Engaging youth to eradicate poverty and ensure sustainable production and consumption

Engaging youth to eradicate poverty and ensure sustainable consumption and production More than 73 million young people around the world are affected by unemployment. According to the World Youth Report, lack of decent jobs can impose long-term negativity on a young person’s ability to engage. The 2016 Human...

Equipping Bhutan to sustainably use genetic resources under Nagoya Protocol

To further enhance sustainable use of genetic resources in the country, UNDP Bhutan handed over equipment to Menjong Sorig Pharmaceuticals (MSP) under the Department of Traditional Medicine Services (DTMS), earlier today. The support is part of the Nagoya Protocol implementation’s Access Benefit Sharing...

Public Hearing mock sessions for parliamentarians

“A great contribution in the history of Bhutan’s parliament”, is what the National Assembly Secretary Sangay Duba described the workshop on public hearing as. The Secretary General’s statement resulted from the mock public hearing sessions whereby the parliamentarians got to experience—hands on—on what and...

Promoting inclusive decision making through public hearings

To engage members of parliament and parliamentary staff on conducting public hearings, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) started a two day workshop for the National Assembly and the National Council today. The two-day programme will provide insights into forms of public consultation, constitutional...

Innovative ecostoves to enhance energy efficiency in 5 districts

With months of testing and refining, the Department of Renewable Energy (DRE) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) now have the answer to Bhutan’s high—1.3 tonnes per capita, per year--fuelwood consumption—Bhutan Ecostoves.   “I designed the stoves contextualizing Bhutan’s tropology and the...

UNDP and relevant institutions working towards a holistic justice system in Bhutan

UNDP and relevant institutions working towards a holistic justice system in Bhutan 25 July, Thimphu: To map and integrate a justice sector plan for 12th Five Year Plan (FYP), the Office of Attorney General (OAG), Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law, the Supreme Court and the United Nations Development...

Bhutan to define biodiversity and climate investments and opportunities

18 July 2016, Thimphu: With a two-day workshop commencing Monday 18 July in Thimphu, Bhutan begins a three-year journey to determine how best to finance the nation’s rich biodiversity conservation and climate action. Bhutan joins 29 other nations in this effort as a member of the United Nations Development...

Taking sustainable livelihoods and climate resilience to the grassroots.

With the second stakeholder consultation underway, UNDP, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Royal Government of Bhutan are another step closer to enhance sustainability, climate resilience and community livelihoods in 37 gewogs across 12 dzongkhags in Bhutan. A total funding of 13.9 million (planned...