- published: 22 Mar 2016
- views: 110452
David John Cawdell Irving (born 24 March 1938) is an English author who has written on the military and political history of World War II, with a focus on Nazi Germany, and who is primarily known for his Holocaust denial. His works include The Destruction of Dresden (1963), Hitler's War (1977), Churchill's War (1987), and Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich (1996). Though Irving's revisionist views of World War II were never taken seriously by mainstream historians, he was once recognized for his knowledge of Nazi Germany and his ability to unearth new historical documents. Irving marginalized himself in 1988 when, based on his reading of the pseudoscientificLeuchter report, he began to espouse Holocaust denial.
Irving's reputation as a historian was discredited when, in the course of an unsuccessful libel case he filed against the American historian Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books, he was shown to have deliberately misrepresented historical evidence in order to promote Holocaust denial. The English court found that Irving was an active Holocaust denier, antisemite, and racist, who "for his own ideological reasons persistently and deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence". In addition, the court found that Irving's books had distorted the history of Adolf Hitler's role in the Holocaust in order to depict Hitler in a favourable light.
David (/ˈdeɪvɪd/; Hebrew: דָּוִד, Modern David, Tiberian Dāwîḏ;ISO 259-3 Dawid; Arabic: داوُد Dāwūd; Syriac: ܕܘܝܕ Dawid; Ancient Greek: Δαυίδ; Latin: Davidus, David; Strong's: Daveed) was, according to the Books of Samuel, the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel, and according to the New Testament, an ancestor of Jesus. His life is conventionally dated to c. 1040 – 970 BCE, his reign over Judah c. 1010–970 BCE.
The Books of Samuel, 1 Kings, and 1 Chronicles are the only Old Testament sources of information on David, although the Tel Dan Stele (dated c. 850–835 BCE) contains the phrase בית דוד (bytdwd), read as "House of David", which many scholars confirm to be a likely plausible match to the existence in the mid-9th century BCE of a Judean royal dynasty called the House of David.
Depicted as a valorous warrior of great renown, and a poet and musician credited for composing much of the psalms contained in the Book of Psalms, King David is widely viewed as a righteous and effective king in battle and civil justice. He is described as a man after God's own heart in 1 Samuel 13:14 and Acts 13:22.
David Irvine may refer to:
Irving is originally a Scottish surname, a variant of the name Irvine, which is derived from the eponymous River Irvine in Dumfriesshire. It may also refer to:
Holocaust denial is the act of denying the genocide of Jews and other groups in the Holocaust during World War II. Holocaust denial often includes the following claims: that Nazi Germany's Final Solution was aimed only at deporting Jews from the Reich, but that it did not include the extermination of Jews; that Nazi authorities did not use extermination camps and gas chambers to mass murder Jews; and that the actual number of Jews killed was significantly (typically an order of magnitude) lower than the historically accepted figure of 5 to 6 million.
Scholars use the term "denial" to describe the views and methodology of Holocaust deniers in order to distinguish them from legitimate historical revisionists, who challenge orthodox interpretations of history using established historical methodologies. Holocaust deniers generally do not accept the term denial as an appropriate description of their activities, and use the term revisionism instead. The methodologies of Holocaust deniers are often based on a predetermined conclusion that ignores overwhelming historical evidence to the contrary.
David Irving - Talking Frankly
David Irving - The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History
David Irving - 'Fifty years of fighting for truth, whatever the cost'
David Irving debunks holocaust in 3 min
David Irving Examines The Holocaust
Hardtalk - David Irving (BBC 2000)
David Irving - The Nuremberg Trials
David Irving confronts Lipstadt
David Irving's Holocaust Denial Libel Trial - Newsnight
David Irving - The Biggest Lie
A Loyal & Honest East Belfast Man
Interview with David Irvine AO on Australia in the Cyber Century
David Irving - Hitler, Himmler and the Homosexuals
David Irvine Memorial Snapper Classic with Penn & FishLife
David Irvings Holocaust Denial Libel Trial Channel 4 News April 2000
David Irvine interview
David Irvine CAFE College 2013
Author David Irvine
David Irving at The Oxford Union
Symposium Section: A Tribute to David Ervine
Here is a newly uploaded interview by British "Real History" Historian, David Irving. The interview itself is an unedited, uncut “privately filmed interview” lasting over 2 hours, and entitled, “Talking Frankly”. This interview was only, until now, available on DVD. It was filmed in April 2009.
