- published: 07 May 2013
- views: 23139647
PTV4 (Paikallistelevisio) was a Finnish television channel which operated from 1990 to 1997. It was originally launched on the HTV cable network under the name of PTV, which was later changed to PTV4 in 1996 when it was bought by the Sanoma Group. It was the predecessor of the modern Finnish TV channel Nelonen which was launched June 1, 1997.
Pierce The Veil - Bulls in the Bronx
PTV news 27 Settembre 2016 - Comprovato dai tagliagole il sostegno americano
Pierce The Veil - "Texas Is Forever" (Official Stream)
Pierce The Veil - King for a Day ft. Kellin Quinn
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PTV - Il re è nudo... se ti abboni
Shahid Afridi Response on Farewell Match Question | Pakistan vs West Indies 3rd T20 2016 - HD
Pierce The Veil "Caraphernelia"
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Surah Rahman PTV Channel Qari Syed Sadaqat Ali
Music video for "Bulls in the Bronx" by Pierce the Veil from the album 'Collide With The Sky', available now on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/CollideWithTheSky Music video by Pierce The Veil performing Bulls in the Bronx. (C) 2013 Fearless Records
- La Ridotta Attitudine Informativa (Rai) inizia la campagna referendaria per il sì - La Toscana contro le armi nucleari insieme al Comitato No Guerra No Nato - Presidenziali Usa, la democrazia ora la fa la TV - Litio nella ionosfera. La NASA spargeva e sparge sostanze chimiche dannose - Jeremy Corbyn l’anti atlantista
ITUNES: http://smarturl.it/ptvmisadventures Taken from the new album 'Misadventures' available now. Stay connected: http://piercetheveil.net http://facebook.com/piercetheveil http://twitter.com/piercetheveil http://instagram.com/piercetheveil LYRICS: Here we are Can you tell that story it's my favorite one You fucking disappointment I can't entertain you anymore These stupid states of mind Everyone punishing me all the time Why? But don't cross your boundaries and think that it's cool Misguided by darkness and lost on the road But I'm such a sucker for the rain Here we are Crashing once again Into the center of your moonlit face Our caved-in ribs Your tears they fall on my tongue And our lips are letting go As we laid on the side of the road Pull the trigger tight and watch...
Music video for "King For A Day" by Pierce the Veil from the album 'Collide With The Sky', available now on iTunes. http://smarturl.it/CollideWithTheSky
Pakistan vs West Indies at Dubai (DSC), 1st T20I PTV Sports Live Streaming Pakistan vs West Indies Today Match LIVE Streaming Pakistan vs West Indies 1st Test Match 23 Sep 2016 1st T20 match Pakistan vs West Indies live Match PTV Sports Live Match Pakistan vs West Indies Today Match Pakistan vs West Indies live T20 Match Live Match Pakistan vs West Indies T20 Match Live Pakistan vs West Indies Today Match Live Streaming Pakistan vs West Indies PTV Sports Live Streaming Today Match Live
Condividete! Pandora TV Il re è nudo... se ti abboni Puoi abbonarti a Pandoratv.it per una non o per sei mesi comodamente da casa tua cliccando qui: http://www.pandoratv.it/?page_id=4602 Grazie al vostro aiuto pandoratv.it vivrà per altri due mesi. Ma noi vogliamo tenere accese le telecamere ancora per un anno così da poter svelare le verità nascoste dai padroni universali che vi vogliono ignoranti. Pandoratv.it ha un pubblico che supera il mezzo milione di persone! Siamo ormai un media importante. Sostenerci significa quindi influire su una vasta opinione pubblica. Non si tratta solo di solidarietà, è un fatto politico essenziale. Cerchiamo tra di voi 2.500 abbonati entro il 31 dicembre. Sarà il canone che avete scelto voi a mantenerci in vita, ogni vostro like sarà una goccia di ossige...
Shahid Afridi Response on Farewell Match Question | Pakistan vs West Indies 3rd T20 2016 - HD Pakistan vs West Indies 3rd T20 2016 Highlights Pakistan vs West Indies T20 2016 Highlights Pakistan vs West Indies 2016 Highlights West Indies vs Pakistan 3rd T20 2016 Highlights West Indies vs Pakistan T20 2016 Highlights West Indies vs Pakistan 2016 Highlights PTV Sports Live Streaming Shahid Afrid Game On Hai PTV Sports Shahid Afridi Pakistan vs West Indies 3rd T20 2016
iTUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/selfish-machines/id490906460 MERCH: http://piercetheveil.merchnow.com/ SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/equalvision/noodlemx?sub_confirmation=1 From the album 'Selfish Machines' out now! Directed by: Robby Starbuck Stay Connected With Us: http://facebook.com/EqualVision http://twitter.com/EqualVision http://instagram.com/EqualVision Lyrics: Sunshine, there ain't a thing that you can Do that's gonna ruin my night (But there's just something about) This dizzy dreamer and her bleeding little blue boy Licking your fingers like you're done and you've decided There is so much more than me And baby honestly it's harder breathing next to you I shake I brought a gun and as the preacher tried to stop me Hold my heart it's beating for you anyway W...
