- published: 11 Sep 2016
- views: 4409
CME - #Vee |חיים מאיר ערפס - #ווי |הקליפ הרשמי
NASA | Many Views of a Massive CME
Earth Facing CME "Possible Killshot" Double Coronal Mass Ejection
CME Coming, M7.7 Quake, WoW Lightning | S0 News Jul.30.2016
Limpeza dos Materiais no CME
Saúde do Adulto - CME Enfermagem Turma 101 UFMA
CME (Chaim Meir Erps) Rabi Nachman חיים מאיר ערפס - רבי נחמן
Importância da CME
Zespól CME - Prawda jedyna
ומי שזכה להיות אצלי על ראש השנה ראוי לו לשמוח מאד מאד... כל הענין שלי הוא רק ראש השנה!! אני לא אתן למניעות, אני לא אתן לבעיות, למנוע אותי מלהיות עם רבינו רבי נחמן אני לא אתן למניעות, אני לא אתן לבעיות, למנוע אותי מלהיות ראש השנה באומן! איפה? באומן! איך קוק נישט אויף קיין מניעות, צום רבי'ן וועל איך פארן, איך קוק נישט אויף קיין מניעות, זאל זיין וואס זיין! איך קוק נישט אויף קיין מניעות, צום רבי'ן וועל איך פארן, איך קוק נישט אויף קיין מניעות, ראש השנה אין אומן! ווי? אין אומן! Song Composed By: CME Lyrics By: Rabi Nachman & CME Produced, Music and Choir Arranged By: Avrumi Berko Vocals Recorded By: Moshe Krausz at MK Studios Guitars: Yoni Keysar Saxophone: Dor Asraf Mixed & Mastered By: Avrumy Berko
On July 23, 2012, a massive cloud of solar material erupted off the sun's right side, zooming out into space. It soon passed one of NASA's Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, or STEREO, spacecraft, which clocked the CME as traveling between 1,800 and 2,200 miles per second as it left the sun. This was the fastest CME ever observed by STEREO. Two other observatories – NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory and the joint European Space Agency/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory -- witnessed the eruption as well. The July 2012 CME didn't move toward Earth, but watching an unusually strong CME like this gives scientists an opportunity to observe how these events originate and travel through space. STEREO's unique viewpoint from the sides of the sun combined with the other two observatories...
After a double CME warning went out the other day from numerous sources concern is building over the possibility of a kill shot event. A large enough event could cause major disruptions and possibly take done the power grid for an unknown length of time. The best we can hope for are just minor disruptions in our electrical infrastructure but we should always prepare and be ready for a worse case scenario. Worse case scenario in my opinion is losing our power grid for up to twenty years. Share this around so others can have their plan in place for safe travel just in case. Thank you for your support and thanks for watching. Take Care. Stay At The Ready... Space Weather Link http://spaceweather.com/ Join Us At Bunker Report On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bunkerreport Wilderness ...
The Challenge: http://spaceweathernews.com/challenge http://www.Suspicious0bservers.org http://www.SpaceWeatherNews.com http://www.MagneticReversal.org http://www.ObservatoryProject.com http://www.EarthChanges.org Solar Alerts on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealS0s THE DISASTER PREDICTION APP: http://kck.st/1RO4K82 Good Videos/Articles: The Sun is Going to Sleep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7whL9jvdL5s Top 6 Climate Change Problems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ew05sRDAcU Pause on Pausing the Pause: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZH46p7MUlw Sun Series: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSoxioQtwZcJj_9clLz7Bggso7qg2PDj IPCC History: http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/selections-from-the-1st-ipcc-full-report-wg1/ Original music by NEMES1S WORLD WEATHER: TY WindMap: ...
o vídeo a seguir mostra o primeiro processo executado dentro de um CME (Limpeza dos Materiais).
Though it’s been not even three full months since singer/Badchen and composer Chaim Meir Erps a.k.a. CME released his debut single “Dus Lechtele,” he is back with more. This time the song is headed in a different direction. As a matter of fact it’s heading on a plane to Uman for Rosh Hashanah. The new single “Rabbi Nachman,” again was composed & features original lyrics by CME, plus phenomenal techno arrangements & choir by the amazingly talented Avrumi Berko. The holy Rabbi Nachman said himself, there is no bigger thing than being with me for Rosh Hashanah, and anyone who spends Rosh Hashanah in Uman, should be happy ALL year. People come from all over the world to spend their Yom tov davening in Uman, and on Motzei Yom Tov there is a joyous celebration. This song will not be released as ...
Come on
You can feel her coming, coming at you
She, she's staying on you
You know she's coming at you
To resist her seems impossible
You can't do it, no you can't do it, no you can't do it
Hey lady what you say
How about some fun today?
Is it yes? Is it no?
Whatever it is just let me know
Don't fake me out, out
Oh, you make me shout
Alligator woman, you don't care
You ignore my desires, it ain't fair
You just want to tease me and turn me on
I wish you would leave but I don't want to be alone, no
Hey, babe I love you so
You know I don't want to go
Even though you're real laid back
You're dressed in black
And your hair is laid back
Hey lady what you say
How about some fun today?
Is it yes? Is it no?
Whatever it is just let me know
Don't fake me out, out
Oh, you make me shout
Alligator woman, you don't care
You ignore my desires, it ain't fair
You just want to tease me and turn me on
I want you to go but I don't want to be alone, ho
You're a mess, I must confess
You make me hot, with what you've got
Your big behind, it makes me blind
Don't take me gross but you're the most
You're a mess, I must confess
You make me hot, with what you've got
Your big behind, it makes me blind
I must be gross
Aw girl, aw girl
Aw girl, aw girl
Alligator woman, you don't care
You ignore my desires, it ain't fair
You just want to tease me and turn me on
I don't want you to stay but I don't want to be alone, now
You're a mess, I must confess
You make me hot, with what you've got
Your big behind, it makes me blind
Don't take me gross but you're the most
You're a mess, I must confess
You make me hot, with what you've got
Your big behind, it makes me blind