One thing we try particularly hard to do at Al Jazeera is to tell what we like to call the human story. That means telling you the stories of the people behind the news, those affected by world events and those all too often ignored.

That regularly takes us to places where other media organisations rarely go. A normal week could see us reporting live from the Central African Republic, going to meet the last cave dwellers of Palestine or visiting the beaches of Libya to talk to people before they cross the Mediterranean on the most dangerous journey of their lives.

Every week, our editors put together a newsletter that pulls together some of our best work. It gets you up to date with the stories the world is talking about and many more that it isn't. We also throw in a selection of documentaries, analysis and opinion pieces, features and - often - graphics and interactives to help you put the news in context.

Let us know how we can make it better by clicking here.

Al Jazeera English Team