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 08 Oct 2016 09:12 GMT |   Taliban, Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda, War & Conflict

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 Israel, Hamas, Gaza

  REWIND REWIND updates some of Al Jazeera's most memorable and award-winning documentaries of the past decade. We find out what happened to some of the characters in those films and ask how their stories have developed in the years since our cameras left.

  Scent From Heaven: On the Trail of Oud We trace one of the world's rarest and most expensive commodities from its end users in the Middle East to its source in the forests of Southeast Asia.

 Arts & Culture, Middle East, Qatar

  ISIL and the Taliban Al Jazeera gains unprecedented access to ISIL's central leadership and explores the threat it poses to the Taliban.

 War & Conflict, Middle East, Afghanistan

  My Cuba An intimate look at the pleasures and struggles of six different people's Cuba.

  The Caliph  Al Jazeera tells the story of the caliphate providing a fascinating insight into past empires and present-day politics.


  A Very Sicilian Justice: Taking on the Mafia A story of blackmail, conspiracy, courage and fear. We follow the Italian judge trying to take on the mafia.

 Italy, Law, Crime

  Walls of Shame: West Bank Separation Wall A look at one of the most controversial walls in the world today. 

 Middle East, Palestine, Occupied West Bank

  My Nigeria Six films. Six people. Six personal insights into Africa's number one economic powerhouse - Nigeria.

  In Search of Putin’s Russia We travel the country to discover how Russians feel about life under Putin.

  Walls of Shame: The US-Mexico Border Wall A look at the physical barriers and policies that separate the US from Mexico.

 Mexico, Migrants, United States

  Afghanistan: Living Beneath the Drones The devastating impact that war and living under the constant threat of drones has had on the people of Afghanistan. 

 Afghanistan, Drones, Taliban

  Slavery: A 21st Century Evil This series gives a voice to modern-day slaves, goes in search of the slave masters and asks why slavery persists.

  Street Food  Often developed over centuries, street food is more than a cheap source of nourishment. It is the very essence of a country or region's tradition and mirrors the ways of ordinary people - with each recipe reflecting lifestyle, race and religion of its people.

  Walls of Shame: Northern Ireland's Troubles A look at life on both sides of the barriers dividing two warring communities.

 War & Conflict, Europe, Ireland

  Risking it all An action-packed series following people around the world who take extraordinary risks to earn a living.

  The System Award-winning filmmaker Joe Berlinger examines the state of the American criminal justice system.

  South Africa Up series We follow a group of young South Africans as they grow up through the country's dramatic political changes.

  AJEats Food tells us who we are, where we come from. AJEats visits Havana, Istanbul and Reykjavik to discover what food says about the cities’ past, present, and future.

  The Girls of the Taliban An insight into a girls' school in Afghanistan which imposes an even stricter interpretation of Islam than the Taliban.

 War & Conflict, Human Rights, Poverty & Development

  The Slum A six-part series exploring how residents of Manila’s Tondo slums survive and thrive against the odds.

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Counting the CostSamsung: Going up in flames Can one of the world's most popular consumer brands recover from a profit and trust crisis? Plus, Qatar's Boeing spree.

Business & Economy, Science & Technology, South Korea

WitnessISIL Deserters Speak Out ISIL deserters and the men who helped them escape from Syria reveal testimonies of life and death under the armed group.

Middle East, ISIS, Syria's Civil War

101 EastThe Orangutan WhispererCan orangutan expert Leif Cocks and special jungle schools in Sumatra help save the endangered species from extinction?

Environment, Wildlife, Indonesia


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