The British Historian David Irving, speaking on "The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History" identifies some of the many FRAUDULENT historical documents that have been quoted AND referred to over the many years by "conformist historians" of the Third Reich era. Even many of Mr. Irving's opponents DO admit.., that Mr. Irving's knowledge of Hitler and wartime Germany in unrivaled !! Mr. Irving is the author of numerous books on this era of history.., many of them having been "best sellers".., including his monumental work (3 volumes in one book!).., titled "Hitler's War"... As always.., after watching.., do your best to "pass it on"..... "Truth Does Not Fear Investigation" AND... "He who Wins the War.., also Writes the History" (Yes / No ??) Then.., last, but not least... ...
David Irving – Britain’s bravest and best Historian: 'Fifty years of fighting for truth, whatever the cost'. The film ‘Denial’ is currently showing in cinemas across Britain and the star of it all is the historian, David Irving. The film has been designed to shore up Zionist claims about what happened in WWII, but current reports suggest that those members of the public still able to think for themselves, along with those level-headed enough not to be swept away by emotion engendered by the Hollywood mind controllers, actually leave the cinema with a sneaking suspicion that the true deniers - those suffering from denial - are in fact the sleepwalking liberals. For the liberals deny reality, they deny history, they deny human nature and they deny everything that doesn’t accord with their...
British Historian David Irving speaking in Canada 1988
It is 70 years ago that those found guilty at the Nuremberg Trials were executed. The trial was a farce and all top legal brains thought it so, but in other defeated nations such as Italy there wasn’t even the charade of a trial, the leaders, (with the approval of Churchill), being killed without ceremony. There would be few war crimes listed in the indictment at Nuremberg of which one or the other of the four prosecuting powers was not itself already guilty. In the cause of defeating Adolf Hitler, civilian populations had been burned and blasted, murdered, brutalised, intimidated, deported and enslaved; wars of aggression had been launched, neutral countries occupied by pretext and deceit, and the unalterable paragraphs of international conventions flagrantly violated. Robert H. Jackso...
David Irving confronting Lipstadt on Holocaust This is a classic clip filmed on 11-11-94 at an Atlanta college where Deborah Lipstadt was speaking on the Holocaust. Unbeknownst to her, David Irving was in the audience and when opportunity arose he confronted her about accusations she was making regarding himself as well as evidence she claimed to have which would prove the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz. This was back when Irving still had commendable courage to fight this diabolical network of Judaic-run organizations - before he realized the scope of the power of this ubiquitous Leviathan he was up against. I've also included his selected (incomplete) diary entries describing their nonstop conspiracy to silence him in those early years. My belief is that they most likely eventua...
April 2000. Report on the case and live interviews with David Irving and Deborah Lippstadt.
Telling the truth and exposing criminals is neither hatred, anti-semitism nor racism. David Irving is the recognised world's best non-conformist historian exposing the crimes of the 'holocaust industry' (worth 6 billion a year to Israel). Anyone who is entitled to large amounts of cash (and is Jewish) is a 'holocaust survivor'. Anyone who questions the truth of any part whatsoever of the claimed events of war time Germany is a 'holocaust denier'.
A video I made as a tribute to David Ervine. Videos of progress I put together. A man who not only contributed to my community but also the whole of Northern Ireland in many ways. R.I.P., you were a great loyal honest man.
