Little Boy Lost, Released under a Creative Commons licence)
7. Strand Child – “Machines” (Played courtesy of Strand Child, Released under a Creative Commons licence)

Direct Download: Edinburgh Man #239