- published: 26 Sep 2016
- views: 1857
UBS AG is a Swiss global financial services company, incorporated in the Canton of Zurich, and co-headquartered in Zurich and Basel. The company provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services for private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide, and is generally considered to be a bulge bracket bank. In Switzerland, these services are also offered to retail clients. The name UBS was originally an abbreviation for the Union Bank of Switzerland, but it ceased to be a representational abbreviation after the bank's merger with Swiss Bank Corporation in 1998. The company traces its origins to 1856, when the earliest of its predecessor banks was founded.
UBS is considered the world's largest manager of private wealth assets, with over CHF2.2 trillion in invested assets, and remains a leading provider of retail banking and commercial banking services in Switzerland. In 2014, UBS' assets under management (AuM) amounted to US$1,966.9 billion, representing a 15.4% increase in AuM compared to the equivalent data of 2013.. It is the biggest bank in Switzerland, operating in more than 50 countries with about 60,000 employees around the world, as of 2014.
UBS CampusBreak – Wo liegt dieser Ort in Europa? (360°-Video)
Will politics trap growth? – UBS Investor Forum, October 2016
We are UBS
We are UBS
Why UBS?
UBS rogue trader: 'It could happen again' BBC News
Meet our graduates: Diana, UBS Investment Bank in London
GST Accounting with Sage UBS
Ubs Band - Sudah Ku Tahu
UBS Accounting Training Video
At this month’s UBS Investor Forum (https://www.ubs.com/investorforum), investors debated the dangers that political risks pose to markets. Participants this month largely agreed that political risks will continue to hamper economic expansion. But some noted that the pressures on most companies come from localized concerns. Europe, with its myriad of political events on the horizon, presents the largest cumulative risk, although the US election is the riskiest single event. In this monthly forum, the Chief Investment Office (CIO) invites thought leaders to debate the key topics affecting financial markets, and to challenge the UBS House View. Participants are sourced from UBS Investment Bank and Global Asset Management, as well as leading asset managers. By regularly gathering independent...
At UBS, we believe that the right strategy and a strong culture drive strong performance. The Three keys to success – our Pillars, Principles and Behaviors – epitomize the qualities that have enabled UBS to thrive since 1862. In this video, UBS senior leaders share their thoughts on why Three keys to success are personally important to them.
(Updated version of previously posted 2014 movie. The 2014 version can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CahE4xzUMYk) At UBS, we believe that the right strategy and a strong culture drive strong performance. The three keys to success – our Pillars, Principles and Behaviors – epitomize the qualities that have enabled UBS to thrive since 1862. In this video, UBS senior leaders share their thoughts on why three keys to success are personally important to them.
What is it like to be part of the UBS story? Hear some of our senior leaders – including UBS Group CEO Sergio Ermotti and UBS Chairman Axel Weber – share their experiences and the passion they have for UBS and our industry. Learn more under https://www.ubs.com/careers
The London trader who lost the Swiss bank UBS £1.4bn ($1.9bn) has apologised and said that banking has not done enough to regain the public's trust.In his first broadcast interview, Kweku Adoboli told the BBC that banking was still riven by conflicts of interest. He added that traders were pushed to make profits "no matter what". Please subscribe HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog Islamic State's 'Most Wanted' https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBX5GE4jXnF9bvF4C801cul3 World In Pictures https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBX37n4R0UGJN-TLiQOm7ZTP Big Hitters https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUME-LUrFkDwFmiEc3jwMXP Just Good News https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUsYo_P26cjihXLN-k3w246
UBS Graduate Training Programs (www.ubs.com/graduates) help prepare talented graduates for an engaging career at UBS and for employment within a target function. As a graduate at UBS, you'll experience a business- specific development pathway that includes on and off the job learning opportunities, as well as mentoring and networking opportunities. In this video, you'll experience a typical work day for Diana, a graduate in UBS Investment Bank Investor Client Services
How to setup a new company
Obrigado! Amo vcs😘
A Secretaria Municipal da Saúde criou o Desafio Mais Saúde na Cidade, uma ação que incentivou as unidades a criarem projetos para melhorar a qualidade desses serviços da capital. No final do ano as melhores iniciativas serão premiadas. E a UBS Real Parque, na zona Oeste da cidade, adotou um projeto para ampliar o acolhimento na unidade.
Sites webs/blogs, copiez cette vidéo avec le bouton "Intégrer" ! Si vous voulez télécharger, allez sur http://myreplay.tv/v/NhUIpMcy . Retour sur les 50 ans d'existence de la faculté de droit de l'Université de Bretagne-Sud (UBS) à Vannes. Pour exploitation TV, droits réservés, nous contacter sur http://wizdeo.com/s/banqueimages
Two of our UBSians went to Bulgaria for one semester with UBS Erasmus program sharing their best moments . #UBS #Erasmus #Bulgaria
Die schlimmste Finanzkrise seit 1929: Das Debakel im amerikanischen Immobilienmarkt brachte die Finanzwelt beinahe zum Zusammenbruch. Die internationalen Grossbanken mussten Milliarden an Verlusten einstecken. Am schlimmsten getroffen hat es die UBS mit 40 Milliarden Franken Abschreibungen. Wie war das möglich? Der Dokumentarfilm untersucht, wann und weshalb die UBS ihre verhängnisvollen Fehlentscheide fällte.