The AIIA's Brendan Martin had the opportunity to chat with former Australian ambassador and Director-General of Security Mr David Irvine AO. Their discussion focussed on what challenges Australia will face in the coming cyber century, and what measures can be taken to manage these threats.
The oppressive politically-correct regime that currently tyrannizes over and is slowly destroying the Western World, (together with its people, its culture and its values), hates real history and only tolerates historians if they sell their soul to slavishly spout the approved propaganda and worldview of that regime. The result is that we live today in an increasingly nonsensical fool’s paradise where past, present and future bear no resemblance to either actuality, reality, human nature nor even nature herself. In this regime the worst crime is the thought crime and he who seeks to spread such thought is the worst criminal of all. Intellectual freedom is non-existent, free speech a farce, and free debate and discussion derided as dangerous and subversive. It is a brave man therefore w...
Take a ride with team from PENN Fishing and FishLife Magazine as they test the new PENN Slammer Reels in search of Snapper at the DIMSC.
Recommended Reading. AUSCHWITZ:Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers http://www.phdn.org/archives/www.maza... Denying History. http://www.amazon.com/Denying-History... Denying the holocaust http://www.amazon.com/Denying-Holocau... Belzac, Sobibor, Treblinka. Holocaust denial and operation Reinhard https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6Gu9NuQ7Zi4ZTFiYjFjZjUtOGNkYi00NzFiLTg5NTMtNWNlMWY2ODcxZDI2/view Recomended Documentarys/Videos Denying History: Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrMQp... Nova: Holocaust on Trial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCERa... Franz Suchomel confession https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yfxn... Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. http://walrusvideo.com/mr-death-the-r... Reich-Wing Holocaust Denier Fred A. Leuchter DEBUNKED http...
ASIO director-general David Irvine discusses the development of counter-terrorism efforts in the last decade.
David Irvine on "Accountability" - Canadian Association of Family Enterprise, Calgary Chapter, at CAFE College 2013
Best-selling author David Irvine explains why 'Caring is Everything' and how it benefits those in business.
David Irving debating "Freedom of Speech" at The Oxford Union.
A tribute to David Ervine, on the Tenth Anniversary of the Good Friday Accords. This is a series of videos, all of which are displayed here: http://www.us-irelandalliance.org/wmspage.cfm?parm1=799 Keyword Tags: Northern Ireland, Belfast Agreement, Northern Ireland Peace Process, Senator George Mitchell, David Ervine
Here is a newly uploaded interview by British "Real History" Historian, David Irving. The interview itself is an unedited, uncut “privately filmed interview” lasting over 2 hours, and entitled, “Talking Frankly”. This interview was only, until now, available on DVD. It was filmed in April 2009.
April 2000. Report on the case and live interviews with David Irving and Deborah Lippstadt.
The English Centre of International PEN reviewed the film approvingly: THE final interview, and arguably the most controversial, was with the historian David Irving. While he still vehemently denies accusations of racism, anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, Irving conceded that he had voiced "doubts and scepticism" about Auschwitz during a speech he had given in Austria in 1989. He was arrested for attempting to reactivate the Nazi party and in trial admitted that he had denied that Nazi Germany had killed millions of Jews. In February 2006, he was sentenced to three years in prison. While in no way condoning Irving's position on the Holocaust, English PEN deplored the court's decision. "It should not be a crime in a free society to publish opinion, however poorly dressed up as fact,...
Norwegian TV2 - Interview with historian David Irving NRK interview with David Irving (Oct.18, 2008) at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-iz6H5432g Irving's webpage: http://www.fpp.co.uk/online David Irving - A Radical's Diary: http://www.fpp.co.uk/docs/Irving/RadDi/2009/260509.html The Norwegian Festivale of Literature and the David Irving Controversy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_Festival_of_Literaturehtml
SEE MY HISTORY GROUP ON FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alan-Heaths-History-Page/173472422695696 David Irving interviewed in Warsaw. He talks of research for his forthcoming book on Himmler, the character of the head of the SS and on the role he played in the planning of the Holocaust. My channel on you tube : http://www.youtube.com/alanheath is one of the most prolific from Poland (currently the second highest subscribed and visited reporters site from this country). I have produced a number of films, most in English but also in Polish, French, Italian, Spanish and the occassional hint of German and Hebrew. My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is becau...