Surah ar-Rahman (The Beneficent) This surah has 78 verses and it is 'makki'. Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that reciting this surah on Friday after the dawn prayers carries great reward. Surah as-Rahman removes hypocrisy from one's heart. On the Day of Judgement, this surah will come in the shape of a human being who will be handsome and will have a very nice scent. Allah (s.w.t.) will then tell him to point out those people who used to recite this surah and he will name them. Then he will be allowed to beg pardon for those whom he names and Allah (s.w.t.) will pardon them. The Imam (a.s.) also said that if a person dies after reciting this surah, then is considered a martyr. Writing this surah and keeping it makes all difficulties and problems v...
Pori saa tänä kesänä uuden ravintolalaivan. Ravintolalaiva Amore saapui vihdoin Etelärantaan monien vaikeuksien jälkeen. Videolla haastattelussa yrittäjä Ali Durmaz.
Rauman kaupunginvaltuuston kokous 3.3.2014
Телекомпания ТВ-21 http://www.tv21.ru/news/2011/09/21/?newsid=37103 Мы продолжаем «Лапландские приключения», и сегодня познакомимся с творчеством самого известного в северной части Финляндии художника. Это — Андреас Алариесто. Андреас Алариесто, финский художник-примитивист, жил и работал в самое неспокойное для саамов время — середине-конце 20-го века, и стал национальной гордостью саамов. Алариесто писал картины об обычном быте саамов — сбор ягод, оленье стадо у озера, переправа через реку, есть и более философские работы - жизненный путь человека по верстовым, или годовым, столбам. Есть и работы о самом тяжелом времени для саамов. В центре — банкир во фраке и цилиндре, в одной руке дымится сигара, а в другой — толстая книга долговых расписок, которых он бьет по голове несчастного ...
Aliens sent some films to steven spilberg to make some movies those films have been held at notery for 10 years....I will keep sending new films to YOUtube till i reach Steven Spilberg... Ufolara, uzaya ve bilinmeyene karşı ilgi duymaktan kendinizi alıkoyamıyorsanız, doğru yerdesiniz. Kanalıma abone olmayı unutmayınız. Ufolara, uzaya ve bilinmeyene karşı ilgi duymaktan kendinizi alıkoyamıyorsanız, doğru yerdesiniz. Kanalıma abone olmayı unutmayınız.
Tampereen Palloveikkojen organisoima Särkänniemi Cup keräsi Tampereelle noin kolme tuhatta 7--13-vuotiasta jalkapallojunioria kesäkuun puolessa välissä. Waven koosteessa turnauksen kummina toiminut Tampereen Palloveikkojen oma kasvatti, nykyään Ruotsin Göteborgissa ammattilaisena pelaava, Leena Puranen piti Waven Markukselle ja paikalla oleville jalkapallojunnuille pienimuotoisen jalkapallokoulun ja Särkänniemi Cupin turnauspäällikkö Risto Sumanen kertoi fiiliksiään onnistuneesta tapahtumasta.
Jama Jaman johdatuksella katsojat pääsevät seuraamaan Tampereen kaupungin valmisteluja kohti linnan juhlia. Sarjan toisessa jaksossa Jama jututtaa Tampereen pormestaria Anna-Kaisa Ikosta tulevasta kunniatehtävästä.
Vastavärien kolmannessa jaksossa stylisti Minna Mäntysorvari kertoo, mikä tekee ihmisestä viehttävän ja antaa vinkkejä kesäpukeutumiseen.
Sodankylän paikallistv:n lähetys vuodelta 1989. Ohjelmassa Espoolaisen Nöykkiön koulun leirikoulu Sodankylässä.
Sodankylän paikallis-tv:n lähetys 1990 -luvun alusta.
www.sodistv.fi - Alariestogalleria - EU-konferenssi - E-junnut - Jyrkin sähkösirkus - Markus Martin - Verenluovutus
Neurologian erikoislääkäri Nina Bjelogrlic-Laakso ottaa kantaa rokotteisiin ja rokotetutkimuksiin.
SOA Special 2013 is a series of interviews from Children of Bodom to Sabaton. In this interview Tampere local TV had an honor to have a chat with Floor Jansen and Tuomas Holopainen from Nightwish. First four minutes of the interview are slightly dark(ish) but it's only the beginning. Maken musiikkinurkka kartoittaa tässä erikoissarjassa Sauna Open Air 2013 festaritunnelmia ja jututtaa monia raskaamman musiikkilajin taituria. Specialjaksojen kolmannessa osassa Make jututtaa Nightwishin Tuomas Holopaista ja Floor Jansenia.
O mundo é um grande pão com manteiga
café com leite
Nunca mais,
nunca mesmo sobre qualquer assunto
Obtemperarei...assim espero
Porque sei calcular o valor
de um amor que desponta
Eu meço pelo tamanho da dor
Que no final eu sei que vai sobrar
É preciso dizer, é preciso dizer
Ié, ié, ié, ié, ié, ié, ié
Tá na hora, tá na hora
Todo mundo foi embora e eu sobrei
Aqui feito um bobo só pensando nela
Já soprei a vela e vou deitar
Até as pernas melhorar
vou voltar a caminhar
E se Deus quiser Ele vai me chamar
Eu também quero e eu vou, eu vou
Eu também quero e eu vou, eu vou
E você como vai? Tudo bem
Intão vem. Como não? Eu também
Tudo bão? Tá não
Cê também? Intão vão