Why and How the GPU Murdered Leon Trotsky - WSWS online interviews with David North October 3 and 10

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Available from Mehring Books

The Frankfurt School, Postmodernism and the Politics of the Pseudo-Left: A Marxist Critique

By David North

The polemical essays in this volume examine the complex interaction between history, philosophy and politics. The author defends historical materialism against contemporary anti-Marxist philosophical tendencies related to the Frankfurt School and postmodernism.

Among the topics covered are the irrationalist assault on the traditions of the Enlightenment, the reactionary character of modern utopianism, and the importance of a historically-directed consciousness in the understanding of objective political reality. The book evaluates the work of such neo-utopian theoreticians as Hendrik de Man, Ernst Bloch, Wilhelm Reich, and Herbert Marcuse.

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The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

By David North

One hundred years after the outbreak of World War I and the Russian Revolution, none of the problems of the twentieth century—devastating wars, economic crises, social inequality, and the threat of dictatorship—have been solved. In fact, they are posed even more sharply today.

David North argues against contemporary historians who maintain that the dissolution of the USSR signaled the “end of history” (Fukuyama), or the “short twentieth century”(Hobsbawm).

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In Defense of Leon Trotsky

By David North

This work contains a devastating refutation of biographies of Trotsky published in recent years by three British historians: Ian Thatcher, Geoffrey Swain and Robert Service.

Through a marshaling of facts and detailed analysis, North explains that these works continue the campaign of historical falsification against Trotsky first initiated by the Stalinist bureaucracy in the 1920s.

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