Report and interview on the day of the conclusion of the trial.
http://ow.ly/5Eanj Sick of the self-hating Jew label, John decides to prove his critics wrong. He decides to retaliate - Simon Wiesenthal Nazi-hunter style - by taking out one of the worlds most sinister Holocaust deniers, David Irving. For the attack, John flies to London, where he tricks Irving into meeting him in a small recording studio, which serves as the scene of Johns crime.
David Irving confronting Lipstadt on Holocaust This is a classic clip filmed on 11-11-94 at an Atlanta college where Deborah Lipstadt was speaking on the Holocaust. Unbeknownst to her, David Irving was in the audience and when opportunity arose he confronted her about accusations she was making regarding himself as well as evidence she claimed to have which would prove the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz. This was back when Irving still had commendable courage to fight this diabolical network of Judaic-run organizations - before he realized the scope of the power of this ubiquitous Leviathan he was up against. I've also included his selected (incomplete) diary entries describing their nonstop conspiracy to silence him in those early years. My belief is that they most likely eventua...
David Irving speaks out and is jailed for doing so.
Telling the truth and exposing criminals is neither hatred, anti-semitism nor racism. David Irving is the recognised world's best non-conformist historian exposing the crimes of the 'holocaust industry' (worth 6 billion a year to Israel). Anyone who is entitled to large amounts of cash (and is Jewish) is a 'holocaust survivor'. Anyone who questions the truth of any part whatsoever of the claimed events of war time Germany is a 'holocaust denier'.
David Irving speaks about his libel case against Deborah Lipstadt, his adventures, helpful resources and traditional enemies of the truth.
Research: Jewish Ritual Murder, Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited, Jura Lina The Jewish Hand in Bolshevism, The Other Israel, The Jewish conspiracy, Understanding anti-semitism, The Khazarian Conspiracy, A Devil in disguise, Auschwitz the Missing Cyanide, Judea declares war on Germany, Dumb portrayal of evil Buchenwald, David Cole at Auschwitz, One third of the holocaust, Auschwitz why the gas-chambers are a myth, The last days of the big lie, The persecution of Revisionists, Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel, Ethnic Germans A Forgotten Genocide, The Money Masters, (Videos) On youtube or http://trutube.tv/ Deutsch : "Schwindlers liste" " Auschwitz die warheit" "Holocaust meine mutter hat uns belogen" "Das problem der gaskammern" " Ernst Zündel interview mit Thies Christoph...
This story takes place in November of 1963 after his publication of book titled, The Destruction of Dresden. This is an excerpt from the meeting that took place in Columbus, Ohio on July 3rd, 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rREBE4cGNOk&feature;=youtu.be
Max Blumenthal interviews British Holocaust denier David Irving in New York City July 16, 2008.
ATTENTION! All the Video Footage does not belong to me. I waive their rights. All Video Footage were used only for educational purposes. Not derive any financial benefits from its use. All musical materials were used only for purposes of education. Not derive any financial benefits from its use. HOLOCAUST IS MYTH! (Holohoax) For example, at the end of 1944, at least three dailies printed the story with information about mythical the death "6 million Jews." All these articles were based on lies disseminated by one man - Ilya Ehrenburg. If you want to know more about the "Holocaust" subscribe, watch and read the information on this channel. *********************************************************************** UWAGA! Wszystkie materiały filmowe nie należą do mnie. Zrzekam się do nich p...
Here is a newly uploaded interview by British "Real History" Historian, David Irving. The interview itself is an unedited, uncut “privately filmed interview” lasting over 2 hours, and entitled, “Talking Frankly”. This interview was only, until now, available on DVD. It was filmed in April 2009.
