Donald Trump talks about sex in Howard Stern tapes

The Post story is based on six recordings of interviews Trump did on Stern's show between 2002 and 2013. Some of the ...
The Post story is based on six recordings of interviews Trump did on Stern's show between 2002 and 2013. Some of the recordings have been described in part in previous news reports. Evan Vucci
by David A. Fahrenthold

In 2004, as Donald Trump was preparing to be married for the third time, he went on The Howard Stern Show and told a story from the end of his first marriage. It was about the day in 1990 when Trump invited both his wife and his mistress to go skiing in Aspen at the same time.

"This is a story I've never told about that mountain, because it was sort of a horrible thing," Trump began, as Stern and co-host Robin Quivers egged him on. He said they were at a restaurant near the ski slopes. Lunchtime. Two thousand people eating lunch, in Trump's retelling.

"I'm standing there putting on my skis, and I'm with one or the other, I didn't know who," Trump said, meaning then-wife Ivana Trump or then-mistress Marla Maples, later Trump's second wife. "And the other one comes over, and they start screaming at each other. "I love him! I love him! Don't you understand! I love! And they're both screaming that I love them."

It's a story that has been told before by biographers, reporters and Ivana Trump herself. But this seems to be one of the rare times Trump himself told it in public. In his telling, but not the others, there was an important peripheral character: an obese man.

"And this big fat bald guy is standing next to me. Guy weighs like 325 pounds. And I'm standing there mortified. Everybody's looking, like a thousand people watching these two women screaming at each other," Trump said. "And this big fat guy is looking at me and he said, 'Mr. Trump, that's not the worst thing that could happen. I have never had a thing like that happen in my life.' And I see this guy and I think, 'You know, maybe this could be worse.' "

"You're a smart guy," Stern said. "What made you think you could get away with that?"

"Well, mountains are very big, Howard," Trump said.

A few moments later, abruptly, Stern shifts the conversation to the question of whether actress Lindsay Lohan - then 18 years old - is attractive.

"There's something there, right?" said Trump, who was then 58. "But you have to like freckles. I've seen a - you know, a close-up of her chest, and a lot of freckles. Are you into freckles?"

That conversation comes from one of six recordings, recently obtained by The Washington Post, of interviews Trump did on Stern's show between 2002 and 2013. Some of the recordings have been described in part in previous news reports.

The recordings follow the same pattern as previously released appearances by Trump on Stern's show. In these clips, the businessman brags about his sex life - both in the past and with third wife Melania. And he eagerly joins Stern in raunchy discussions about women's bodies and sex acts, and sits by as Stern quizzes his daughter Ivanka - then 25 - about her own sex life.

None of the clips contain language as lewd as the 2005 Access Hollywood tape first reported by The Post last week, in which Trump speaks explicitly about kissing and groping women.

In the past, Trump has said that his appearances on Stern's show were a kind of over-the-top entertainment act.

"I never anticipated running for office or being a politician, so I could have fun with Howard on the radio and everyone would love it. People do love it," Trump said in an interview with The Washington Post in April. "I could say whatever I wanted when I was an entrepreneur, a business guy."

CLIP #1: June 20, 2002

Trump, who owned the Miss Universe pageant at the time, is quizzed by Stern about the sexual preferences of the pageant's most recent winner.

"Does she want to have sex with me, Donald?" Stern says.

"I think so," Trump responds. "She says she was very attracted to you, Howard."

CLIP #2: December 14, 2004

This is the clip where Trump tells the story about the Aspen confrontation between his wife and his mistress. After the conversation shifts to Lohan, Stern and Trump talk about her troubled father - and the impact of his troubles on Lohan.

"Can you imagine the sex with this troubled [woman]?" Stern asks.

"You're probably right. She's probably deeply troubled, and therefore great in bed," Trump responds. "How come the deeply troubled women, you know, deeply, deeply troubled, they're always the best in bed?"

"You don't want to be with 'em for the long term," Trump says, concluding this thought. "But for the short term, there's nothing like it."

Soon after, Stern turns the conversation to Melania, who Trump was set to marry in a few weeks. Repeating a tactic described in a recent Politico piece, Stern builds Trump with flattery, then turns abruptly to ask him to surrender deeply personal information, including details about his soon-to-be wife.

"She must be good in bed, like I don't even know, if she's going to marry you," Stern says. "I mean, you could have any chick, so she must be doing tricks. God knows what she's doing."

"Well, she is good, and she's a good girl," Trump says.

Stern won't let it go at that.

"Favourite position with Melania, and then I'll let you go," he asks.

"Favourite position? Normal," Trump says. "I'm a very normal guy."

CLIP #3: February 27, 2006

In this interview, Trump is accompanied by daughter Ivanka and son Donald Trump Jr. Stern presses Ivanka, then 25, about her sex life.

"You didn't give into him sexually, I hope, you did not give into him sexually," Stern asks, referring to an ex-boyfriend of Ivanka's.

"Of course not, Howard," Ivanka says.

"You're still a virgin, I assume.

"Of course," Ivanka says.

"Donald, do you ever discuss sex with your daughter?"

"No," Trump says.

Later in the interview, Stern asks Ivanka for more details

"How many dates before you would make love to a guy?" he asks.

"You already established I was a virgin, Howard," she says.

"Well, what about Bingo, seriously? Did you wait a long time with Bingo?" Stern says, referencing a past boyfriend of Ivanka's.

"I'm not going to talk about that, Howard."

"Why, because your dad is here?"

"Yes, among other reasons," Ivanka Trump says.

"Actually, I don't want to know," her father says. "I don't want to hear it."

CLIP #4: April 12, 2010

Back to the Aspen story. Stern says that Trump had cheated in previous marriages. Trump playfully disputes that.

"First of all, did anyone ever say that I cheated?" Trump said.

"Well, I'm saying you did," Stern said.

What about the ski-resort story, Quivers asks.

"Yeah, but nobody ever said I really cheated," Trump says. "I guess they implied it. In fact, come to think of it, they implied it in the strongest of tones."

Stern returns to flattery, and Trump plays along.

"You have banged some of the greatest beauties on the planet. True," Stern says.

"That is true. Some of the greats in history," Trump says.

Stern wonders: What is the secret behind Trump's rare - apparently historic - success with women? "What is it about you? There's a lot of billionaires out there," Stern says.

"I honestly [think] it's because I'm a very handsome guy," Trump says. "Looks are very important."

CLIP #5: February 6, 2013

Trump and Stern discuss Trump's views on abortion - he says he's anti-abortion, with an exception for cases of rape - and same-sex marriage. Trump says he's against same-sex marriage, but "it's never been an argument that I've been, you know, that's been discussed with me very much", he says. "People know it's not my thing one way or another."

Later in their conversation, Trump speaks derogatorily of a fellow reality-TV star, Kim Kardashian.

"Does she have a good body? No," Trump says. "Does she have a fat ass? Absolutely."

CLIP #6: February 27, 2013

Trump and Stern discussed a Delaware contestant in the Miss Teen USA pageant who had recently withdrawn because she had appeared in an adult movie.

"She figured she'll do porn, she'll make some money," Trump says.

"Will you watch the porn? I'm going to see it," Stern responds.

"Will you call me and let me know how good it is?" Trump asks.

Later in the interview, Trump offers a blunt assessment of Pope Benedict XVI, who was about to resign his office.

"He should just give up and die. He looks so bad," Trump says.

The Washington Post