Latin America has a few lessons for the US on torture

The world quietly celebrated Human Rights Day (December 10) earlier this month. That week, two big, interrelated human rights events occurred. The first was the well-publicised revelations that America’s CIA ran and participated in a global torture program which, more than anything, produced vast ambivalence – especially from the top. The US Senate report recounted,…

Utopia Lost

  DRAFT ONLY – DO NOT CITE   ‘A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at’ – Oscar Wilde   The famous image of Sir Thomas More hangs in my grandparents house, and for as long as I can remember, the stare of that painting said something…

Fetishization of third world protest.

    In the post-Occupy world, with protests that heated up Egypt, and now Ukraine, Bosnia and Venezuela it may appear that the people are awakening, and progressives around the world have something to be excited about.  Think again. For us privileged folks in the west, most who have never come close to a tear…