The British Historian David Irving, speaking on "The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History" identifies some of the many FRAUDULENT historical documents that have been quoted AND referred to over the many years by "conformist historians" of the Third Reich era. Even many of Mr. Irving's opponents DO admit.., that Mr. Irving's knowledge of Hitler and wartime Germany in unrivaled !! Mr. Irving is the author of numerous books on this era of history.., many of them having been "best sellers".., including his monumental work (3 volumes in one book!).., titled "Hitler's War"... As always.., after watching.., do your best to "pass it on"..... "Truth Does Not Fear Investigation" AND... "He who Wins the War.., also Writes the History" (Yes / No ??) Then.., last, but not least... ...
David Irving – Britain’s bravest and best Historian: 'Fifty years of fighting for truth, whatever the cost'. The film ‘Denial’ is currently showing in cinemas across Britain and the star of it all is the historian, David Irving. The film has been designed to shore up Zionist claims about what happened in WWII, but current reports suggest that those members of the public still able to think for themselves, along with those level-headed enough not to be swept away by emotion engendered by the Hollywood mind controllers, actually leave the cinema with a sneaking suspicion that the true deniers - those suffering from denial - are in fact the sleepwalking liberals. For the liberals deny reality, they deny history, they deny human nature and they deny everything that doesn’t accord with their...
British Historian David Irving speaking in Canada 1988
It is 70 years ago that those found guilty at the Nuremberg Trials were executed. The trial was a farce and all top legal brains thought it so, but in other defeated nations such as Italy there wasn’t even the charade of a trial, the leaders, (with the approval of Churchill), being killed without ceremony. There would be few war crimes listed in the indictment at Nuremberg of which one or the other of the four prosecuting powers was not itself already guilty. In the cause of defeating Adolf Hitler, civilian populations had been burned and blasted, murdered, brutalised, intimidated, deported and enslaved; wars of aggression had been launched, neutral countries occupied by pretext and deceit, and the unalterable paragraphs of international conventions flagrantly violated. Robert H. Jackso...
David Irving confronting Lipstadt on Holocaust This is a classic clip filmed on 11-11-94 at an Atlanta college where Deborah Lipstadt was speaking on the Holocaust. Unbeknownst to her, David Irving was in the audience and when opportunity arose he confronted her about accusations she was making regarding himself as well as evidence she claimed to have which would prove the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz. This was back when Irving still had commendable courage to fight this diabolical network of Judaic-run organizations - before he realized the scope of the power of this ubiquitous Leviathan he was up against. I've also included his selected (incomplete) diary entries describing their nonstop conspiracy to silence him in those early years. My belief is that they most likely eventua...
April 2000. Report on the case and live interviews with David Irving and Deborah Lippstadt.
Telling the truth and exposing criminals is neither hatred, anti-semitism nor racism. David Irving is the recognised world's best non-conformist historian exposing the crimes of the 'holocaust industry' (worth 6 billion a year to Israel). Anyone who is entitled to large amounts of cash (and is Jewish) is a 'holocaust survivor'. Anyone who questions the truth of any part whatsoever of the claimed events of war time Germany is a 'holocaust denier'.
A video I made as a tribute to David Ervine. Videos of progress I put together. A man who not only contributed to my community but also the whole of Northern Ireland in many ways. R.I.P., you were a great loyal honest man.
The AIIA's Brendan Martin had the opportunity to chat with former Australian ambassador and Director-General of Security Mr David Irvine AO. Their discussion focussed on what challenges Australia will face in the coming cyber century, and what measures can be taken to manage these threats.
