Australia's first self-driving car unveiled in Victoria

Feel free to check your email while driving this car. Or maybe you'd prefer to make a video call, or just relax and take in the scenery.

That's the future with the first Australian self-driving car, which has been developed in Victoria.

The first Australian self-driving car has been unveiled in Victoria.
The first Australian self-driving car has been unveiled in Victoria. Photo: Justin McManus

A prototype, unveiled at Bosch's Clayton headquarters on Wednesday morning, has been developed with the Transport Accident Commission, VicRoads and $1.2 million from the Victorian government.

The car has been built to level four autonomy, which is one step below a fully driverless car. The driver must still be present, but they can hand over control to the car.

But don't expect to see these cars on the road any time soon. Roads Minister Luke Donnellan expects that could be up to 15 years away.

Safety remained one of the biggest priorities for the government, Mr Donnellan said.  


"More than anything else, it's how we can actually get the number of lives lost on our roads down to zero," he said.

Bosch Australia president Gavin Smith said the car took 85 people nine months to build. The car's exterior was based on a Tesla model but "under the covers it's all new".

He said the car includes six radars, high-resolution GPS and sensors.

"The computer power could probably put a spaceship on the moon," he said.

But drivers may need to take over in areas that were not mapped or in certain traffic or weather conditions, Mr Smith said.

It is not yet legal to run a driverless car on Victorian roads. A trial this weekend has received an exemption to run on closed roads.

Mr Smith said the state's road infrastructure was sufficient to accommodate highly autonomous vehicles.

The car is expected to be marginally more expensive than a normal car once it goes into mass production.