Dieser Film erzählt die fragwürdigen Methoden, mit denen die Bank zur Helfershelferin für Steuerbetrüger wurde. Dabei ruinierte sie ihren Ruf und geriet zeitweise an den Rand des Abgrunds. Bundespräsident Hans-Rudolf Merz erläutert, wie er den amerikanischen Druck erlebte. Alarmiert hatte ihn Urs Zulauf von der Bankenaufsicht im März 2008. Zulauf erzählt, wie Ende letzten Jahres der US-Druck gegen die UBS enorm stieg und wie dramatisch sich die Lage zuspitzte ohne dass die Öffentlichkeit davon wusste. Und obschon die amerikanische Nationalbank die anderen US-Behörden warnte, dass ein Zusammenbruch der UBS für das globale Finanzsystem fatal wäre. Der Film dokumentiert auch die Rolle des Kundenberaters Bradley Birkenfeld. Er zeigt anhand neuer Dokumente, wie Birkenfeld handelte. Und e...
Hektische Verhandlungen, aufgeweichtes Bankgeheimnis, Millionenbusse und ein umstrittener Kronzeuge - die UBS-Steueraffäre hat den Schweizer Finanzplatz nachhaltig verändert. Der Dokumentarfilm von Hansjürg Zumstein zeigt die Hintergründe des Falls. Wie konnte das passieren? Und was ist eigentlich genau geschehen? Dieser Frage ist der Fernsehjournalist Hansjürg Zumstein nachgegangen, unter anderem mit minutiösen Recherchen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Sein Film zeigt detailliert, wie die US-amerikanischen Steuerbehörden gezielt die UBS in die Mangel nahmen. Und er dokumentiert, dass noch eine andere Bank tief in die Affäre verstrickt war - und von den USA nicht belangt wird. Anhand von vertraulichen internen UBS-Papieren erläutert Zumstein die verhängnisvolle Geschäftskultur der UBS, die di...
Historische Arena-Sendung vom 17. Oktober 2008. // auf Schweizer-Deutsch \\ ******************************** ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### Angesagte Videos: Der globale Konzern-Faschismus: TTIP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf_KCqqLPyM Montagsdemo Berlin 21. April 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvMK0g4cRzE Die Lügen-Propaganda der Nato ( false flag ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQaaxerAwH0 Der Hartz 4 Faschismus im Gespräch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh_GS5jjuIA Grundeinkommen: Pfarrer Andreas Peter + Daniel Vasella http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3JTETWcqUI Grundeinkommen: Daniel Straub gegen Christoph Mörgeli http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUMH5pxCbu8 Schein-Invalide, Schwarze Schafe, Messerstecher, Schmarotzer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pd...
As one of the world's premier advisory and securities businesses, UBS Investment Bank provides clients with expert advice, innovative solutions, outstanding execution and comprehensive access to the world's capital markets. Whether our clients require investment banking, equities, fixed income or foreign exchange services, we have the global strength and industry experience to meet their needs. Every day, we use our intelligence, market insight and global coverage to help them to capture opportunities and manage risk. Investment Banking is not just for Finance majors. You can have an English major, a Mathematics major or even a Fine Arts major. The key driver to your success in a career path in investment banking is mainly given by your interest in the field of investment banking. In th...
Hello YouTube world just a quick video showcasing various gold pick ups and a quick chat about the rollacoster ride we have just had, hopeyou enjoy. Ssl
Dans ce LIVE BTLV Bob reçoit Stéphanie Gibaud…Depuis 2012 sa vie est un enfer…Elle attend d’être réhabilitée après avoir dénoncé les fraudes de son ancien employeur la banque UBS. Embauchée, en 1999, par UBS France comme directrice de la communication elle fut chargée en particulier d’organiser les événements de la banque en France, notamment à l'attention de clients et de ceux qui pourraient le devenir. A noter qu’UBS et une banque qui n'ouvre ses portes qu'aux personnes pesant plusieurs millions d'euros. De 1999 à 2008 elle occupe le poste de responsable du marketing chez UBS France. Et elle va révéler des faits qui vont conduire à la mise en examen d’UBS pour blanchiment et fraude fiscale. Stephanie Gibaud sera licenciée en février 2012 malgré un mandat de secrétaire du CHSCT à savoir ...
Join us into hresholds of moonless light
Xekonaphim paints your worshipped wheel of flames
Incendere Magi Hortus Rosarum
Black roses, laced with silver,
are now the ashes of Heximeth
The sten stars of Assiah wonders
why the meadows are torched
The holocaust of Atu brings down the pyre of Chokmah
Chokmah fills lust into the virgin stream (silent waters)
A Heximethian spirit looks below the edge of a cliff
...and watches the thieves of serpents
(worm of the eight-fold-star)
Join us into tresholds of moonless light
Xekonaphim paints your worshipped wheel of flames
Incedere Magi Hortus Rosarum
The sun of Tipareth's circle arouses the warlock and seed
Sephiroth plants your heart to grow his oak of VITRIOL
Sepher Yetzirah is the deepest root of Atu
the sun of Tiphareth's circle dances until it falls
Your lordship is the sixth sword
that triumphs teh jagged blade
Strike it downward to a rusty point
...and burn the earth as roses burn in the meadow
"Come forth, o serpent, and take your fill of poison"
I am above you and I am inside you
My fierce eroticism is in yours
"For he is ever a sun,
and for he is the winged secret flame"
I am the snake that kissed Gehenna's own worm
I giveth knowledge and delight to the ones
Black roses, laced with silver, are now the ashes of Heximeth