The oppressive politically-correct regime that currently tyrannizes over and is slowly destroying the Western World, (together with its people, its culture and its values), hates real history and only tolerates historians if they sell their soul to slavishly spout the approved propaganda and worldview of that regime. The result is that we live today in an increasingly nonsensical fool’s paradise where past, present and future bear no resemblance to either actuality, reality, human nature nor even nature herself. In this regime the worst crime is the thought crime and he who seeks to spread such thought is the worst criminal of all. Intellectual freedom is non-existent, free speech a farce, and free debate and discussion derided as dangerous and subversive. It is a brave man therefore w...
Take a ride with team from PENN Fishing and FishLife Magazine as they test the new PENN Slammer Reels in search of Snapper at the DIMSC.
Recommended Reading. AUSCHWITZ:Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers http://www.phdn.org/archives/www.maza... Denying History. http://www.amazon.com/Denying-History... Denying the holocaust http://www.amazon.com/Denying-Holocau... Belzac, Sobibor, Treblinka. Holocaust denial and operation Reinhard https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6Gu9NuQ7Zi4ZTFiYjFjZjUtOGNkYi00NzFiLTg5NTMtNWNlMWY2ODcxZDI2/view Recomended Documentarys/Videos Denying History: Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrMQp... Nova: Holocaust on Trial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCERa... Franz Suchomel confession https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yfxn... Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. http://walrusvideo.com/mr-death-the-r... Reich-Wing Holocaust Denier Fred A. Leuchter DEBUNKED http...
ASIO director-general David Irvine discusses the development of counter-terrorism efforts in the last decade.
David Irvine on "Accountability" - Canadian Association of Family Enterprise, Calgary Chapter, at CAFE College 2013
Best-selling author David Irvine explains why 'Caring is Everything' and how it benefits those in business.
David Irving debating "Freedom of Speech" at The Oxford Union.
A tribute to David Ervine, on the Tenth Anniversary of the Good Friday Accords. This is a series of videos, all of which are displayed here: http://www.us-irelandalliance.org/wmspage.cfm?parm1=799 Keyword Tags: Northern Ireland, Belfast Agreement, Northern Ireland Peace Process, Senator George Mitchell, David Ervine
Here is a newly uploaded interview by British "Real History" Historian, David Irving. The interview itself is an unedited, uncut “privately filmed interview” lasting over 2 hours, and entitled, “Talking Frankly”. This interview was only, until now, available on DVD. It was filmed in April 2009.
The British Historian David Irving, speaking on "The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History" identifies some of the many FRAUDULENT historical documents that have been quoted AND referred to over the many years by "conformist historians" of the Third Reich era. Even many of Mr. Irving's opponents DO admit.., that Mr. Irving's knowledge of Hitler and wartime Germany in unrivaled !! Mr. Irving is the author of numerous books on this era of history.., many of them having been "best sellers".., including his monumental work (3 volumes in one book!).., titled "Hitler's War"... As always.., after watching.., do your best to "pass it on"..... "Truth Does Not Fear Investigation" AND... "He who Wins the War.., also Writes the History" (Yes / No ??) Then.., last, but not least... ...
David Irving – Britain’s bravest and best Historian: 'Fifty years of fighting for truth, whatever the cost'. The film ‘Denial’ is currently showing in cinemas across Britain and the star of it all is the historian, David Irving. The film has been designed to shore up Zionist claims about what happened in WWII, but current reports suggest that those members of the public still able to think for themselves, along with those level-headed enough not to be swept away by emotion engendered by the Hollywood mind controllers, actually leave the cinema with a sneaking suspicion that the true deniers - those suffering from denial - are in fact the sleepwalking liberals. For the liberals deny reality, they deny history, they deny human nature and they deny everything that doesn’t accord with their...
British Historian David Irving speaking in Canada 1988
It is 70 years ago that those found guilty at the Nuremberg Trials were executed. The trial was a farce and all top legal brains thought it so, but in other defeated nations such as Italy there wasn’t even the charade of a trial, the leaders, (with the approval of Churchill), being killed without ceremony. There would be few war crimes listed in the indictment at Nuremberg of which one or the other of the four prosecuting powers was not itself already guilty. In the cause of defeating Adolf Hitler, civilian populations had been burned and blasted, murdered, brutalised, intimidated, deported and enslaved; wars of aggression had been launched, neutral countries occupied by pretext and deceit, and the unalterable paragraphs of international conventions flagrantly violated. Robert H. Jackso...
