
30-Day money back guarantee on all plans.

Stock Filters
Powerful filters that allow you to narrow down a list of stocks based on your investment criteria – for example, growth or yield stocks. These filters include our own proprietary valuations and ‘health ratings’.

Company Insights
Each stock has a ‘company page’ which includes relevant historical financials, charting, company descriptions and insights from our analysts, and a variety of other information. You can also search for more company information in our ‘content hub’, where all reports written by our analysts are recorded.

Portfolio & Watchlist Tools
Unlimited number of portfolios or watchlists to track your stocks. This includes complimentary ‘stock alerts’ for companies that shift signficaintly in price, or whose valuation we revise.

Economy, Market & Sector Research
In addition to our bottom-up filters, you can also take a ‘top-down’ approach to identifying investments, based on our insights and forecasts of key economic indicators, our market valuation and forecast, and our sector valuations.

400+ ASX Stocks Valued (including future value projections)
For 400+ ASX stocks, we have current and forecast valuations based on our return on equity modelling. This includes identifying the additional value to Australian investors of franking credits, when comparing investments. For greater confidence, we also compare our historical and current valuations against consensus estimates.

Global Stock Coverage
Our product includes Global equity coverage, from up to 30 international indices. Individual stock valuations (and future value calculations) plus financial details for companies that cannot be valued.

Model Portfolios
Our members get exclusive access to two model portfolios (ASX and International) designed to assist with the difficult job of not only selecting stocks, but also to help to establish how much of your portfolio you might have invested at any time AND how much of an equity portfolio each stock might make up.

Phone Support
Our client advisers are available from 9-5pm on weekdays to answer any questions you may have about the system, by phone or email. We also have a range of webinars and support videos and documents to help you get the most out of the system.

Money Back Guarantee
We’re so confident you’ll enjoy our service, we offer a no questions asked 30-day money back guarantee.

Annual Payment Options
1 Year - ASX Coverage 3 Year - ASX Coverage

To purchase, you must have a trial account.
Click here to create a trial account

All prices listed are in $AUD and include GST