Telling the truth and exposing criminals is neither hatred, anti-semitism nor racism. David Irving is the recognised world's best non-conformist historian exposing the crimes of the 'holocaust industry' (worth 6 billion a year to Israel). Anyone who is entitled to large amounts of cash (and is Jewish) is a 'holocaust survivor'. Anyone who questions the truth of any part whatsoever of the claimed events of war time Germany is a 'holocaust denier'.
The oppressive politically-correct regime that currently tyrannizes over and is slowly destroying the Western World, (together with its people, its culture and its values), hates real history and only tolerates historians if they sell their soul to slavishly spout the approved propaganda and worldview of that regime. The result is that we live today in an increasingly nonsensical fool’s paradise where past, present and future bear no resemblance to either actuality, reality, human nature nor even nature herself. In this regime the worst crime is the thought crime and he who seeks to spread such thought is the worst criminal of all. Intellectual freedom is non-existent, free speech a farce, and free debate and discussion derided as dangerous and subversive. It is a brave man therefore w...
David Irving - Lies of the Nuremberg Trials
April 2000. Report on the case and live interviews with David Irving and Deborah Lippstadt.
I hope everyone watches this to completion before commenting.I welcome academic debate.If you disagree with Irving please provide documentation or compelling counter argument.If you are among the truth deniers that can only curse the messenger then just please go away.David Irving has uncovered enough evidence to declare Churchill guilty of mass murder and high treason.If it were up to me i would have him exhumed and hanged.
David Irvine on "Accountability" - Canadian Association of Family Enterprise, Calgary Chapter, at CAFE College 2013
British Historian David Irving Speaks in The USA About Freedom Of Speech
Report and interview on the day of the conclusion of the trial.
Mastermind of the Third Reich - David Irving Documentary - World Documentary New 2017 ^^ Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=
UCI Chem 51B Organic Chemistry (Winter 2013) Lec 17. Organic Chemistry -- NMR Spectroscopy View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_51b_organic_chemistry.html Instructor: David Van Vranken, Ph.D. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info. More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu Description: This is the second quarter of the organic chemistry series. Topics covered include: Fundamental concepts relating to carbon compounds with emphasis on structural theory and the nature of chemical bonding, stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, and spectroscopic, physical, and chemical properties of the principal classes of carbon compounds. This video is part of a 26-lecture undergraduate-level course titled "Organic Chemistry" taught at UC Irvine by Professo...
David Irvine CEO at MaidSafe has in excess of 23 years experience in IT and 15 years running companies. He was previously responsible for Enterprise network design and project management and has worked on some of the world’s largest network projects. David is also a published author on papers in the fields of complex networking, distributed computing and cryptography related technologies.
2014 Texas Bitcoin Conference in Austin, Texas. http://TexasBitcoinConference.com
I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my time
Foolish was I and young was my mind
Sometimes a man must live in darkness to appreciate light
I hope you’ll understand where I’m comin’ from
I’m simply sayin’ what’s done is done
It’s a brand new day and me and rock ‘n’ roll are here to
I love the sound of the crowd cheering
It gives me more than just a good feeling
And the sharing…the life I live and love, love, love…
I treasure each and every word of this song
It expresses so many things I’ve felt for so long
I feel good and I just wanna say, me and rock ‘n’ roll
are here to stay!
I’ve seen a lotta entertainers come and go
And I’m sure before I die I’m gon’ see a lot more
I am a mountain and I refuse to be moved
There’re so many things I wanna say and do
And a lot of things I wanna prove to me and you
But most of all that me and rock ‘n’ roll are here to